*** Working Mum's Support thread ***

I agree with Nat. The thought is worse than the reality.

Madison is in nursery full time (half day Friday) and it's the best decision I've made for her. She is thriving at nursery and has come on massively since she started. It is costly but more than worth it to see her develop so much.

I enjoy my time away from being mummy and i have no doubt she has a great time at nursery. Lots of different things to do to stimulate her etc

If you do go for a nursery have a look at a few as they are all different :) x
Back to work today after 2 weeks off...meh x
I agree with mrswoody regarding the development!

Rosie was such a lazy baby - only crawled at 11.5months and would just happily sit and play. Now after just a week at nursery (3 full days) I can already see a difference! She's charging about the place, pulling herself up on things, overall just seems more confident!

Mind you it's making my life harder :-) xxx
I was all pro nursery til the last 2 weeks when I seen to have gone down with the plague!!
Baby unwell for 2 weeks, now ive got some awful cough that 2 weeks, one course of antibiotics and one course of steroids just isn't shifting.
The cruel, cruel irony now is that Jess is sleeping through now she's over the illness and I'm up all night wheezing and coughing. :wall2:
Haven't called in sick so far but will have to for this evenings shift :-(
I found for the first year of keira being at nursery she was always ill x
I was all pro nursery til the last 2 weeks when I seen to have gone down with the plague!!

Baby unwell for 2 weeks, now ive got some awful cough that 2 weeks, one course of antibiotics and one course of steroids just isn't shifting.

The cruel, cruel irony now is that Jess is sleeping through now she's over the illness and I'm up all night wheezing and coughing. :wall2:

Haven't called in sick so far but will have to for this evenings shift :-(

I found for the first year of keira being at nursery she was always ill x

I'm not looking forward to this side of nursery but I suppose it's unavoidable! X
Its kind of of like the baby version of "threshers flu" :shock:

Helps build up their immune system.

I was advised by my sister when she first started having James to expect a few illnesses (she goes to groups everyday and spends a lot of time with her MIL who is a child-minder). We've been relatively OK other than a few colds and one sickness bug. James didn't get chicken pox despite my sisters 3 all having it, he was with them when they would have been contagious so would have been exposed? Plus the kids her MIL have also got it?

Anyhoo, yes it's quite common - sadly!

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Some rest yesterday and I am getting a bit better I think. Thanks ladies.

Took J, and her cousins up to our local park today. It was NUTS as they had the Frozen princesses there. The guy in the Olaf costume collapsed due to the heat. Made me feel my job isn't too bad??? :lol: Got one tired baby sleeping it off upstairs now.

Can't believe the weekend has gone so fast :-(
Hey ladies, hope you are all well?

I have a very longed for week off but its not got off to the best start as James is poorly. We're lucky that he's not a sickly child but when he gets ill I am a wreck.

We're currently in bed. He has a temp but won't take anything? I'll let him sleep for a bit then try Calpol again.

No concrete symptoms bless him.

Had a load of plans this week but looks like the order of the day is to rest.

Hope you ladies don't mind me joining. I'm a way away from my maternity ending (End March 15) but I'm reluctantly considering putting Max in nursery 2 days a week when I go back. Thinking of asking work if they'll have me back just 2 days a week as my cover is willing to do a job share with me if they'll go for it. Plus want to try freelance a bit on the side and start a small crafty business.

Think it may be good for Max to go in nursery for one or two days either way for social interaction reasons. But I still want to be at home with him most of the week. Can't bare the thought of going back to work, it would be great if I could get by on freelance and my business I'm planning.

I'm not quite in the working mums category yet either, but am going back in December for 2 days a week and we're putting both of ours into nursery 8-6 both days. I was initially very wary of nurseries (mum looked after my daughter when I went back last time), but I can't ask my parents to look after them both. Anyhow, after seeing a few I have to say I've been really impressed and my daughter absolutely loved running around and talking to the other children. She keeps asking when she's going to go to nursery! The reality may be different when I'm not there with her, but it's definitely made me calm down about the whole thing.
How's everyone doing? Carnat sorry to hear James is poorly, I hope he perks up soon.
I'm having one of those days where I got no sleep last night so feel like a zombie in work right now! Plus Enid was being extra cute this morning and it broke my heart dropping her at nursery, never seems to get much easier!
I have come into work this morning and would rather be at home .. the weather is lush.

I am working 2 days a week .. its so boring. My boss is Turkish and i work with another english girl. He is a prick, we cant stand him. Good job he is never here much, always going back and forth to Turkey and Germany. Mam is taking Olly to baby gym this morning and I really wanna go :-(

I only looked for a job to give me a bit of time to myself and to feel normal again, my husband has a great job and we can live on his wage. I just keep thinking these 15 hours a week im doing gives me my pocket money to spend on Olly each week

Today im enjoying work but thats because im upstairs doing elective c sections .
Cant wait to see my girly tonight x
How's everyone doing?

Last week was a bit mental for us as our childminder was on holiday, thankfully my mum stepped in and Max had a great time being spoilt by nanny! Plus instead of slowing down (which I'm supposed to be doing) I've just taken on an internet business (I must be mad!) so now things are busier than ever! Good news is Max is being a little star and is so much fun, I love the days I have off with him and am really relishing the time just the 2 of us before baby no 2 arrives.

Hope everyone's got lovely weekends planned xxx
Ok having a slight panic thinking about the fact next year I'll have to pay for 2 lots of childcare, how do people do it? Xxx
Hey ladies, hope you are all well?
He has a temp but won't take anything? I'll let him sleep for a bit then try Calpol


Nat, ask your doc for paracetamol suppositories. If he won't take it by mouth then it can go up his bum :shock: its the only way they give drugs to kids in France...
I have my stash of these for extreme times with jess :whistle:

Taffy, can't believe you're taking on more work! I started dropping shifts in tri3 as couldn't keep upandni didn't have a toddler. Madam I salute you!
Well touch wood James finally seems on the mend? We actually went to the park today and had a run around!

My week off was a complete write off but I guess at least I had the time scheduled off and neither me nor OH had to let work down.

I am shattered though, feel so tired and I have done so little (even though James has been ill he's still been sleeping quite well at night??)

I feel quite daunted to think I am back to work next week. Not sure where I'll find the energy from :shock:

Have been thinking about maternity leave - am planning to work until at least Friday 2nd January - but ideally I'd do a bit longer. So I'll be close to 38w when going off? At the moment I feel as though making it until 2nd September will be a struggle :roll: I don't need to make any concrete decisions yet at least.

James is napping, I may join him!!

Happy weekend ladies and sorry for moaning on a Saturday.

I do remember the hideous tiredness went a bit around 20 weeks. Hopefully you'll find it easier to get to your goal. We're you early or late with James?
Working to 38 weeks sounds tough. I went off at nearly 37 with jess and it was killer. Only got 10 days before she arrived. I've promised myself going off at 34 next time!!
James was 9 days late hun. Id been off over a month when I had him. Dont want to waste my leave this time. Also I want to do Xmas as ive had 2 off and will be off next year too. Plus its month end, quarter end and year end. Basically about the busiest time ha.

We're moving offices next week - similar distance if I walk - a bit more out of the way with public transport.

James lots better but he is grouchy and demanding. My mum has him next week and I'm a bit worried he'll be too much for her. He cries when I leave him.... I went to get the food shopping from the front door yesterday and he sobbed at top of the stairs until I came back..... oh dear.

I worked til just over 37 weeks with an hours commute and lots of walking. I say if u feel good then go for it.
I was meant to have 2 weeks mat leave but she came 10 days in which was fine by me.

Grrr I havr work tomorrow x

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