*** Working Mum's Support thread ***

Nat, did it take some time getting to the interchangeable mummy and daddy? Jess is really good with her daddy, but sometimes she just wants me. Wed morning was a good example of this. Its not through lack of time and trying on daddy's end, but I suspect she might just need to be a bit older?

It will mostly have to be DH "working from home" when she's ill or my mum coming if its not one of her work days. I really can't get out of a work day unless something is really wrong like needing to take her to hospital. Wish it were different!

James has always been a bit of a Daddy's boy but OH had him for about 10 weeks when I went back to work so was primary carer and I think that just made it easier to leave him when he was off colour? If that makes sense. He was with Daddy anyway and had got used to that?

I have strict end of month deadlines so for me is depends when James is ill. I have tried to be as reliable as I can and other than a few days I have managed to get through the first 6 months.

It's bloody hard though. Hopefully J will be feeling much better soon and of course it's the weekend so you can have lots of cuddles.

Not stuck my head in here for ages! Hope all the working mummies are ok!

Flisstebbs, my LO is the same as Carnat's James, to him OH and I are pretty interchangable. I work some weekends and OH doesn't. I went back to work when LO was six months old so LO and OH always have some time together since LO was young. To be fair, my OH has always been hands on with our son even when I was on mat leave which I also think has helped. I like it and I'm glad LO isn't clingy but at the same time I do worry that he likes his dad more than me. He's always so happy and excited to see his daddy.

James is like a bloody puppy waiting for Daddy to get in and follows him around like a shadow. He is also mad about my sister (who looks after him in the week) and cries when he leaves aunties house. Muggins who does all the donkey work barely gets a cuddle these days.

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Carnat my LO is the same. When I get him out his bed the first thing he does is crawl off into our room, laughing and joking to get his daddy out of bed. If OH has already gone to work by this point, he will ask where's dadda?! OH assures me LO is the same about me when I'm not there and OH reckons LO will always go to me when he's upset. I just feel rotten but I'm also glad he loves his dad so much!
Im in the fulltime club now, and i am knackered.

Thank heavens its Friday!

Have a good one everyone :)

Not back at work until Tuesday. Only worked three days in the last three weeks. My mum anr dad normally have Cam while I'm working but they are on hols so no childcare hence nk work. I'm looking after one of their dogs too and I've got to be honest, after nrealy three weeks of four dogs and a toddler, I'm quite looking foward to going back to work and having some semblence of normality back!

Well this week chicken pox hit our house! Never a dull moment! Max was with my mum on Monday and when I picked him up she said she'd noticed a couple of spots behind his ears and by wednesday he was covered. Luckily where I work for myself I've been at home with him for most of the week as he's just wanted me and he's been struggling to sleep where they are sore so I'm pretty shattered. On the down side it means work is stacking up so I'm nipping back to the office in the evenings to try and catch up. Hope you're all having a good week xxx
Urg rubbish news, Taffy! When Jess turns one, if she has dodged chicken pox, she's getting vaccinated! There are plenty of private clinics that will do it round here. Can't believe we are so backward here not to do it, USA and Australia do it...
Poor Max. Hope he is doing OK.

Have you had it Taffy? Obviously being preggers it's a worry.

I have never had it :shock: I do have natural immunity though.

James' cousins all had it (my sister looks after him) and he avoided it so am hoping he has a bit of immunity too.

Thank Crunchie it's Friday hey? This week has been so long (mainly as I have been up at 5am most days!)

No plans for the weekend yet, hoping James will let Mummy have lay-in, I can dream :lol: :lol:

Got the OK at my dating scan so need to tell work and think about maternity leave again. Am I mad to think I'll last to 38w? I worked until 37w with James but could have easily done another week. I think I'll play it by ear for the time being.

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Firstly huge congrats on your dating scan Nat :)

Yeah I had chicken pox when I was at primary school thankfully. I'm quite relieved he's had it now out the way and before I have a newborn in the house!

I am very pleased it's Friday, am managing a day in the office today to get on top of everything and OH has said he might take Max to a local air show for a couple of hours Sunday with his dad which means I'll get the day to chill, much needed at the moment!

Hope you all have a good Friday xxx
Well I officially joined you today!! First day back! Doing 4 days a week. Today has been good - loved seeing everyone and getting a hot cuppa in piece! And Rosie got on very well with her first full day of nursery! Think it all still seems a bit novel and think it will maybe hit home next week.

Can I ask mums that have kids in nursery - our nursery gives lunch at 11:30 and 'tea' at 3:30. What do you give your lo when you bet home? Still do tea for them?

Nursery told me Rosie ate quiet well both meals so when I got home I just have her a big yoghurt and fruit pot. Hope that'll be enough xx
I am literally on my knees with one week to go until the summer holidays! The pressure is really on as were expecting ofsted and I have nothing left to give, I've had a sore throat and my energy levels have never been so low! X
Well I officially joined you today!! First day back! Doing 4 days a week. Today has been good - loved seeing everyone and getting a hot cuppa in piece! And Rosie got on very well with her first full day of nursery! Think it all still seems a bit novel and think it will maybe hit home next week.

Can I ask mums that have kids in nursery - our nursery gives lunch at 11:30 and 'tea' at 3:30. What do you give your lo when you bet home? Still do tea for them?

Nursery told me Rosie ate quiet well both meals so when I got home I just have her a big yoghurt and fruit pot. Hope that'll be enough xx

Hi Hun, Harry's nursery is the same with mealtimes. He generally had a banana and some quavers around 5 when I pick him up! X
Welcome to working mums Hun! Glad it went well for both you and Rosie.
Yoghurt sounds perfect or I make B a banana milkshake as I figure it'll fill him up! X
Our nursery is the same. I give M some toast and jam of maybe a boiled egg and toast :) x
Well I officially joined you today!! First day back! Doing 4 days a week. Today has been good - loved seeing everyone and getting a hot cuppa in piece! And Rosie got on very well with her first full day of nursery! Think it all still seems a bit novel and think it will maybe hit home next week.

Can I ask mums that have kids in nursery - our nursery gives lunch at 11:30 and 'tea' at 3:30. What do you give your lo when you bet home? Still do tea for them?

Nursery told me Rosie ate quiet well both meals so when I got home I just have her a big yoghurt and fruit pot. Hope that'll be enough xx

Hi Holi,
Welcome to working mums!
My LO tends to get her lunch between 11.30 and 12 and dinner at 4.30pm at nursery, so I follow their pattern. I've also followed their bottle/nap schedule as much as I can, as she's there 3 days per week and I want to try and keep it all as continuous as possible.
2 months into it, and I've loved watching how much my LG has come on developmentally, and how well she socialises with other kids. Apart from the rotten bugs all the time, its perfect!
Thanks forte advice for the tea thing! Rosie will be in nursery 3 days a week so I'm really hoping she settles in nicely and is happy there, if she wasn't a I honestly think I would leave work!

I've found it quiet irritating that my oh hasn't really been very supportive or understanding when I've said how upset I have been about leaving her. His attitude is 'well I went back to work after a week' xx
Violet is at nursery 2 days and hasn't been drinking or eating much whilst at nursery. I've been trying to give her food on a night in an attempt to top her up a bit. I'm getting some resistance from the OH re BLW now and to be fair, there's not much being eaten apart from Weetabix and yoghurt (ie the spoon fed stuff). Most other things get chucked on the floor. Feeling stressed at work and not enjoying it much. Doesn't help that some members of my team are having a dig about me not bring on call. I asked to be taken off when I was getting stressed about being called about issues I couldn't fix and didn't feel I had the support from my other colleagues.Fortunately my boss is quite supportive. It's only the money keeping me going at the moment. xxx
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What a day I've had. I actually love work and what I do but today has totally pushed me and it's all down to one person!
I got so wound up with him and his comments to me I was shaking in rage. How dare someone make me feel like that though!
I've calmed down since and decided I won't let one person ruin the enjoyment I have at work and my last few weeks at work.

It's days like today though that make me not want to return to work after baby number 2! x
Hope you ladies don't mind me joining. I'm a way away from my maternity ending (End March 15) but I'm reluctantly considering putting Max in nursery 2 days a week when I go back. Thinking of asking work if they'll have me back just 2 days a week as my cover is willing to do a job share with me if they'll go for it. Plus want to try freelance a bit on the side and start a small crafty business.

Think it may be good for Max to go in nursery for one or two days either way for social interaction reasons. But I still want to be at home with him most of the week. Can't bare the thought of going back to work, it would be great if I could get by on freelance and my business I'm planning.
It's one of those things TimTam, the thought is a lot worse than the reality?

Obviously when baby is ill / teething / not sleeping then life is tough and it involves a lot of juggling [and a lot of guilt :shock:] but I would say - for me at least - when it works it works just fine!

James was 13.5 months when I left him with OH for 10 weeks and then he went to my sister. So I did a kind of "staggered" leaving the baby and obviously I've never actually left him with a stranger / in a strange environment so maybe I am cheating a bit??

My sister has a little one (plus two boys older than James) so she does lots of groups and I would honestly say that James has a better time with her. She has Mummy friends and goes out everyday so James mixes with other kids and he is thriving.

I know a lot of ladies that have gone down the nursery route will tell you how positive it has been for their little one?

By the time I came back to work both me and James were antsy. I adored spending all my time with him but by that point we needed a bit more than just each other?

Thanks Nat, all makes sense :) I'm off to a nursery open day tomorrow to have a look x

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