Ordered an Ovusense so I have some motivation now for the next cycles :yeh:
Well, I've had a very odd day today. Tested first thing this morning and got a bfn :( but throughout the day had slight cramping which resulted in a gush of bright red blood (not a huge amount but noticeable) I'm now wondering if that would be implantation?! As every loo visit since there's been no blood and this isn't normally how my periods start. Hubs has done lots of reading (I don't think he wants to think it's over just yet) and has read that it can just be a gush like that 7-14 days after conception which sort of leads in with when my boobs started hurting like mad (would be 9 days from where the girls started going bonkers) what do you all think ladies?! False hope or a slight chance?! Boobs still sore, achey cramp like feelings, head aches feeling Generally off..... I'm confused as he'll as is hubs! Hugs to you all x
When is your af due Katie? Have you had more bleeding or just the gush?
BFN for me today, looked at my app and realised I am only 9DPO and thought I was 10DPO, going to test again on Tuesday x

May I be moved to 22nd, please? Either I'm ovulating late, I've missed it or it hasn't happened. This is day six of The Flashing Smiley Face of High Frustration. I'm hoping I've got super-fast ninja eggs that avoid detection, because this is the third month in a row with no static.

Good luck Katie and the Tuesday Testers (sounds ike the weirdest band ever)

Going mad, definitely :D
I had 13 days in a row of flashing smileys before my static, I was ready to loose the plot with the damn things lol x

Haha Katie and the Tuesday testers does sound like a band lol I love it!
CoolNoMore I'd listen to that band. Lol. Will move you right now :) fx for you.

Salley has created the December thread so ladies moving on to their remember get your dates in :)
AF was due Friday. BFN yesterday so just waiting for AF to arrive. Good luck to all the ladies waiting to test. Happy and healthy 9 months to those with their BFP!!
I had 13 days in a row of flashing smileys before my static, I was ready to loose the plot with the damn things lol x

Haha, how did you have the patience to keep testing?! I've not had a static smiley for three cycles now, so I might give up with the OPKs. Cycle length is pretty consistent at least. I'm supposed to go for the 21 day blood test this cycle - should I just guess when I ovulated, or wait until Dec do you think?
I was basically screaming every time it flashed at me lol but I was so stubborn I had to get that solid smiley! I got a positive on a cheapy the day before I got the solid smiley too! They really pissed me off! I would stick at the cheapies if I were you x

Morning girls, well i think im out. Bled on and off all day yesterday and its just getting heavier and darker today so i think the witch has me! boo!!!
The witch is playing games with me. 15DPO, BFN hcg, no signs or symptoms for anything.
This my first post here. CD1 was 20th October, today just 2DPO. I hope I am posting on the correct threat. 2ww goes so slow xx
My date for AF was supposed to be the 11th but seeing as I ovulated a week later than expected I guess my AF will be a week later as well. I am trying not to symptom spot this time as last month I had allsorts including nausea and tenderness and it turned out to be nothing so I am trying not to think about it too much this month!

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