*** Working Mum's Support thread ***

Long 13 hour shift with an hours commute each way.
Is it bed time yet x
I think we're all struggling just now! I certainly am. Big hugs to everyone x
I used to love this time of year when it was light all the time, now I can't wait for it to start getting darker so it MIGHT mean more sleep!! Pah, bet they wake up just as much in the dark and winter....

Big hugs to everyone doing hard days and shifts.

I have started operation "get some sleep", with no more early hours co-sleeping, and a little bit of "whinge it out" as opposed to CIO. Refuse to let my baby cry in her cot but I have realised there is a whole level leading up to that and if I leave her she is more often than not just going off on her own after a 10min whinge.
I feel for you ladies not getting sleep.
Im lucky keira goes down around 7 sometimes 630 and will go through for a good 12 hours
Sleeo deprivation is worst I do recommend napping if lo naps x
Back to work tomorrow after a week away and I am bereft (OK maybe that is a bit strong but you get the drift)

I don't want to leave my baby :shock:

In a small week he has learnt a load of new words, and its been amazing spending all my time with him - and Daddy.

Wish I could win the bloody lottery.

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I'm having a really hard time just now :wall2:

Constant midnight finishes, Spencer has Slapped Cheek Syndrome and hasn't slept for a week and then getting up ridiculously early.

I feel like I'm running on empty. And when I am home I have absolutely no energy to take Spencer out or go visit people!
How was your holiday carnet ?


Holiday was fab, just what we all needed. The travel was a bit of a nightmare but the actual trip was lovely. James was an angle for 90% of the time and loved the water.. he would spend an hour in the pool and then sleep for 3 hours :lol: I actually managed to get a tan and read a book LOL.

I'm having a really hard time just now :wall2:

Constant midnight finishes, Spencer has Slapped Cheek Syndrome and hasn't slept for a week and then getting up ridiculously early.

I feel like I'm running on empty. And when I am home I have absolutely no energy to take Spencer out or go visit people!

Sounds like you are having a tough time hun. Do not feel guilty about not taking Spencer out or visiting people? You do enough already.

James is at the age where he needs to go out everyday now, to burn off some energy but if he is restless and it's a nice day I get him a basin of water and his bath toys and stick him outside.

Do you have any time off due? Any leave coming up? Sounds like you could do with a little time to recharge the batteries.

Thanks God it's payday today - first time ever I was overdrawn this month - to be expected with the holiday I suppose.

I need to be debt free within the next 6 months though and am struggling to clear the credit card!

Ill be joining this thread soon :( due back 15th july, im going back 3 full days a week rather than 5 for the time being and im dreading it so much :( max is going to family thank god but still going to be another hour on my day dropping him off, picking him up etc, hardly going to see him!! hard :( xxx
I'm having a really hard time just now :wall2:

Constant midnight finishes, Spencer has Slapped Cheek Syndrome and hasn't slept for a week and then getting up ridiculously early.

I feel like I'm running on empty. And when I am home I have absolutely no energy to take Spencer out or go visit people!

That sounds horrendous. I had a horrible one last week that looked a bit like this. All these things pass but it feels like its killing you sometimes....

I had a horrible day today :wall2: As I'm self employed, I was paying someone to do my job for 6 months, and its like they did nothing!!! 6 weeks back in and I'm still clearing up the mess they left....
That is shocking Fliss, I assume there is nothing you can do? (in terms of person you employed not fulfilling their contract of employment?)

James has a bit of a cold but should be fine to go to my sisters.

This seems like such a silly thing to be bothered about but last week every day when I collected James he screamed when I put him in the pram to bring him home. He didn't want to come home :shock:

I should be glad that he is so settled and comfortable with my sister?

He beams when I turn up but when I try to get him ready to leave he just says "no, no, no" and I have to force him in the pram.

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Nothing I can do, she did literally just enough to get by, so difficult for me to make a fuss, but to do the job well, you have to give a damn about people, and clearly that is what was lacking: going that extra cm that makes the difference.

Sorry to hear about James. Jess seems to have had a cough and cold since starting nursery but thankfully nit coming to much. I wouldn't worry about the leaving your sister thing. I'm pretty sure it will be nothing to do with how much he loves you, just probably a bit tired at the end of a long day. I hear from friends that once they learn the word no, that's all they say for a bit!
A had two weeks off (so actually only 4 days of nursery missed) while he had chicken pox, and went back last week - he loves nursery, but both days last week he just clung on to me when I had to drop him off :( Felt like such a mean mummy leaving him even though I know once he got playing he'd have been fine :(

Got a three day week this week and I'm dreading it - I'm knackered already (this morning I was so kind and took A downstairs at 6am leaving my OH to sleep for another 2.5 hrs - did I get a word of thanks? Not bloody likely :wall2: ).
Ugh it's that time on a Sunday when I start to dread tomorrow with a sick ache in my tummy! I've had such a lovely few days with Enid, she's been so good and such fun to be with I don't want to take her to nursery in the morning and be miserable for 9 hours. #moan
I second that NavyLouise! I've had 4 weeks off after having my vocal chords operated on and now have Sunday night feeling!! Back tomorrow, although I am being broken in gently with a trip to Cadbury's World (although trips are very stressful having to look after lots of other people's children in a public space!!)
This weeks a struggle knowing I have 2 weeks off from sunday z
Sorry to hear about Sunday nights, ladies.

I've had a really poorly baba all week with temp of 40. Nothing other than virus, but she's really miserable and not sleeping longer than 45mins at a time :shock:. I have to go to work still, DH stays at home in this scenario, but it was the hardest thing I've ever done leaving her to go in this morning. I cried all the way to work.

I've been so positive so far, and I think Jess has enjoyed nursery and I've enjoyed being back at work, but today was tough.
When they are ill it all falls to pieces hey?

I am similar - OH stays at home with James if he is ill as it's easier for him to take time off. Although of course if he is proper poorly then I would dump work in an instant!

So far we've just had a few viruses and a one sickness bug (he has stopped being sick when I left him) so we've been OK.

I dread the cold and flu season though, there is nothing worse than having to leave your poorly child.

On the upside they won't remember and as long as they are getting plenty of love and attention from Daddy they are fine. I am actually quite proud of the fact Me and OH are interchangeable to James and he is happy with Mummy or Daddy when poorly

Nat, did it take some time getting to the interchangeable mummy and daddy? Jess is really good with her daddy, but sometimes she just wants me. Wed morning was a good example of this. Its not through lack of time and trying on daddy's end, but I suspect she might just need to be a bit older?

It will mostly have to be DH "working from home" when she's ill or my mum coming if its not one of her work days. I really can't get out of a work day unless something is really wrong like needing to take her to hospital. Wish it were different!
Not stuck my head in here for ages! Hope all the working mummies are ok!

Flisstebbs, my LO is the same as Carnat's James, to him OH and I are pretty interchangable. I work some weekends and OH doesn't. I went back to work when LO was six months old so LO and OH always have some time together since LO was young. To be fair, my OH has always been hands on with our son even when I was on mat leave which I also think has helped. I like it and I'm glad LO isn't clingy but at the same time I do worry that he likes his dad more than me. He's always so happy and excited to see his daddy.

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