7 hours in A&E later...


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Got up this morning feeling rotten with pain between my shoulder blades when I breathed in and out and some chest discomfort when I tried to get up or lean forward. DH came home from work at 10am and drove me to A&E seeing that I was in there on Saturday with shoulder pain and I work in A&E so best place to get checked out. Managed to walk to the reception desk then I collapsed and had to be wheeled into Resus and checked over. Had an ECG, lots of blood pressure checks and bloods taken, got checked over by a Dr and the Consultant as they were thinking it was a possible blood clot on my lung but were undecided and after further blood tests and obervations have decided its a case of muscular back and chest pain although unexplained as to how it has occured and the collapse was probably a mixture of pregnancy changes, hormones, anxiety and stress over a possible problem with the baby!

I have also been given an EPU scan appointment for Thursday just to put my mind at rest cos I went to the loo during my stay and when I wiped found a very small smear of brown but had nothing at all since so sorted an appointment just to reassure me and DH. Not had any abdo pain luckily and everything else appears okay but was very good to have a complete MOT and be looked after so well by the A&E staff who are also good friends!!!

Resting up and taking the rest of the week off seeing that we are going to Wales for a weekend for DS's 4th Birthday on Friday.
Glad you're ok hun and good luck for your scan :hug:
Glad to hear that it was not anything as serious as you thought it might be. Good luck for Thurs hon xxx
Aw must have very traumatic! Glad your ok though, let us know how you get on with your scan Hun xx
Glad everything's ok, and I hope your scan goes well on Thursday :hug:
hope everything ok hun

i had this the other month, but it was a blood clot...not nice.

hope you make a speedy recovery xx
Awe that must gave been scary glad to hear your ok now and you have a scan for reasurence Hun relax them feet up x x x
Oh phew so glad your ok now, was a bit of a worry for you both , glad you have a scan for peace of mind too, take it easy for a bit X
good luck hun hope all goes well with your scan thurs i am sure you will be fine

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