What have u learned


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Since being a mummy ?

I have learned how to be patient and also not to be so selfish before I had ruby it was all about me , for example when ever I had an extra money I would spend it on myself where as now it's all about my daughter .


I've learned that there's no love like loving your babies, no pride like watching them grow and learn and no joy like seeing them smile at you. I appreciate and understand some of the things my mother did for me and some of the choices she made. Most of all I learned that my capacity to love has deepened and that I couldn't or wouldn't want to live without my lo :)
I've learned that there's no love like loving your babies, no pride like watching them grow and learn and no joy like seeing them smile at you. I appreciate and understand some of the things my mother did for me and some of the choices she made. Most of all I learned that my capacity to love has deepened and that I couldn't or wouldn't want to live without my lo :)

Awwww . It is true what they at nothing
Compares to the love u have for ur children xxx

I've learned that there's no love like loving your babies, no pride like watching them grow and learn and no joy like seeing them smile at you. I appreciate and understand some of the things my mother did for me and some of the choices she made. Most of all I learned that my capacity to love has deepened and that I couldn't or wouldn't want to live without my lo :)

Totally agree with this.....
I've learned that there's no love like loving your babies, no pride like watching them grow and learn and no joy like seeing them smile at you. I appreciate and understand some of the things my mother did for me and some of the choices she made. Most of all I learned that my capacity to love has deepened and that I couldn't or wouldn't want to live without my lo :)

Awww... That is all so,so true. :-)
I have learnt patience, that I can survive on less sleep and food than I thought was humanly possible and how the days disappear in a flurry of bottles nappies and sleep catch up. lol.

But all joking aside I have learnt that I would lay down and die for my boys, give up everything I have for them and feel every emotion they do. If they laugh I laugh if they cry I cry. x
Gosh so much that I need to think about it and come back to this thread lol x
I've learnt what a cow I was to my single mum, mum when she was bringing me up :(
I've also learnt how to have a relationship with my mum that wasn't there a few years a go!

I've also learned how little sleep I need. Learned how hard it is to have 2 LO's, I always thought....I managed 1 and will manage 2nd the same - Not the case...its more difficult to look after 2 on a day to day basis. Alot more difficult than being a first time mum.

I've also learned how important me time is & how important it is to enjoy it.

I've learnt that everything comes flooding back when it's your second but you still catch your self thinking am I doing this right lol

I've learnt a new level of organisation I never thought was possible.

I've also learnt that babies like routines, the tough way.
I've learned to savour every minute, that I'm much more patient than I ever dreamed possible, that my parenting ways aren't usually mainstream, that love is unconditional, that all I want for my children is happiness-everything else will follow and that my children often teach me at least as much as I teach them!
I have learnt that you can not love anyone as much as you lovew your child. I have learnt that everything happens for a reason and that my mum did a bloody good job raising me and my siblings because it is NOT easy xx
Loving this thread, Keiras only 3 weeks but i cant actually imagine life without her. She was away for the night last night and as much as i enjoyed it i couldnt wait to get her back. This is a whole new meaning of Love. x
I have learnt that my body can be pushed a lot further than I thought it could and that actually I function a lot better on less sleep lol. I've learnt that having Sophie was the best decision in my life and that every day is another funny one full of smiles and the hilarious things she does x

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