Found this list on google
Change for the car park (easy to forget in the rush)!
Maternity Notes...Quite important to remember!
Mobile phone - handy for that all important 'I've done it' message to loved ones.
For Labour:
Birth Plan
Dressing Gown
Socks in case you get cold feet in labour!
T-Shirt - to wear for the birth
Massage Oil
Labour 'energiser'
Energy Sweets
Watch to time contractions
Books/Mags/Music to pass the time
Tens Machine
Water Spray Bottle - cool yourself down
CD/MP3 Player (battery, not mains operated)* favourite tunes make labour more bearable!
Small Sponge - great for taking small sips of water & to cool down with
Flannel - get your birth partner to mop your brow!
Hair Brush
Hair Bands
Hair clips
Water small bottles are easier to sip from
Antenatal Notes
Bach Rescue Remedy for times of crisis
Birth Ball some labour wards provide them
For Birth Partner
Change of Clothes
Snacks & Drinks
For After the Birth:
Going home outfit (someone can always bring that in for you later)
Knickers disposable or cheap cotton 'big pants'
Nursing Bras best to get properly fitted in late pregnancy
Breast Pads
Maternity Pads - take a couple of packs & have someone bring in more if need be
Nightdress that's suitable for breastfeeding (more comfy than PJs if you have stitches)
Dressing Gown, lightweight - hospitals are hot!
Shower Gel
Deodorant - hospitals are hot!
Hand Cream*
Towels ones that dont matter, dark colours are good!
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Arnica helps with possible bruising
Lavender Oil a few drops in your bath can help healing and also relax you
Tea Tree Oil a few drops in your bath can help healing
Nipple cream well worth packing!
Cosmetics (if you can't bear the thought of being seen 'au naturel').
Favourite breakfast cereal/ tea bags
Fruit juice/mineral water
Inflatable Feeding Pillow
Ear plugs in case you find yourself with the only sleeping baby on a noisy ward!
Small plastic jug - some people swear by it....perhaps best not to ask why beforehand!
*For Baby:
Car Seat
One outfit for going home
Baby bundlers/gowns great for night time nappy changes
Baby Bodysuits/Vests
Muslin Squares
Baby Toiletries (all our toiletries are organic)*- Shampoo/bodywash and Moisturiser
Baby Nail Scissors & clippers - babies nails can be surprisingly long at birth
Cotton Wool'll be surprised how many you get through
Nappy Sacks - degradable or non-degradable.* How eco friendly do you want to be?
Nappy Cream
Baby Wipes - organic or not*(useful to freshen up yourself, if not baby)!
Scratch Mittens
Bottles if required/milk - if not breastfeeding
That's more like a suitcase worth lol x