x---*October Testing Thread*---x 2 BFPs So far!!

I think so, sometimes frers don't even show up on af day

Frer didn't show up until couple of days after af due for me last time hun x
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How are we all today ladies? 4 dpo for me (I think), no signs or symptoms yet. I have 10 ICs that I'm trying verge hard to avoid until at least the end of this week!

Did my first OPK this morning. Let the crazy begin!!
5dpo today (I think). Man this 2ww drags. Hope everyone is well xx
This tww is dragging bella! I'll be 8dpo tomorrow, my sons 8th birthday too. Maybe it'll be lucky? I had my day 21 bloods done today to see if I'm ovulating. Keeping everything crossed I did!! I feel like I did because I'm having symptoms. My boobs have been achy for days, cramps and lower back ache. Last night I had sweats and slept terribly with constant vivid dreams. We'll see in a few days if it means anything. Probably not! Xx
Kumber iv still got sore boobs (which I only ever get the day at arrives) and weird taste in my mouth x

MrsS im keeping everything crossed for u x
I am having so many bad cramps. Still no bfp. Checked and I'm roughly 9/10dpo. Af due at weekend. Can't stand these pains.
I'm pretty sure i'm 7DPO.. I think I ovulated later this month as I had the flu during my usual fertile week and didn't get a positive opk until 4-5 days after I usually would... I'm hoping there's a lovely egg that's had more time to get fat & juicy! :)
These cramps now starting to feel like definite af cramps. Did a FRER this morning. Still bfn. I'll let you all know when the witch arrives. :cry:
Hi ladies...trying not to be crazy this month but can i join in? put me down for 19th?! Cd11 today and haven't even done an opk...I'll probably crack soon tho! Fingers crossed for us all! :)
Yay thank god it's October already, felt like it was never coming! Looking forward to lots of BFP's this month ladies, June would be a nice month for babies :) x
Hi ladies...trying not to be crazy this month but can i join in? put me down for 19th?! Cd11 today and haven't even done an opk...I'll probably crack soon tho! Fingers crossed for us all! :)

Updated to here...damn i just noticed a second ago i had 666 posts..

#IllumnatiConfirmed :lol::lol:

Welcome along Kaypee! :)
10DPO today.. lower back is killing and I just can't get warm even wrapped up I'm still shivering - probably just getting ill knowing my luck!! FX'd to everyone testing soon xx


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