who's the daddy


Aug 12, 2007
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hi all i recently found out am pregnant, 5+2. The first day of my last period was 6th july i slept with a guy i briefly know on the 13th july then i splet with my partner on the 15th july. I think its the guy who i briefly know. I am so worried, my partner is over the moon about it but i told brief guy it may be his and he freaked he wanted me to terminate and nothing to do with it or me. fine but i think if its his he should stand up to his part in it all. I do want to make things work with my partner we're getting married on new yrs eve this yr but i cant help but feel i cant let him bring up a child if it isnt his.
Has anyone got any thoughts on who's most likely to be the father?
The way it works is that pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your last period. So you are officially already 2 weeks pregnant at the time of ovulation. If you are 5 weeks pregnant now (12th August) whoever you had sex with closest to 22nd July is likely to be the father, as that's when you ovulated/conceived.

If you know you ovulated conceived on 13th or 15th July that would make you approx 6 weeks pregnant. And if that's the case, because the dates are so close, I don't think there's any definite way of knowing who's the father until you are able to do a dna test.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how I worked it out.
I agree, I think the dates will be too close to tell. I was told dating scans can be out by up to 5 days when my dates were changed and my baby was early.
I think you're gonna have to come clean. Good luck :hug:
Sorry I just re-read your post. If the first day of your last period was 6th July you likely ovulated on 20th July (provided your cycles are regular). So it's very unlikely the guy from the 13th is the father.

Were you with anyone around the 20th? That's who's most likely to be the dad.
Hi all thanks for replys. Its most likely my partner then as i was with himthe 15th and sperm can last for a while?
jenna, we have exactly the same cycle. my last period was 6th july and im now 5+2 weeks aswell. I ovulated on 22nd July which was day 17 of my cycle. assuming you ovuated around day 14 (19th july) then i would say it was your partners baby as its still possible for his sperm to be around when you ovulated ( think it can live up to 5 days). Although the days are so close together it totally depends on when you ovulated.
I suggest you get a dating scan asap, this may help a little ,but the only definate way you can ever know will be a DNA test. Hopefully you get the answer you want. :D
Theres no definate way to tell as you could have ovualated at any time in your cycle as some women do, I think a DNA test is the only way to tell.
happy_chick said:
Theres no definate way to tell as you could have ovualated at any time in your cycle as some women do, I think a DNA test is the only way to tell.

I agree, there is no way of telling until a DNA test can be done.

I'm a little concerned that you are sleeping around behind your partners back and not taking precautions, not that its my right to judge as I dont know you or your personal circumstances, but I hope this will be a wake up call for you to stop that kind of behavior for your babies sake aswell as your partners.
I appericate your input. I know is doesnt make it any better but i was on the pill. I do not sleep around it was a one off mistake. I am not that kinda person.
This is redjenna's fiance. unfortunatly she only told me in March this year (2012) and her last statement is lies because in 2009 she had 2 misscarrages within a6 week period to the same brief guy?? so much for him not wanting anything to do with her. in July 2010 she slept with another random fella and again misscarried, all this time I was there supporting her and in reality she was continually lieing and never learned from the first lot of advice, how can a woman do this and continue to let a partner believe its a secure relatinonship
I asure you it is, she has said the reason was she had dissasociation issues and did't really know what she was doing, have talked a lot. i have major issues to work through but am willing to give her another chance if it js truly all behind her and no more occurances again. For the last 4 years I have lived with a son who calls me dad and after that period of time I have to consider that. She says all she ever wanted was for us to be a family nomatter how it was provided as a biological father is different than a dad who is there. Im deeply hurt by it but still love her and my son.
This is redjenna's fiance. unfortunatly she only told me in March this year (2012) and her last statement is lies because in 2009 she had 2 misscarrages within a6 week period to the same brief guy?? so much for him not wanting anything to do with her. in July 2010 she slept with another random fella and again misscarried, all this time I was there supporting her and in reality she was continually lieing and never learned from the first lot of advice, how can a woman do this and continue to let a partner believe its a secure relatinonship

So she sleeps with numerous men behind your back, without protection, getting pregnant multiple times but you still want to be with her?
Only because of her reasons that she has now realised is the cause, dissasociation can do all sorts to people, we have been together for 9 years and as I said there is a 4 year old to consider but if it happens again that is the end of it
She says she stopped in 2010 and I can only go by what she tells me, we have 9 years together and also have to consider the wee lad didnt ask to be born, or indeed who his dad really is eithout DNA I still have a lot of love for them both and am willing to try and work through it all, she says she now realises what she did and would never do it again, so time will tell as I couldnt go through the pain of it again especially if the trust is built between us.
If this is real... I can only suggest she seeks professional help to overcome her "issues".

Good luck
It is all true I was told on the 4th March this year, so I suppose by her telling me something has changed or started to inside her, she is attending councelling and I hope her issues are healed and try to build a proper couple future together. Thankfully the wedding didnt go ahead in 2007, Its a fresh start as she always stated she didnt want to break up with me, I just want to do whats right and if her reson is the truth I will give another chance to her.

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