I got two lines this morning...

Fingers crossed and lots of positive thoughts for next weekend MissJuly!! Il be keeping everything crossed for your BFP xxx
Good luck with results...roll on th is week to be over for you xxx
Lets hope you get the answers next week. Although if you are like me, your tests will come back perfect.

Fingers crossed for you!
Thanks everyone. xx

I have a niggling feeling they will come back a bit unusual, purely because of my wacky ovulation tests. I could be wrong though?

x x
I hope the results can give you some answers in to your wacky cycles xx
Thanks Vicky. xx

Comic - No, I'm not testing anymore, gave up with POAS! Just going to leave it and see what happens with the GP. :)

x x
Sounds like a good plan missj, poas is a massive wind up isnt it x
Cosmic, it is indeed! I've had loads of faint lines this cycle, so steering away from the cheapies now and just letting things happen so I suppose you could say we're rather NTNP instead. How are you hun? x x

Thanks Lulabell, I hope so too! x x

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