who's the daddy

I just think the whole thing is a load of old baloney tbh :)

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
Seriously doubt this is real TBH! and if it its hardly appropriate to bring up a 5yo thread. Also if it is true as someone who has suffered with dissociation I can safely say it has never led me to have an affair! Infact during a dissociative epidsode you'd be unlikely to be capable of having an affair and she wouldn't remember it! So thats a load of Cr*p :-) If you are genuine she's making that up.

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
And if you say you thought this was a normal happy relationship so how do you know all these miscarriages were to these guys? Either way it all seems abit silly to me, maybe It is not my place to judge but surely anyone cheating would take precautions especially if they had one slip up n realised the consequences. And if you are willing to put it behind you and forget it, why come on hear after so long??
Oops I thought there was only one page when I replied then realised there was 4, apologies

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