Worried :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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just got up and gone to the toilet like you do first thing and when i wiped there was some very dark red blood on the tissues, a fair amount like i would say the size of a digestive biscuit (strange comparison i know couldnt think what else to compare the size to)
It was only there for one wipe i have back ache a little this morning and some very very slight cramps, i'm just worried maybe somethings not right, has anyone else had this?

Hi Hun I've only had the brown, surely it has to be a good sign that it was only there for one wipe.
if I was you I'd contact your doctor or epu like you've seen on here plenty of women have bleeds although I do know how worried you are.
Put your feet up today don't get doing anything strenuous

Thinking of you Hun xxx

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yeah i didnt know whether just to see if i get any more or just ring epu anyway. thanks for ur reply hun and yeah i have seen a lot of women have this, i would say it was a dark reddy browny colour didnt have anything like this in my 1st pregnancy but then i guess every preg is different xx
I would just give the epu a ring and ask them there advice it might put your mind at rest, hope no more comes let us know how you get on today xxxx
well i just rung the midwife led unit and she was really nice and said this kind of thing usually happens but to ring epu at 9 and have a chat with them and they might get me in for an early scan to make sure baby is still there and put my mind at rest so i will keep u all posted on how i get on. thanks so much ladies, its fab to be on here and get the support we all do in times like this xxxxx
How many wks are you? Hopefully you will get a scan and all will be fine xxxx
5 weeks today so only very early, just been to the loo again and still spotting altho nothing major like first thing, think i am deffo gonna ring epu and have a chat just hope its nothing fx xx
Good luck Hun hope they get you a scan, I'll be thinking of you today xxx
cheers sue i hope so too, think u just cant help but worry when this sort of thing happens xx
oh so sorry to read this deedee, cant imagine how your feeling, well i can but really dont want to.
really pray all is ok for you.
spotting really can mean nothing - i hope so for you.
much love and hugs. xxxxxxxx
Aw hun I hope all is ok for u, let us know more once you have spoken to som one and try not to worry xx
thanks everyone, trying not to worry, only ten minutes to go until i can ring epu and mum said she can take me if they want me to go through! dont know if uti's can cause bleeding as my wee does feel a little bit burny today :/ god knows, i'll see what the guys at epu advise and let u all know how i get on! xxxxx
well just spoke to a really lovely lady at EPU she said to really just keep an eye on things over the next few days as it really could just be nothing (and tbh theres just about nothing there when i wipe now phew!) but if it carries on they can get me in for an early scan next week and she said if i get any pain or heavy bleeding just to go straight thru t a&e. must say i feel a little bit better for speaking to them as she doesnt seem concerned think its just me panicking as this never happened in my 1st pregnancy so its all new to me! think i'm just gonna take it easy today and have a lazy day :) xx
Hope it all goes well deedee and hope your LO is ok. Relax and take it easy.

I had bleeding at 5 weeks too and was very worried. Mine turned out to be nothing to worry about and hope you're the same.
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thanks manda, i feel ok now after speaking with epu she doesnt seem concerned so i'm not! going to put my faith in the health professionals i think lol. hopefully i wont have nothing more today fx xx

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