Yay... the 2ww thread! come join in ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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I'm in the 2ww, either 1 or 2 DPO, with all bases covered :dance:
I have never looked forward to this more, which is mad but this is the first time I have ever been confident that I'm in it... so I guess a new thread for the 2ww waiters and the ups and downs :lol:
Looks like it for the moment! Hey at least when you get your :bfp: no one can upstage you! :lol:
I'm also waiting for my BFP! AF is 5 days late, was absolutely bursting to take a test when AF was only 1 day late and it was negative, too early really. Took another yesterday even though I promised myself I would wait until today...BFN! the wait is so hard! Every morning I rush to the bathroom to check AF hasn't turned up...so far so good! How long should I wait to take another...this POAS business is gonna get expensive! Good luck to you, I hope this is your month x
I'm in my TWW too :) 2 dpo, so impatient already lol!!


x x
I have got friends :lol:

Tiny, :test: again in a few days, it may be worth going to see ur GP one ur 1 week late if still :bfn:

I know the feeling Bountyboo, I keep wondering when I can start (realistically) symptom spotting as last time I never got any really symptoms as I wasn't looking for them... I just felt odd but put that down to other stuff going on at the time...
Thanks rowesb. I think I will now wait until Monday for AF and then go out and test again if it hasnt arrived. I suppose I should arrange to see my GP, either way, this isnt usual for me at all!

Good luck everyone...I hope this is your month!
I'm nearing the end of my 2WW although tbh I don't think I am pregnant - I think the dates might have been slightly off- I have no evidence of that one way or the other, I just can't see it happening this month for some reason...
I think that it the bit that scares me, was absolutely convinced it wasn't going to happen...
I'm not entirely convinced this time. but we did our best :lol:

Sounds like a good plan tiny

I'm still waiting for fertility friend to pin point ovualtion, but think it was wednesday
rowesb were you worried about being billy no mates :lol:

Glad you've got 2ww buddies :hug:
I was :mamafy: (sorry, couldn't resist, have always wanted to use that one :lol:)
well, FF still hasn't pin pointed an o date, but am 99% certain that it was wednesday so 3DPO or there aouts and no symptoms to speak of :(
Have over ridden ff as it wasn't gonna tell me, so on the latest that I could have O'ed am 3dpo (1 day behind 2nd ticker) so we shall see from there...
... have had a crampiness on my left side constantly since wednesday, think that it is just the :egg: moving down though...
Fx it's moving down to make its self nice and cosy for the next 9 months
god I hope so, it'ld make this xmas just about bearable...
I'm thinking that it is a good thing that I didn't really have a clue las time, I'ld be driving myself nuts waiting for the same symptoms :lol:
Hi Rowesb

I have joined you as you suggested, even though I haven't got a clue what everyone else is on about as everyone is using shortened words/text talk that I don't understand.

Can someone point out what BFN etc.. mean?

Donna xx

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