Worst Evening of my life, just back from A&E

Poor sweetie! But you know what, I really really dont think it can be a miscarriage if you only had a scan the day before. It really must be from the scan because apparently it just doesnt come out that fast with a mc. It takes quite a few days before the body starts to process and naturally 'eject'.

But i would keep on at your doctor for a referral anyway. Just say its bleeding more than it is until she gives you one. Wouldnt you feel ten times better if you had another scan?
You poor thing, it must have been an awful experience. Take it easy hun.

Nat, how awful for you. You must have been worried sick. Glad that it seems to be passing though.
Thank you all again ladies, bleeding seems to have stopped, only have some brown spotting now! My work have been great, I was going to go back today and they told me not to so I could have a long weekend to put my feet up and relax!
Ive still got a bit of discomfort, it almost feels like it's inside my vagina (sorry tmi) but I'm hoping it's just from the internal scan. Ive tried to get a docs appt anyway thus morning but there fully booked (big surprise) so ive asked for one of them to call me, going to see if I can get a scan or another blood test just to put my mind at absolute ease!

Gooseberry- sorry you had a rough time of it to, but it's great ( and very reassuring for me) that your LO is ok, what advice did they give you about the clot? Xx
hi natc i just thought id tell you what happened on my ds it happened on 3 occasions i had a gush of bright red blood and lots of it too but they scanned me and it turned out i had a sac of blood between my uterus wall and the baby so it would fill with blood then burst then refilled and burst i lost no clots though at all they put it down to bruising on my uterus..thankfully it only happened 3 times and he is a healthy happy 3 year old now :) please push for a scan because otherwise you will worry like mad xx good luck hun xx
Just reading this now - you poor thing, what a worry. Sounds as if things are improving though. Hope you can relax and am sure things will get back on track x
Aww hun what a nightmare :hug: Glad the bleeding has stopped. Defo make sure you have you're feet up all weekend and rest, rest, rest. x

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