*** Weaning Thread *** (Stage two yet?)

I bought the Organic orange rice cakes from Boots on Saturday and they still taste fresh (I like them too lol). The bag's quite big so I just fold it over and they keep well
I had a cooking day yesterday and have put most in the freezer - I'm back at work at the end of April :cry: so thought I'd start building a supply. I made:

Macaroni, mince & tatties, spag bol, chicken with veg & spuds, chicken stir fry, salmon and lentil soup (not salmon with lentil soup 2 different dishes lol)

He's had the macaroni and the chicken stir fry so far and loved it.

Sweetcheeks, well done to you and Jack...that sounds good xx
I use the dairylee cheesy things, you can peel strips off it like them cheese strings! she loved though and they were mild. She even tryed ham as well and enjoyed that.

Shes had a chicken pasta meal today and a dessert with fruit, but i think she s not feeling too good and coming down with a cold so i think she may go back a step as they do when there poorly.

Hopefully though she will be fine.
Ryan had my college-made carrot and orange soup for lunch :cheer: him and OH like it more than I do :rotfl:
That is a weird combination of ingrediants leckershell! i cant see how they work - im going to have to make some now.

Well this is my ladys menu that she has had today.

7.30 - bottle
12.00 - chicken tagitelle (?) and peach and banana desert
4.00 - carrot sticks, chicken noodles, 2 petite filous (tescos ones) and she had a bit of a pear but didnt really want it.
And water with every meal.

She didnt really have as much as normal but she hasnt been feeling all that well today.
Hi :wave:
Any of you giving your LOs porridge for breakfast? I'm using the Plum Baby one at the moment and until now she has been having 1 tbspoon of the powder made up. How much do you give your LOs?
Hiya Newmum :wave:

I give Jack C&G Creamed porridge for breakfast, I don't do it with spoons anymore, I pour 2oz of his milk into his bowl then I add the powder and stir at same time until it looks like a nice consistency (sp?) Hope that helps :hug:
I use either the plum porridge or the Cow & Gate stage 2 multigrain porride, and mix it with EBM and fresh fruit. I don't measure it - I just chuck it in and mix it but I would estimate at least 5 spoonfuls! I have a hungry boy lol - there's at least half a banana that goes in with his cereal!
Oh thanks everyone - that's great. Thanks for the quick replies too. She has it with fruit puree so I wasn't sure how much to give but it looks like she could have much more. Think she will be happy about that :)

Will be back aound tomorrow hopefully. Have to do some serious cleaning today. The state of our flat got me down at the weekend - have to sort it out before Easter then I can enjoy the holiday. Having said that, I've been on here...and not started cleaning yet and it's already 1.30pm :oops:
Aww newmum I could have wrote that myself, I am long overdue a good clear out but still sat on here :wall: I will motivate myself before the day is out :lol:
Hi ladies, im glad someone has posted in here, this thread went ery quiet over the weekend.

Little ones diet has changed a bit over the last few days, shes gone from having fruit with hr meals to having fromage frais x2 pots just so she puts some weight on as shes a bit behind in my opinion.

Imogens daily diet at present. Opinions welcome!

7ish- breakfast
9ish - cheese strips or fruit pieces
11ish - dinner with 2x baby yoghurts
1ish pot of fruit puree
3ish - dinner with more yoghurt
5ish - more snacky things, banana,biscuits,organic baby finger food.
7ish - bottle of she will have it!

Shes a piggy but this is real rough though. Im trying to get her to eat more dairy to put weight on her. But trying to keep it all healthy though.
Mrs T - does she only have 1 bottle in 24 hours? In the evening? Mine is still having one in the night :( and then one on waking but I am trying to keep the 3rd one for the evening before bed. Sometimes it works - other times she needs/wants a bit in the afternoons.

Sweetcheeks - maybe we should start a 'cleaning thread'. I managed the bathroom and that was about it. Have no motivation but really hoping no one pops round and sees the mess. Tomorrow... LOs room and our bedroom. Hopefully. You get anything done?
Jack only had 2 bottles today, 1 in morning, offered him one after porridge but he only had 1-2oz and he just had 9oz before going to bed, is that enough :think:

Newmum - hehe nope, well i did a half hearted attempt at cleaning living room and kitchen, you know when it looks tidy but it's not actually done properly :lol: Will try again tomorrow but don't hold out much hope for me :rotfl:
newmum said:
Mrs T - does she only have 1 bottle in 24 hours? In the evening? Mine is still having one in the night :( and then one on waking but I am trying to keep the 3rd one for the evening before bed. Sometimes it works - other times she needs/wants a bit in the afternoons.

Sweetcheeks - maybe we should start a 'cleaning thread'. I managed the bathroom and that was about it. Have no motivation but really hoping no one pops round and sees the mess. Tomorrow... LOs room and our bedroom. Hopefully. You get anything done?

She has 2 sorry that wasnt very clear - its from 7am to 7pm and once in a blue moon she will wake up in the night.
How about a Top 5 foods? When LO first started eating banana she didn't really like it. Now she LOVES it. Think her top 5 would be:

1. Banana
2. Sweet potato
3. avocado and banana
3. Hipp Apple and Apricot jar. Doesn't like my own as much... :think:
4. Apple and pear puree
5. carrot

Got a bit stuck after 3 because she eats everything - just some more enthusiastically than others!
Tp 5 finger foods would have to be

- cheese
- rusks
- ham
- Toast
- breadsticks
Top 5 would probably be:

1) Fruit (almost any kind)
2) Toast (because he can hold it himself ad he thinks he's smart!)
3) Macaroni cheese
4) Chicken & veg
5) Breadsticks
Hows everyone going with the weaning? Dylan's still eating lots and doesn't seem to be cutting down very much on milk either (not that I mind that). I've started giving the first feed in the morning as a bottle so just bf'ing last thing at night now. The last few days feeds have been like this:

6.30am - 5oz
7.30 - weetabix/porridge with EMB (I'm hardly giving baby cereal any more coz it's not very tasty) with banana, then slice toast with unsalted butter
9am - 8oz bottle
11.30am - 7oz bottle (doesn't always have this one)
12.30 - homemade soup with bread, then breadsticks and dip for finger food, water
3.30pm - 8oz bottle
5pm - mince n tatties/chicken & apricot, then fruit puree and some fruit slices, sometimes toast & dairylea if he acts like he wants more, water
7pm - 8oz bottle

He's having good sized portions (TT weaning bowls for soup 2/3 full) and usually eats everything. Sometimes though I feel like all I'm doing is feeding him even though I try to give him as much playtime as possible x
Lola seems to be doing ok with the weaning now it's just the sleeping we need to get sorted :lol:

I've stopped giving her jarred and pureed food now, She just has whatever we're having mashed with a fork so it's small enough to eat :) She seems to like it a lot more.

Her top 5 finger foods are
1 - Banana
2 - Toast
3 - Rusk
4 - Pear
5 - Apple rice cakes

weenik - Lola hasn't cut down on her milk either so i'm starting to offer her more water as i'm not sure if she's thristy as she doesn't seem to feed for very long during the day :?

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