Am I mean???


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Last night I went to my local for a couple of drinks with OH and a few friends.

OH best mates daughter was there, she is 23 and has 2 kids, 1 & 2 years old. I was talking about Rubie's birth and mentioned that I was a bit disappointed to have missed Christmas (because Rubie was born Xmas day) and she came out with 'that's selfish'.

Now I feel terrible I never thought of it that way, I was only being honest. Obviously it goes without saying that the most important thing is that I got a beautiful healthy daughter, but I was a bit disappointed that I was ill in hospital all Christmas day.

Am I selfish or is she just nasty to say that to me??
I can't believe she said that!!!

She would probably have said the same if hers were around that time.
You are not selfish, you probably wouldn't have bothered so much if she was actually due then but the suprise and shock of her being early probably didn't help.

:D :D :D
I don't think your being selfish ... being i'll and missing that time of year sucks ... and im sure giving birth wasn't on the top of your agenda for the day!!

Yes you have ruby but just becuae you mentioned you feel a bit dissapointed doesn't mean your selfish!! If i'd have gone into labour and missed my dinner i'd be well pi**ed!! LOL

You got the best xmas present, but i wouldn't have wanted to miss my dinner or my other pressies hehehe!!!

... tell the cheeky bint of bugger off!!!
you're not selfish at all

i spent days talking to alex in my tummy, pleading with him not to make an entrance between the 21st and 28th - my waters ended up going on the 29th. i had a checkup on the 22nd and was 2cm dilated so we went to the panto that night and then I didn't dare move a muscle just in case. we had microwave chicken dinners for lunch, but it was still christmas dinner, at home, with all the family.

i spent christmas in hospital when we had callum and it was horrible. We were allowed home for a couple of hours in the afternoon with our drips in, but I spent the whole morning and evening bawling my eyes out.
Hi Kim,

I don't think you were selfish at all, infact you did the most un-selfish thing someone can do, give life to another. I think your reactions were perfectly natural & anyone of us would think the same thing.

On Xmas day I cooked dinner for my family (without any help and being 24 weeks pregnant!) then spent the rest of the day in hospital visiting my Dad ( we actually went twice coz we came back to feed our dog & my parents dog, it takes about 35mins one way to get to the hospital too) and I thought the same thing, that our Christmas has been ruined, I didn't mean it in a nasty way, it was a fact, it wasn't too hot for my Dad either! but that was the way it was & we got on with it.

There's nothing selfish in being disappointed about something you had been looking forward to. I agree with Imi, you should have told the cheeky bint to bu**er off :lol: and don't worry about it.

she obviously speaks without thinking :D
xmas day is a really big deal for me and I would have been the same as you. Of course you had a baby and that takes priority but there is something special about the whole xmas day thing and the build up.
Dont worry about her :x
thats not selfish atall!I was due xmas eve and I kept tellnig everyone I didnt want to miss my xmas dinner!
I would have hated to have been in over Christmas! You're not selfish at all!
Kim if you're mean then I am too!!! I started having contractions on Christmas day at 2.15am. I was excited as was very overdue but was also annoyed at the timing as I had been looking forward to christmas. As things turned out Seren took 3 days to arrive but my Christmas was speant having strong contractions and eating my dinner strapped to a TENS machine. Boxing Day was also pants. I had no Christmas really, didn't see my friends or family. I also felt like i missed out on loads. Still this Christmas will make up for it, with our LO's getting pressies from santa. That is if i am more careful on my birthday as that is how i got in the position i was in last year :D
Kim, she obviously is a person with very little between the ears. You have enough on your plate at the moment without worrying about silly inconsequential judgements made by silly inconsequential people.

Tiny Sue said:
Kim, she obviously is a person with very little between the ears.

Ohhh sue you had me in stiches then lol .... you have cheered me up hun!! bet kim will have a good chuckkle at that too LMAO!!! x
PMSL :lol: Thanks guys, you don't know how much better you made me feel :D

I'm packing the guilt away as we speak :wink:

Dont feel guilty kiara was due about two weeks after christmas and i was hoping she wouldnt come early at christmas or new years i love the holidays.
Hun you know what I'd say.... tell her to naff off in probably not quite such nice terms.
I was terrified of being stuck in hospital on Christmas day with Damo and know how that felt, so sactually being in must have been crap.

(((hug))) don't worry hun xxxxx

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