I'm shocked... last time a thread like this was started there was blood splattered on the forum walls for weeks...
To everyone for being so mature about this..
Everything about parenthood is a choice. I have a 9 year old and I STILL have to make decisions about her upbringing. It never changes... only the choices we make. And people still look down on me and give me advice as to what to do
I chose to breast feed. I breast fed both my girls. I will breast feed all future children. Why do I choose to do this... For all the reasons that scientific studes tells us ... because breastfeeding comes with a whole host of long term advantages that formula doesn't. Formula also comes with advantages too.. but I prefer the set of long term advantages that breastfeeding brings... Some people prefer the formula... I prefer black clothes some people like colours... so meh!
Also I hate formula/baby product manufacturers, and have chosen to boycott them
(*COUGH* Nestle... who are evil.. and not just because of their formula.!!! Evil chocolate makers too... ) as they really have no morals in the promotion of their products in third world countries... but this is a whole other debate for another time, and really doesn't have anything to do with the breastfeeding/bottle feeding choice debate. Same boycott idea behind Starbucks over 9/11 and selling water to the firemen.. nothing to do with health concerns or quality of their products.
I would always encourage people to breastfeed... I'm pro breastfeeding and I am proud of my achievements because I had to fight long and hard to get where I am. I'm not going to dumb down my achievements any more than I'd dumb down me getting my degree as a single mum... Anyone who fights long and hard for ANYTHING feels proud.
Almost everyone who stops breastfeeding or chooses not to does so because they don't get the adequate support or help from friends/family/medical professionals. Especially the medical professionals. They push breast is best down a mother/to be's throat from the very start (often turning them against breastfeeding before they've even started), then give her faulty or incorrect advice concerning breastfeeding, or how a breastfed newborn acts, which completely messes with their ability to do so. And with people saying "she needs a bottle" or "go on give him a bottle" or "isn't it time you weaned her off the breast, she'll get clingy"... its only a matter of time before even the strongest resolve to breastfeed will disintegrate.
What does this achieve? It leaves a group of women feeling guilty for having "failed", when they should have been supported from the beginning, constantly bolstered from all sides at their achievements but have been failed by the system... because when your tired and in pain, just having everyone on your side helps you go that little bit further. Breastfeeding is the same as a marathon, you "train" for it for months, then you run, are exhausted and tired and in pain, but having the whole crowd cheer you on for being so great, helps you to that finish line.
All the facts should be presented to women in pregnancy... truthful honest facts of both breast (which there are tonnes..) and formula (which there is actually quite little as the formula companies zealously guard their products).... then let the women choose... and once they have chosen... SUPPORT them completely in their decision.
Go waffly squiglet Go
I'm also very proud of my ability to help insomniacs to sleep everywhere...