Lessons we've learnt today

i learnt early hours in the morning never to give your child what they want through the night, as they always want more :?
:rotfl: :rotfl:
i've learnt that buying a filofax was a bad idea as now i'm addicted to buying little accessories for it!
Today i learnt that..........
mcdonalds salads, and wedges being on the menu... doesnt mean in the shop
3 Oclock is as good a time as any to have breakfast
I still like, no love the vicar of dibley
Animal rescue makes me cry
I learned that explosive baby poo's are nothing compared to explosive toddler poo's :puke: Two year olds with an attack of the shits is just not a fun experience for all concerned.
Today ive learnt... that i still have a very short fuse, and some people just arent worth bothering with :x

Ive also learned that a personal injury cheque can dissapear pretty quickly :lol:
Suzie and Faith said:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
i've learnt that buying a filofax was a bad idea as now i'm addicted to buying little accessories for it!

I'm sorry for encouraging you :rotfl:
I learned the other day that Lorna forgets things :lol:

Also learned that your "friends" aren't always what they seem to be - usually back stabbing bitches
daftscotslass said:
Suzie and Faith said:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
i've learnt that buying a filofax was a bad idea as now i'm addicted to buying little accessories for it!

I'm sorry for encouraging you :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: it is totally your fault! so i've learnt not to let Lorna comment on my facebook status (kidding hun) though I think i am a filofax addict

i learnt that staying up for non-baby time is fine but that baby doesn't understand that that means you need a full nights sleep
That the body I had 2years ago is hidden somewhere underneath this mess and needs salvaging ASAP :dance:
Today I have learnt not to say to yourself "wow I am getting on great today" as then it all turns to shit with unexpected visitors, stuff leaking in your fridge and then just a general mess!
Todat i have learnt i need to buy Sat Nav or else me and OH will never speak again. I have also learnt never to mention going to Ikea again, we kept driving past it but never actually made it there :roll: oh and of course it was all my fault!
Never ever trust a man when he says he will only be an hour on the computer :roll:

or that he will tidy up after his grandparents/parents have been because you have been so kind as to nearly kill yourself cooking a meal for them all :roll:
Not to make one's choccolate and pecan biscuits so squishy.
and...don't invite friends over when one has an essay on Alexander Pope to complete
Squiglet said:
Never ever trust a man when he says he will only be an hour on the computer :roll:

hehe! yup know that one too well!

I have learnt today that the general public seem to want to walk in your path towards you even more when you're pregnant forcing you to dive out the way of them! :evil:

Today I learned that even if a baby has no teeth, they can still chew :evil: (my nipples are living, well, dying :roll: proof of this!)

I also learned that you can quickly change your lack of enthusiasm of visitors when you're shattered when you watch them walk towards your front door with bags of gifts. It's amazing how quickly the door is answered and a tea is offered :lol:

today i've learnt to stop wearing low cut tops in public because aiden likes to grab them and flash my boobies at every given opportunity - the old man in tesco car park nearly had a heart attack :shhh:
zebrastripes said:
and...don't invite friends over when one has an essay on Alexander Pope to complete

god yeah totally know what you mean

:fib: :fib: :fib:
A cocktail of wine, cider, punch, erm cocktails, lasgane, cheescake, chips, dips, cheese and ham make you feel a bit sick :puke:

night night :(
YAY I can organise a COOL baby shower, it CAN be a huge surprise and everyone can have a lovely time.

We have lasagne, cheesecake, wine and cocktails too ;)

*waves to minxy* :lol:
That if someone says they have something to tell you but not to worry and they will tell you tomorrow, you need to nag to get it out of them then or when tomorrow comes (today) you find it so bloody hard to get an answer!!!

I have also found that i have serious withdrawl from cross stitching! Damn ebay woman hurry up and give me my threads (ok i only sent the postal order on Friday but i want them now!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: )

Also learnt that i am sooo excited to start my new job tomorrow lol

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