Why can't I breastfeed? UD pg 2 - I'm doing it!!!

yay - glad to hear it is going well.

I had the same problem with remembering which boob was next. I wear a bracelet to remind me. (When I can remember to change from wrist to wrist :lol: )
Tadpole said:
I had the same problem with remembering which boob was next. I wear a bracelet to remind me. (When I can remember to change from wrist to wrist :lol: )

That's just reminded me. I used to wear a glittery hair clasp on one bra strap or another to remind me which boob was next.

Valentine Xxx
You must be so pleased, very well done and go Meadow, very best wishes :hug: :cheer: :hug: :cheer: :hug:

valentine said:
My top tip is to kind of weigh each boob in your hand to see which is heavier and feed from that one next.

Valentine Xxx

That is a great tip, as the bracelet idea, as Tadpole pointed out, sometimes doesn't work :lol:
I will use a bracelet - thanks for the tip.

As for the "do the heavier boob" thing - I have a question. I have one boob which is always "fuller" and heavier. I thought that if I put Meadow on the less full boob then it might fill up more? More demand on that boob would mean it would fill up more? Or am I wrong?

Meadow fusses on the less full one and prefers the other!

Daffodil said:
I will use a bracelet - thanks for the tip.

As for the "do the heavier boob" thing - I have a question. I have one boob which is always "fuller" and heavier. I thought that if I put Meadow on the less full boob then it might fill up more? More demand on that boob would mean it would fill up more? Or am I wrong?

Meadow fusses on the less full one and prefers the other!

Tally was the same for ages, i've always found that my right boob will fill up hugely and be solid by the morning where as the left on never actually feels full. I used to feed her off the fuller one over night but now i've started giving her the less full one nad expressing out of the full one as it's easier to get milk out of it.

As for her preference she would reject the less full one and want the fuller one but has over the past 2 weeks swapped and now prefers the less full one. However, even with this extra feeding my boob never feels full and the other one still does, i assume it's just how my boobs work.

I generally just give her whichever boob i feel like at the time, if she doesnt want it i offer her the other one.

i'd just try and do that if i were you. She'll probably want the easiest option for a while but it might even out like mine has.

Oh and BTW HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on managing to BF, i've only just read this post and you've done so well.

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