Why can't I breastfeed? UD pg 2 - I'm doing it!!!

Daffodil said:


I'm breastfeeding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meadow latched on last night and fed. She screamed at first quite a lot but I tried to keep offering her the breast. So I didn't give her a bottle....and she carried on feeding!!!!

She was at my breast last night (with just a few minutes breaks) from 8pm till 2am! So tiring but I'm ecstatic.

She was very very tired and seemed very hungry - probably because my milk isn't quite enough yet - so we syringe fed her a small amount of formula at about 3am.

This morning she woke and intially screamed and refused the breast again. But I persevered and she eventually latched and fed for half an hour before falling asleep. She then went on the other boob for another feed but only lasted 15 mins before falling asleep. She is asleep now but the plan is to offer her the breast all day and NO bottle. I will supplement with a syringe if absolutely needed.

.....she has just started crying....

wish me luck :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Horray! You go hon!!
Bless you! Well done, you have so much determination!!

I really think you deserve a massive pat on the back!
Thats brilliant!!!! Good on ya for being brave and not giving the bottle :D The more she sucks the more milk you'll make as shes telling your body how much she needs. Babies also have a really short memory so she will soon forget shes ever had the bottle :cheer: Make sure your eating and drinking loads during your marathon feeds :hug: Well done fingers crossed for you today xx
We had a mega screaming session before she latched but she did do it. Thank goodness. These screaming sessions are hard but she should stop this right? When she realises that breast is all she gets?

Ok so she just stopped feeding. She kind of did 3 feeds...she stopped herself then latched again. Then the last one sif he stopped and latched but was just kind of not sucking properly. I think this is when she has either got too tired or had enough and she is just comfort sucking?


I read that if it hurts you are doing it wrong. Is that correct? it does hurt my nipples but I think it might be just because they're not used to it! Some people who successfully feed say it hurts at first don't they?

If she is feeding every 2 hours how long before my supply increases?

Still feeling great!
Daffodil said:
I read that if it hurts you are doing it wrong. Is that correct? it does hurt my nipples but I think it might be just because they're not used to it! Some people who successfully feed say it hurts at first don't they?

If she is feeding every 2 hours how long before my supply increases?


Brilliant news tha she is feeding, well done :D

We had a good latch from the beggining and it hurt for the first 2 weeks, I think it's the nipples toughening up. Seems that everyone I have spoken to who breastfeeds had sore nipples for the first few weeks- invest in some Lansionoh it's magic stuff. Maybe get your HV or a BF counsellor to check the latch just in case.

Not sure about the supply, but I think I read somewhere that it takes up to a week- I could be very wrong on this though.

I'm soooo happy for you and Meadow :cheer:

Alex xxx
So glad you are getting it sorted :cheer:

I still get a really sharp toe curling feeling when he first latches on, the midwife said that this was normal at first providing the pain recedes after the initial sucking.

Not sure about the supply but I would think that it takes one to two weeks. It has only been in the last few days that I actually get proper leaking if he is crying for a feed.

Well done the both of you :hug:
Oh my goodness, you dancer!!!! I am so so chuffed for you!

It sounds like you are doing things perfectly and THE PLAN IS WORKING! As someone says, she will have a short memory so keep not offering the bottle and she'll soon get the idea that milk comes from boobies!!! I know how much this means for you and I AM SO SO PROUD OF YOU.

As someone else said, make sure you are eating and drinking loads and loads - at least 2 litres of water a day (if not more) and lots of hearty home cooked food.

I had very few problems breastfeeding but still got sore nipples for the first wee while - this should die down after the first few mins of a feed though - is this how it is for you? If so, in a few weeks your nipples will toughen up - in the meantime, Lanisoh cream is your friend!

It does sound like she is doing some comfort sucking, but thats not necessarily a bad thing at the moment, it'll all help to stimulate your supply - keep her on the boob as much as possible.

Yay!!!!!!!!! Keep us updated!

Valentine Xxx
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
congratulations!!!! you have some strength!!! well done! i'm sure she will get used to it and stop the screaming session soon enough. can you predict when she is going to wake? maybe try and get her on before she starts screaming too much and gets herself into a state? if i leave my lo too long before sticking him on, he gets angry and starts pushing me away and screams even more!
well done again, you have the patience of a saint!

Thanks. I'm grinning from ear to ear today! Thanks for everyone's encouragement and nice words.

The HV is visiting tomorrow. I just rang them and they said everything sounds fine and I don't have to supplement formula. Tomorrow they'll check her latch and her sucking to make sure she is getting enough from me. Plus they will weigh her so that we can keep an eye on her weight.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

wooohooooo!!!! I am so happy for you, well done hun.

I had pain for the first few weeks, even with a correct latch. But lasinoh (and a bit of expressed boobmilk) rubbed in, and walking round topless for a little bit each day soon stopped the pain. :hug:
That's fantastic!!! well done - you must be so proud. :dance: :cheer:
Hey well done you! :hug: :cheer: :dance: :clap:

I've been to breastfeeding support groups in Leyland and Chorley- not too far from you- I'm sure if you check with your HV there will be one in Wigan- You should go to show off a bit and get some more advice face to face!
You friggin' superstar!! :shock: :cheer: :cheer:

I hope you're proud of yourself & Meadow?! This is teamwork at it's best :dance: You've both done brilliantly!

So, I've almost completed my 3rd week breastfeeding, and yes my nipples are still very sore. There are a few reasons for that though so I'm not sure what it's supposed to be like if your baby is able to latch (Evie can't latch properly because she has a tied tongue which will hopefully get sorted next week! :pray: )

Keep an eye on it and most importantly, KEEP COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR HV!! Tell her everything, use her as a little diary, make sure you tell her everything. She will be able to tell you then if what is happening is normal.

Well done again though! You've done amazingly well you little trooper!! :cheer: xxx
I just read this thread and it got me into tears. I am so very proud of you :clap: :clap: :clap: There are so many threats when people give up or it just doesn't work out so you are an INSPIRATION :hug: :hug: :hug:

You'll be soon helping out everyone who has any BF:ing problems :D

KEEP UP THE FANTASTIC WORK :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
First a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has helped and supported me on this forum. I did try your suggestions and I really appreciate your encouragement.

Update: Meadow is feeding well. We have had problems with latching and my nipples are really sore, but overall things are going really, really well. :cheer: We're getting a better latch now with practice and I'm seeing the NCT BF counsellor to help that.

She used to have problems with wind/colic and the doc had given us infant gaviscon and now she doesn't seem to have this problem. Also she is sleeping more soundly (but not for long LOL). I used to hate dealing with the bottles so I'm happy not to have to do that anymore!

She is feeding so often and so much that I don't ever know which breast is next. I've also been up feeding all night for hours and hours! She also has started not wanting to be comforted by anyone but me. I know that mostly these things will sort themselves out with time though.

Thanks again everyone.
That's amazing news Dawn, I'm so so proud of you - you are officially a SUPERSTAR.

The fact that you don't know which breast is next is a common problem, but a good one! It shows how much you are feeding DD and how second nature it is becoming! My top tip is to kind of weigh each boob in your hand to see which is heavier and feed from that one next.

Well done and keep up the good work, you are an INSPIRATION!

Valentine Xxx

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