Who else is still counting how many weeks...........


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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.....pregnant they would have been if not for MC.....

I would have been 11 weeks tommorrow and cant help but wonder what if....

I would nearly be up to tri 2 and past the most crucial stage...wow its so sad isnt it when we think of where we and our babies would have been at now....

Little angels never die

yup, have to say I am still doing it, cant pretend I don't know what week it is, nice to see someone else is also doing this actually.

I would be 20 weeks plus 6 days today! over halfway there , found it a bit bizare as all my old lot that I went through Tri 1 with, are now well into tri 2 and have been finding out the sex of the babys this week or so.. Makes you wonder what yours was (I think I would have prefered to know actually).

All very strange, and yes Wilma I believe Angels are Angels forever X
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Me too - I'd be half way there as well.

Uh-oh crying alert! :-(
Hang in there Lillie, your'll be back there very soon, I know it X
Yeah JJ....thinking about and been texting my friend whos just told me shes preg too...and thinking god I would have been two week ahead of her and we would have been sharing this together....boo hoo!

Yeah I remember every milestone....every day seems significant on one way or another...so sad.....

BUT yes our little angels are around us Im sure xxx

Hugs Lilli its so hard some days isnt it...xxxx
hi girls, i do it from time to time, i would have been 13 weeks this week. i was away to edinburgh seeing a show on tues, and the last time i was there in feb i had just fallen pg, so that brought it home to me a bit. but i speak to my little soul everyday telling her that i cant wait til she comes back, and that i want evrything to be right for her so i thank her for going back home until all will be well for bringing her into this world. xx
hi girls, i do it from time to time, i would have been 13 weeks this week. i was away to edinburgh seeing a show on tues, and the last time i was there in feb i had just fallen pg, so that brought it home to me a bit. but i speak to my little soul everyday telling her that i cant wait til she comes back, and that i want evrything to be right for her so i thank her for going back home until all will be well for bringing her into this world. xx

Wow Kaz that brought a lump to my throat....what a lovely way of looking at things and why they have happened.......just lovely xxx
:hug: I did up to the end, and even now I wonder what if, I would have had a 1-4 weeks old at this point...
wwe are all here if/when you need on the tough days :flower:
I'm still counting too, I would be 16 weeks - I suppose I will until be counting until October arrives : (
Yeah its kinda hard not to isnt it....praying on my mind a lot today....xx
I'm now counting how old my baby I lost is! It would be 6months old!! I keep thinking positive though as if that baby survived I wouldn't have this baby growing inside me and already in love with this baby! It is hard but it will get easier wilma x x x
Thanks Mrs H X

Ahh Kazimoto lovely way to make sense of it X

Laceys Mummy - That's another really nice way to look at it, yes this lovely little treasure I'm carrying now would never have had a chance to live ever without past events- sounds soppy but I do believe all things happen for a reason and therefore truely meant to be.. (however hard)
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i did the same not long after mine it would have been 14 now but if id have had that one id not have had my dd still heartbreaking tho hugs to you all xxxxx
Ah I think its lovely that we all remmebr our angels in our own way....and remember the significant dates etc.... Yeah JJ I also think things happen for a reason....what will be will be....xxxxx
i would of been 12 weeks today but as jj mum and wilmaflintstone said it happens for a reason and like jj mum i'm sure we will all be pregnant again when its the right time :)
Definately Anna.....as sad as it is...and it is!!! We know that there was something not quite right and it will happen again for us all soon day soon I hope xxxx

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