How long will you breastfeed for?

Binzy you can express whenever you want, dont worry if you dont get much out as you cant see how much your making through pumping, some days i can get lots others barely an ounce! Like a few people have said, keep going I think once you get past the 3 month mark bf gets easier and easier. I gave up with my first at 6 weeks and if id have had the advise and known everything i do know I wouldnt have ad Id gone through the hardest bit. I cant give much help on the sore nipples as thankfully somehow both times I managed to avoid any pain at all. I hope things get a bit easier for you.

Thanks for the advice, it's so easy to cave when you can only see the short tErm, isn't it.
I can totally sympathize with the pain and tiredness binzy. Just had yet another hellish night where he wouldnt settle between 10pm and 5am so no sleep for me again. What I don't understand is why he will be settled in the day for 3 hours and go down ok but not at night? Last night my hubby was saying he's had enough and buying formula which of course really upset me, hubby is really rubbish with a lack of sleep which don't help matters.

I know! He is getting better at sleeping but I need to calm down and stop trying to get stuff done when he's asleep.
manual breastpumps are bloody pointless! lol

if you pay for our flights me and Jasper will come over and do the morning wakings for a week for ya :P
Aw, I totally understand about the all
Night things...and my baby won't take a bottle so it's exhausting at times. But I fond he goes through growth apurts where he's up every 2 hours which lasts 2 weeks then he gets bette again, so that may be what's happening with you. I
Also found pumping actually increased my milk supply as our
Body thinks you need to make
More milk. Formula would mean you're Missing a feed which means your Body starts gradually producing less...

At the end of the day, wanting to keep bf is half the battle. Hang onto that when it gets hard. And if you make the decision to Stop, at least you've done it for a bit. Xx
Awww hun it's tough at first, I have no other advice than the ladies have given, Just wanted to show a little support too :)

Hang in there becomes so easy after those few months and TOTALLY worth it.

As for how long will I feed for? I am not sure....but I can't see me giving up anytime soon!

Sarah13 - I breast fed my son 11 years ago but due to lactose intollerance he went on to perscription milk from the doctor so I know both sides and I can tell you when I was stood in the kitchen with a screaming baby at 2:30am waiting for the bottle to warm up it really hit me how wonderful breastfeeding was!!! Next time he says he is getting formula just tell him (with a straight face) "Yeah, that means you could take turns to feed in the night too!" and see what he says! Fedding on your side in bed it a skill you NEED to master lol Dozing while baby feeds is the way forward!
manual breastpumps are bloody pointless! lol

if you pay for our flights me and Jasper will come over and do the morning wakings for a week for ya :P

If I could afford it I would! As long as your suitcases were full of cadbury's chocolate!
They would be laden with cadburys choccy! And i would feed it all to you!

(as long as you took me to rome and venice ;) )
I have not yet mastered the skill of feeding lying down. I try but my nipple falls out of his mouth! This has made me want to Keep bf even longer! I was going to do it until 1 year. The only prob I can envisage is that it means you really are tied to your baby and he can't even go Stay at the grandparents for one Night!
Nah, from around 5/6 months Jasper spent the night without us, we just went out with a breastpump and left a freezer full of milk

Our gay friend Shane co-slept with him awwww... it was so cute to see them together in the morning and of course, Shane would never have got the opportunity to do that because hes a non-breeder ;)

and Jasper is about as attached as they come x
As his head n neck muscles improve you will find it easier to feed lying down, it does take a bit of practice... i found putting a rolled up thing under my boob helped it stay at the right angle, as did good support behind me (usually liam spooning me) worked well x
They would be laden with cadburys choccy! And i would feed it all to you!

(as long as you took me to rome and venice ;) )

This is sounding like a plan! I actually live 40km from Venice!
Being fed chocolate while someone else feeds Ryan...I must be' hallucinating!
It took us a while to master it lying down, but the bf support woman visited me at home n showed me and hubby how to get her in a good position, and until we got used to it I needed him to put her on right but as her head control improved and I got better at it, it got easier and easier and now during the night when I feed her we just fall back to sleep with her feeding, I think it's my favourite thing about bf! If you don't have any help there you could have a look online maybe? Worth perservering with though :)
I have not yet mastered the skill of feeding lying down. I try but my nipple falls out of his mouth! This has made me want to Keep bf even longer! I was going to do it until 1 year. The only prob I can envisage is that it means you really are tied to your baby and he can't even go Stay at the grandparents for one Night!

No! You just express and let the grandparents feed with a bottle :)
He won't take a bottle. About 6 weeks ago started to flat out refuse them
And screams when I put them anywhere near his mouth. It really sucks because it does mean I'm tied. Any advice? X
hmmmm interesting! Try a different bottle? or a sippy cup? be a bit messy at first but if he will lap it from a sippy cup that will work :)

they do a thing called a dody? cup in JoJoMamenBebe and its designed for straight from breastfeeding cup feeding... they dont understand bottles because you have to suck them, you dont really suck a boob you sort of knead it (very similar to chewing actually ;) ) so they find it easier to go straight to cup
I am going to try a zippy cup tonight. Dint know if it's better for me or hubby to try, maybe he wants to smell me? I would love it if he could take milk from a bottle/ cup.... X
Liam was always better at taking milk from liam rather than me, he seemed upset that he couldnt just feed from me x

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