*** Working Mum's Support thread ***

Hi everyone..
Crossing over from Tri3 for some advice, hope you don't mind.

I'm almost 30wks, planning on stopping work at 38 weeks for 10 weeks then back to full time.
OH will stay home full time and look after baby

Beginning to get a bit nervous now about it. Does anyone have any personal experience they would be willing to share similar stories? I would love to stay home longer however financially it's just not viable.
Hope someone will be able to help/offer advice x

Crikey :shock:, that's a lot of pressure on you. But I guess if your OH is going to be stay at home dad it should work. I know some men who are fab at this. My DH wouldn't cope at all.

At Nat says, you would struggle to ct to bf at this point, if you are planning to bottle feed though I guess that isn't an issue. You'll have to make sure OH's down with the nights from very early on too, make sure its not you doing it all until you go back. I went back a month ago when LO was 6 months and we did a gradual reducing Mummy being there all the time with the help of DH and my mum.
Hi everyone..
Crossing over from Tri3 for some advice, hope you don't mind.

I'm almost 30wks, planning on stopping work at 38 weeks for 10 weeks then back to full time.
OH will stay home full time and look after baby

Beginning to get a bit nervous now about it. Does anyone have any personal experience they would be willing to share similar stories? I would love to stay home longer however financially it's just not viable.
Hope someone will be able to help/offer advice x

Hi Weezy,

Thought I'd jump in- I own a large dance school, and went back to work when my little girl was 5 weeks. I was fortunate that my unusual hours meant childcare wasn't too much of an issue, as, working after school hours meant that hubby took over after work.

I stopped teaching at 38weeks. Little lady was induced, at 12 days overdue, and a difficult delivery meant we were both in hospital for a further 5 days, so didn't get the best start. But, I breastfed exclusively for 9 months, with her taking expressed milk while I was working. It was bloody har d work, and the cycle of feeding, expressing, working was exhausting, but it can be done!

I often felt terribly guilty about it (still do now, and she is 17months old!), but I and confident it has had no adverse effect on her. And a huge plus is the amazing relationship she has with daddy, as our parenting really is equal.the only downsides were for me, really- guilt, exhaustion, losing my sense of self. But as far as little lady in concerned , which is all that really matters to me, then everything is perfect.

Good luck, whatever you decide. X
First day of my new job today! Typically Spencer isn't well and has been crying most of the morning while trying to poo!

It's weird, I have two other jobs which are at night so I'm used to leaving him, but this daytime job, I'm really really struggling with the thought ofjleaving him :-(
First day of my new job today! Typically Spencer isn't well and has been crying most of the morning while trying to poo!

It's weird, I have two other jobs which are at night so I'm used to leaving him, but this daytime job, I'm really really struggling with the thought ofjleaving him :-(

Wowser, how many jobs do you have???

First day of my new job today! Typically Spencer isn't well and has been crying most of the morning while trying to poo!

It's weird, I have two other jobs which are at night so I'm used to leaving him, but this daytime job, I'm really really struggling with the thought ofjleaving him :-(

Wowser, how many jobs do you have???

Lol this is my third! Hard making ends meet these days!

My other two I usually start after he's gone to bed anyway so it's not as hard leaving him
I am sooooo sick of work. T has become very difficult when I have to leave lately and my mummy guilt is telling me its because I haven't spent much time with her lately. I've been working 5 days and had a series of hen do's/other things I can't really get out of at the weekend. we haven't had any quality 1-2-1 time for ages :(

3 tickets on lotto tonight :) Anyone with me?
I start a new job on Monday.
I have been off for 1 year and 2 weeks, I left my job as they wouldn't agree to part time hours and it's 1 hour each way to get there. My husband has a great job and I havnt had any pay since march and we have managed ok, would be nice to have my 'own' money .. If you know what I mean :-)

I'm nervous but excited, I'm going to be working 2 days a week - Monday and Tuesday 9.30am till 5pm
It's going to b nice having some adult time but I am gonna to miss Olly terribly. I have only been away from him for 4hrs max during the day. He has stayed out at mam and dads once but I couldn't sleep thinking about him.
It's a whole new job so I'm going to be busy learning the ropes but I'm hoping I enjoy it.

Wish me luck :-)

Good luck queenriccy. It is nice having adult time back. I work 3 long days (12-13hrs), which is tough not seeing LO at all those days, but they go so fast I don't have much time to miss her too badly. She's come on leaps and bounds since starting nursery and loves it by all accounts. I'm happier back at work than I was on mat leave despite it being really tough some days when there's no sleep!
Best of luck in your new job!

I have a week away from work, thankfully - we fly off for our first family holiday tomorrow.

I am with you on the lotto win (drat - I didn't bloody do it today!)

Well my first day went well! Missed little man like crazy but I'm sure it will get better???
Well my first day went well! Missed little man like crazy but I'm sure it will get better???

It does get easier - I hated my first week and was really upset. I'm 5 weeks in now and it's starting to just be routine. I still miss my maternity leave days. I find it easier not to talk about lo too much at work as when I do I find I start missing him so much more. xxx
We had the worst night ever last night. Olly went to a bday party at soft play yesterday and within an hour of getting home he was full of snots and sneezing. Great !!
Me and hubby were at a wedding do last night and mam was sitting him, we both knew we were going to have a difficult night so only had a few drinks and came home at 10.30 pm. We were up allll night. And I start work tomorrow, I really don't want to leave him if he is like this. Why oh why !!!
I'm really struggling with work at the moment. The planning, marking, assessing and writing reports is all a bit too much at the moment and I just don't feel like I'm doing a good enough job! I get home at 5:30, spend an hour with Harry before bedtime then it's back to the schoolwork until midnight most nights! I don't have much left to give and my house is a tip!! X
I only work part time and my house is a tip so no excuses for me, I just don't know where the time goes. I got home at 6.45 and saw lo for 1/2hr (bath and boobie), then cleaned upstairs, cooked dinner and now just sat down whilst hubby washes up. I so miss my mat leave days :-(
Hi ladies not been on here for ages but would love to join this thread. My boys are 3.5 years and 9 months. I've been back full time for two weeks now, including a one hour drive each way. I'm a special needs co ordinator in an infant school but joining with our juniors and ill be doing the job across the new primary. It's stressful. I'm coping just about. My husband is fab. I've just had to be super super organised.
Hi everyone :)
So last night I finished at 10pm, walked home, had dinner, ironed hubby's shirt for work the next day, then managed in to bed about 23.20pm and Spencer got up at 4.45am.... For the day! Urgh!!!!

On the plus side I spent every second of today cleaning and my house is looking very sparkly!
Hello ladies! Hope you are all ok. I'm into my third week and Vi is settling in ok at nursery but has had a cold with bad catarrh for the last couple of weeks. Her milk intake has suffered a bit. I knackered. I'm aiming for 8 hours a day for 4 days but as long as I do 7 hours I'm meeting my work obligation. By the time I've got home got tea out of the way and Vi ready for bed it's at least 10:00pm at the earliest an that's before I'veade a dent on any washing, cleaning and tidying up. I'm sick of my house being a tip already. :( xxx
I'm so lucky that Cam naps so well. He still generally has 1-3 hours per day so I crack on with the chores then or I give him a duster and he 'helps' me.

I'm not sure how I would manage if I worked full time though. Big admiration for the ft working mummies!

I'm so lucky that Cam naps so well. He still generally has 1-3 hours per day so I crack on with the chores then or I give him a duster and he 'helps' me.

I'm not sure how I would manage if I worked full time though. Big admiration for the ft working mummies!


Harry still had a 2 hour nap aswell Hun, long may it continue! I decided today after a week of writing reports on around 5 hours sleep per night that something has to give! I can't keep this up :-( x
There are some very hard working mummies here. I'm struggling along with a coldy baby, a husband with man flu and trying to squeeze full time into 3 days and do a weekend shift so we can have some money to do occasional fun stuff not just pay bills. Anyone else feel amazed that your money just vanishes every month and you never feel like you have much to show?????

Just wish lo would start to sleep a bit better. Life would def be better with more than 3 or 4 hours per night...
Goodnight ladies, I'm so rock n roll on a Friday :nap:

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