Sorry Elsa, was really hoping this was the one for you!! Maybe it's like Salley said, if you don't think too hard about it, it will come eventually. Stress is a pain when ttc... Sending you loads of hugs!:hug:
AF has officially arrived! I'm so relieved. On to cycle 7 with my new OvuSense gadget. :)
Fresh cycle now ladies xx

I think we should just accept that we can't update this thread xx have messaged wobbles but she's obviously very busy xx
AF arrived bang on time! not surprised! We have decided to stop ttc for now and will try again june/july next year hopefully by then my body will behaving! last scan showed my womb lining is growing slowly but surely so its just a waiting game! Good luck to you all! xx
Day 9 dpo and no signs at all, anyone else still waiting to test??
Wishing all to the best to all who have moved onto a new cycle, I may be joining you soon xxx
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10 dpo and not a hint of anything, other than the traditional sore boobs. I deleted Ovia in another fit of rage (she's a bitch she's a bitch she's a bitch) so I keep forgetting that I should be calendar-watching. It's very refreshing!
I asked for the 13 but I think I ovulated late and I am now 9dpo, I am weak and I tested today obvious BFN. I have been having lost of creamy CM iuk
Sorry for all the one that the AF got them, horrible horrible witch
I didn't get a hint of a positive til 12dpo xx

Don't worry so early

OPK's were getting positive though!!
Hello ladies, not been on in a while so just catching up. I had a bfn at 12dpo so haven't tested since but today I'm officially 2 days late and tempted to test again. I feel like AF is going to appear at moment but if I make it to the shop before she does, I'll buy a cheap test x
Good luck Mrs Johnson,
Yesterday I had convinced myself I could be pregnant, today feels like AF is coming, due tomorrow so I'll just wait for now xx
Good grief, a BFP.

I'm in shock. OH is resentful that I woke him up to tell him (MEN! *huge eye roll*)

Three months ago OH started taking vitamin c, magnesium and zinc, so I suspect that played a big part. I ramped up my exercise about three months ago as well, and felt much less stressed if nothing else.

Good luck to the TWWers!
Hey congratulations!!! Lots of positives again in November after us unlucky ones. Delighted for yous. Here's hoping there will be a few more...

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