What am I doing wrong?

One more.. Does he snuggle? He might be a blanket baby.. Ellie was and I think lilyanna is too she pulls the blanket over her cheeks when she's settling in her chair.. When the blanket hits her cheek she shuts her eyes..

He doesn't like the latex dummies either, he does hold his cotton bib so I've started letting him go down with that and been trying to swap it for a cuddle blanket! I would give him a bottle of formula but he refuses the bottle, he used to have expressed milk in a bottle but changed his mind in time for Christmas when mummy wanted a drink!!

That's such a shame he won't take a bottle :( I really feel for u hun..
Try and find a blanket with the same feel as his bib.. It can work wonders to get a blanket for a blanket baby!!
I don't think lilyanna ever gets the full stuff coz she feeds on the fast flow then gets angry so I put her on the other side after a few mins of trying again.. Then she falls asleep or doesn't want anymore.. Is this enough for her age? She sleeps ALOT in the day and 12hrs at night I'm worried she's exhausted from not getting enough milk.. But if she wasn't shed surely let me know wouldn't she??
I had issues with the supply but lo was sleeping at night I guess from sheer exhaustion. As long as she is gaining weight ok, she is fine.

My lo dropped nearly 2 centile lines thats when i started topping up.

You can always do the wee test - they should wee 10 times a day or more.

She has a full nappy every time I feed her and in between.. Never counted tbh but I'll give that a go thanks.. She feeds 4 times a day.. Sometimes 5.. Then goes all night even with being asleep most the day.. Hvs usually just say I have a good baby! As for weight she has dropped a few centiles and I did ask one of the women running baby clinic and also the lady who gave her her jabs at 8w.. And they both said the curve is going up which is fine but it's not following the centile line.. Gonna get her weighed on Wednesday and ask them again about it..
This is her chart..


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The girls have always stayed on the 50th line bang on.. But they were both bottle fed from 2weeks or less
My lo was dropping more rapidly and he was clearly hungry. If Lylyanna is content with what she gets, then its fine and you should enjoy it.

I found different HVs give different advice as well, some panic over centile lines, some dont. Look at the baby, not at the chart really.
I find it really helps if Jax has been awake for a couple if hours before bed. I then take him up to his bedroom and feed him pretty much in the dark in silence and by the end of the bottle, hes struggling to stay awake. I also feed him wrapped in a blanket which I use to swaddle him (I've only just started doing this but it really helps to settle him and not jump awake when I put him down). I know they say not to over heat babies but I find Jax sleeps much better when he is on the warmer side - he is swaddled in a blanket and covered with a thin baby duvet.

Last night he went down at 7pm and didn't wake till 3.30am, so a 9 hour stretch! That's the best he's ever done!

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Sarah, I could have written this myself! Colby doesn't sleep till between 10 and 11pm. He's has bath around 6pm and feed but will not sleep til later! He has long feed for nearly an hour before he sleeps. He also wakes anything from 2.5 to 4.5hrs later for more feeds, so feeding can be 2 to 5 times in the night.

Its so tiring, but keep thinking I'll wean soon and hope that helps him to sleep longer. We're slowly trying to bring his sleep time forward at night but finding it very difficult. Would love an evening together with OH without an awake baby lol!
Managed to get him down in his crib without a fuss by 8.40pm! Just have to see how long he lasts now......
Sarah, I could have written this myself! Colby doesn't sleep till between 10 and 11pm. He's has bath around 6pm and feed but will not sleep til later! He has long feed for nearly an hour before he sleeps. He also wakes anything from 2.5 to 4.5hrs later for more feeds, so feeding can be 2 to 5 times in the night.

Its so tiring, but keep thinking I'll wean soon and hope that helps him to sleep longer. We're slowly trying to bring his sleep time forward at night but finding it very difficult. Would love an evening together with OH without an awake baby lol!

That's what I keep thinking it won't be long until they start weening! Not sure what has worked tonight (so far) but fx he will stay asleep for a while!
I find it really helps if Jax has been awake for a couple if hours before bed. I then take him up to his bedroom and feed him pretty much in the dark in silence and by the end of the bottle, hes struggling to stay awake. I also feed him wrapped in a blanket which I use to swaddle him (I've only just started doing this but it really helps to settle him and not jump awake when I put him down). I know they say not to over heat babies but I find Jax sleeps much better when he is on the warmer side - he is swaddled in a blanket and covered with a thin baby duvet.

Last night he went down at 7pm and didn't wake till 3.30am, so a 9 hour stretch! That's the best he's ever done!

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You must be well chuffed with him! I have been taking him up and making it quiet etc, I think he just fights it a lot of the time! I do think he sleeps better when he's warmer, I just worry he's too hot!
Do you have any sort of themometer you could place by the cot, I think the air around the cot should be 20 degrees but mines is always at 22/23. And I find it cold when its that high. I put LO in a sleeping bag thingy & that seems to regulate his temperate. But i suppose its hard to tell what LO's preference is.

Whats the light like in the room LO is in? Is any light coming in, or is it pitch dark, kayden wont sleep unless its pitch dark, We dont have black out blinds but very thick curtains that dont let any street light come in but dont help with day-light, I cant get him to sleep any more than an hour at a time during the day. My eldest was the same, wouldn't sleep unless totally pitch dark.

I spoke to soon! He didn't even last an hour before having another 25 min feed!
Do you have any sort of themometer you could place by the cot, I think the air around the cot should be 20 degrees but mines is always at 22/23. And I find it cold when its that high. I put LO in a sleeping bag thingy & that seems to regulate his temperate. But i suppose its hard to tell what LO's preference is.

Whats the light like in the room LO is in? Is any light coming in, or is it pitch dark, kayden wont sleep unless its pitch dark, We dont have black out blinds but very thick curtains that dont let any street light come in but dont help with day-light, I cant get him to sleep any more than an hour at a time during the day. My eldest was the same, wouldn't sleep unless totally pitch dark.


We've got one of those egg thermometer things, it stays around 19 degrees which says it's perfect but I sometimes find that a bit cold too. I've recently started using a sleeping bag as well. I've wondered about the light, i thought he preferred the dark but now I'm not so sure! As for day time he sleeps when I'm out in his pram or car seat but when I'm home it's a bit hit and miss how long he sleeps but will never settle in his crib during the day for some reason!
I think he could be soothing, call me cruel or wrong or a bad mother but even though i cant see how much he is drinking if Issac woke i don't feed him unless its close to his next feeding time. I give him a dummy and he soothes on that. I know he is hungry if he crys whe offered the dummy.

My sisters daughter wouldn't take a dummy but was ff and cried a lot my sister perservered with putting the dummy in and she eventually took it.

Ive not really helped I'm sorry xx
If you dont have black out blinds you could try tin foil on the windows (just to see if thats the problem). Could you try one whole night with a bit of light & one whole night pitch dark, just to see the difference, surely there has to be something. Even if it was slightly longer he slept it wouldn't be so bad.

Kayden likes a blanket kinda around his face & arms, its a really thin one tho & when I feed him i put the blanket in that position & try to move him over like that so that way he's keeping my warmth.

She's a chubby little thing so it looks like she's ok I'll keep an eye on her weight gain tho..

Lilyanna doesn't settle well in pitch black we have to have the bathroom light on and the door slightly ajar so a little light comes in.. I swaddle her and have two cellular blankets on her.. I had an egg thermometer with Ellie and she was cold when it was yellow and warm when it was red.. Was about 23 I think..

If your gonna get black out blinds I highly reccomend British blinds not Hillary's they are fantastic and affordable!

It may well be comfort sucking try and persevere with a dummy it won't hurt to try it out.. She sometimes wakes at 3 but I pop her dummy back in and she settles.. If she's hungry and I put it in to calm her while I get things ready she spits it out so they know the difference..

I've just tried feeding her downstairs and putting her up to bed after and went back downstairs to see if she will stay asleep this way, to get her to bed earlier hopefully it will work been since 10 so far going to gradually make it earlier..
Well after that extra feed he went 6 hours! He then fed for half hour and went another 3 till 7.30 then hubby took him downstairs so I got a little lie in :)

Think I'll have another go with dummy though as that extra feed probably was comfort, although he is quite greedy. He does get quite stressed when I try and give him dummy though, then I feel guilty! He prefers his fist but not sure he's realized his fist is always there!
That's great.
Issac was a little stressy with the dummy at first but i easy using an orthodontic one and he kept opening is mouth really big like he was trying to latch on, thats when i got the cherry teat and he didn't like it but found it easier to hold in his mouth. He eventually tool it and its so much easier to get up through the night pop a dummy in, give a little stroke on his back or tummy depending on how he is lying and back to bed. He normally sleeps another half hour before realising it was gone then wakes i pop it back in and if he spits it out i know he wants a feed. :-) glad you got a lie in too xx
That's great.
Issac was a little stressy with the dummy at first but i easy using an orthodontic one and he kept opening is mouth really big like he was trying to latch on, thats when i got the cherry teat and he didn't like it but found it easier to hold in his mouth. He eventually tool it and its so much easier to get up through the night pop a dummy in, give a little stroke on his back or tummy depending on how he is lying and back to bed. He normally sleeps another half hour before realising it was gone then wakes i pop it back in and if he spits it out i know he wants a feed. :-) glad you got a lie in too xx

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