So after all that, it looks as if I am on the verge of a miscarriage
Started bleeding yesterday, quite a lot of red and pink blood (definitely not brown), had an us yesterday afternoon and I'm measuring a week behind. By lmp I should be 5 weeks 4 days but I'm measuring 4 1/2 weeks, it was basically an empty sac (forgot to ask about yolk, fetal pole etc, was too in shock by her initial reaction of "oh dear"). I'm very sure of dates because we only dtd twice, the last time being 3 1/2 weeks ago so I have to be 5 1/2.
Have to go back in a week to see if any growth but she has more or less said to prepare myself.
Absolutely gutted, oh and I are only in the same country for about 5 weeks for the rest of the year and that combined with all the stress he's currently under plus his very low sex drive means this was really our one chance. By the time I'm back here early next year I'll be just a few weeks away from 45.