We're getting there slowly but surely. this is where we are at now..
8am - 8oz
10:30 - Baby rice or baby cereal
0 - About 6 oz (2 oz used to make his breakfast)
11-1 nap
2:30 - half a jar of dinner and half a jar of fruit. (he's not massively interested in this lunch yet but is eating more and more, i just let him eat what he wants at the mo.
Once he's finished that he has an 8oz bottle but has started leaving a little bit.
5pm - 8oz bottle and a little petite felous yoghurt.
7pm - 8oz bottle and bed.
Does that all sound ok?
still confuses me. I need to get him some more finger foods though.
Lola'smummy: I'd just keep trying a little bit each day to get her used to the taste, once she eats it then increase a little?
Well done on Ryan sitting up Shell!!