When to use wet wipes?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2012
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Harrison is 3 weeks old now and I was wondering when I can start to use wet wipes, its such a faff using cotton balls especially when out & about. I carry a bottle of water & the cotton balls around with me in the changing bag, but its still a pain!

The only thing is, he has really sensitive skin! Bathing him in water gives him a minor rash, and god forbid he gets infacol or anything on his face because it flares right up!

I'm guessing that because of this I'm relegated to cotton balls for a good few months?

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I still use cotton pads now at 6 months! My lo also has terribly sensitive skin and I just don't like the idea of all the chemicals in the wipes. I have an "emergency" pack I use if I'm out shopping etc though.
I used wipes from day 0 with both babies. Cotton is such a faff!

You can get wipes that are chemical free and are just like water.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
Oh dear 6 months!

Looks like I might need to stock up haha x

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We use Simple wipes or these ones http://waterwipes.com/product/baby-waterwipes/

James has very mild eczema all over body but not on bum or his bits... (or on his face!!). Touch wood he's also not had nappy rash.

If you are sticking with cotton wool, the pads are so much easier... best are the bigger make-up cotton pads.

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I used the cotton balls in the day but wipes if im out or in the night.
Im using pampers sensitive n johnsons hun xx
I used them from day one for both babies.

However i can only use specific ones on Jack's face as he reacts to most brands! They literally make him look like he's been scalded! Even most frangrance free wipes do it but his bottom doesn't react to any at all. His face also reacts to things like cheaper ketchup i.e the stuff they use in cafe's etc but heinz ketchup is fine.
If you think he has sensitive skin i'd defo try wipes because they're so much more conveiniant but just be careful when you do eventually use them on his face x
I've used wipes since LO was a week old, cotton wool just wasn't doing the job! He seems to be fine with them.
We used pampers sensitive wet wipes from day 0. That's the brand the hospital had around available and she had no reaction to it so we went down that route with no problems.
We've been using wipes since LO was a week old and he's not had any problems down stairs. They are a bit harsh on his face though, so we'll use cotton wool for that. We always use the sensitive/fragnance free wipes. I personally think pampers and simple are best.

I know there are some who won't agree with me suggesting this, but have you tried baby lotion rather than water for cleaning him. I also have sensitive skin and find face wipes, make up removers and baby wipes irritate my skin. The best thing I've found to take my make up off is baby lotion, it doesn't irritate my skin at all. Plus it's a bit easier to use with cotton wool than water.
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I use asda newborn wipes from the day Scott was born, never had any problems x
I use Tesco fragrance-free, but none of us (OH, myself, or Cay) have sensitive skin so I'd imagine that makes the difference.

I used cotton wool and water for the first nappy (took me an hour to change his bum!), and wipes after that, but again, I figured it was worth taking the chance as Cays chance of sensitivity was so small. Xx
If your LO has really sensitive skin, why not look at cloth wipes. That's what we use - can get them in a variety of materials - terry toweling, fleece, cotton etc. if we're in those house I just run them under the tap, and have a wee spray bottle for out along with a little wet bag to put used ones in.

The work far better than cotton wool, and for jobs that need a good half dozen or more wet wipes, we still only use one cloth one!!
We still use cotton balls and water at 12 months at home lol. Well we use wipes to get any poo off, but then wash him over with wet cotton balls or if we r out just use wipes. I just find the cotton balls clean him better. Also I prefer the large balls rather than the small ones. Never thought about the make up pads, that might be good to try.
I would not dare put a wipe on my toddlers face so use cheeky wipes - they are cloth ones. We have brightly coloured for her bum and pastels for her face! Really easy but we do use pampers sensitive when we are out.
We used wipes from day dot because I can't touch wool and I didn't think of the pads lol silly me.

We ended up with pads but we just use the pads if he's havin a wipe down during the day..

Always sensitive though, we've never had a nappy rash either xxxxx
I like the aldi mamia sensitive wipes. I usually use balls and water during the day and wipes at night for ease

seems to be fine on Oskar's bits!

I've used wipes since day 1 with Riley. I use the huggies pure wipes and he has never had a problem.

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