UPDATE: chemical :( BFN first thing this morning then THIS with smu - don't know...

Hey coz78 good tip - I just had a look at that post by mrsck and looks like hers turned out to be a def positive!??

Hope it is all OK. I just want to know for sure now. Thanks again everyone x x x
Haylower - yes I have four more superdrugs and a FRER to do in the morning. Fingers crossed like never before! xxx
Looks like a bfp to me :)

I always found I got stronger lines in the afternoon rather than with fmu. Test again tomorrow or in a few days. Good luck xxx
Ooh looks like a bfp to me.
Huge congratulations xx
hello Hannah I did pm you too but just to confirm I got 3 BFP on superdrug tests from the same urine I got a bfn on frer. I also panicked because I thought frer were the most sensitive but I am pleased to say I am definitely pregnant and have been testing with superdrug tests every 2days and the lines have been getting darker the test line is now as dark as the control. I also tested with a cb digi on day AF was due and got a BFP pregnant 2-3 weeks :-)

you have a very strong line so congratulations hun x
I say keep your legs crossed for a few hours then do a digi!! They are pretty sensitive too. x
HI girls. I need your advice again.

I've done three tests this morning (one at 3am - been up since then, can't sleep, and two at 7am). Two were Superdrug and one was FRER. ALL of them were BFNs after TWO BFPS yesterday (and clear ones at that).

How can this be possible!? Did I just have a surge of HgC yesterday which has died down now and will pick back up or am I having a chemical?

I am so concerned and worried. I just don't understand. Is it all over? I am 14dpo today.

I have always read that BFPs stay BFP for the days following so I can't help thinking I am out.

PLease advise if you can. Thanks so much xxx
It could be that you have a higher level of hcg in your urine in the evening? Some ladies get better lines in the evening. Or it could be a chemical. When I had my chemical, I got faint lines from 8dpo, stronger at 9dpo and than they got fainter and fainter (all with frer). Are you sure your tests are completely negative?
Could be a chemical that's happened not quite are cos they usually get fainter as the days go by , my friend had a very gd line on a. Sore drug a couple of months ago it was pink and very convincing indeed then she did a few more other tests all bfn and then over the rest if the day the super drug test gradually disappeared :-/ , only tests I will trust now are frers that I don't have to squit for and digis xx
That looks like a bfp to me - how exciting x
maybe wait until this evening and do your digi? or if you cant, wait until tomorrow morning. If you are past 14DPO it should give you your definitive answer.

is it only superdrug tests that you have a BFP on? could be a fault batch? really hope its just a shy bean and you get your PREGNANT on the digi! x
Fingers crossed for you I had fake positives on superdrug but not that bright. Good luck x

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Hi everyone. Thought I would update you - I did the digi this morning and it was BFN. I have obviously had a chemical and am devastated. Still got all my symptoms and my bbt is still really high. Cruellest joke ever.

I just want to bleed now and get it over with so we can move on but I don't feel like that is going to happen anytime soon - at least not until my temp drops.

If anyone reading this has had a chemical, how long did it take for you to bleed?

I saw a CRAP GP yesterday who did an IC preg test (dipped it in urine for like 2 seconds, glanced at it straight away then threw it in bin) and said 'negative is negative, there must have been something wrong with your positive tests'. He refused to give me blood test. I feel like I imagined the whole thing.

Thanks so much to you all though. My husband said yest something which I though was very true after seeing the crap doc. He said: 'the women online, the ones who have been through it all and back again, they're the real doctors'. I think he might have a point and this would be a lot lonelier without you lot.

Trying to see the positive - we DID conceive. Would like to try again next month but am scared now that this has messed up all my hormones after I finally started to get a regular cycle.

TTC is the hardest thing ever.

Love to all xxx
sorry to hear! your GP sounds like mine....they don't even believe there is such thing as a chemical! :(

when I had mine I had already been bleeding when I got the bfp - tests went negative next day and bled heavily.
I'm sorry you've had your bfp taken from you, lots of love to you xx

That's rubbish hun, so sorry x
I'm so sorry! I think you will probably bleed like a normal AF at least I did with mine. Xx

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