To know or not to know???


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Hey just wondered if everyone was finding out the sex of their little bubbas? Me and my hubby decided on a suprise, but EVERYONE asks me 'are you going to find out then?' I say 'no we're having a suprise' they are really shocked and say 'youre not finding out WHY? I just dont get it, is everyone finding out these days? and why should i have to expain myself? I dont mind them asking but to then ask me why i dont want to know, i think is a little rude!! xx
Hi, I think people should do want they want... No one should judge... I haven't found out either - I want a suprise & yes people are shocked when I tell them!! It's weird!!

I do understand why people find out - it's a whole lot easier with buying stuff & being organised!!

But I think we should what ever we feel comfortable ......
Team Yellow for me, wish they would take away the sexing option, to save me being weak at the 20 weeks scan! We found out for the last two of three kids, and although practical, you can't beat that not knowing feeling that we had with our first!, I had booked in sections, so we always knew the date of birth (nearer the time) , the Sex and so the only news to text people on the day was the name and weight!!

Yellllllllllllllow for me
Thanks ladies! Oh I agree, people should do what they want to do, definately! But i hadnt realised what big a deal it was NOT to find out. People look at me like im mad!! Yeah it would be easier, was in mothercare today and almost changed my mind a pg mum was buying pink moses basket and things i was looking at the neutral cream ones and for a second thought mmmm it would be nice . . . but then I really want to wait! xx
JJ Mum, totally agree. I know what a friends having and it will be like 'has he been born, what does he weigh?' I even know what his name is going to be' Im really looking forward to the suprise after all the hard work and telling everyone! xx
We didn't find out with lacey and it was lovely not knowing what we were having!! This time we've found out due to financial reasons due to having now got to move to a bigger house etc and the fact we only have pink stuff and typically we're having a boy so got to get afew new things! Suprises are lovely though Hun :)
Yeah i think i would perhaps find out with second for the same reasons. Its lovely youre having a boy though. One of each is great xx
Yeah no right or wrong really -

As per Lacesy mum - practical reasons is also why we found out to be honest, as we had a two bed house and no money, and ideal as we had another boy. With my last - the hosp we used for my daughter , had a policy to not allow you to know, so the descision was easy - no to know.
Then I was down as snall for dates, so they gave me 3 late scans and were happy to tell us (past termination stage for people that might) then, so we did. The reason then was, I wanted a girl, but wanted a head start adjusting if it was to be a boy, I hated the idea of him coming out, and me feeling even a little bit disapointed, but he was a girl X

I guess also finding out, helps you start bonding early sometimes, but as with first babies, who cares what sex it is, as long as healthy, so I can wait till next year to know.
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Def understanding your thinking JJ mum. Totally dont mind this time, just want it to be ok and healthy. But id love a girl and if i have a boy (which would be great) second time i think id want to find out, like you so if its a boy i can just get used to the idea and not wonder and hope all way through preg. Gald you got your little girl! xx
I didnt find out with the first two, but am with this one, due to financial reasons too, although its not 100% anyway, could be told its a girl and get lots of pink and end up with a blue one lol
I want to find out but my husband doesn't so I've agreed that we won't. It's definitely one of the first questions people ask.
i think alot of people find out nowadays which i just think is really boring my self as all ur waiting for is baby 2 be born and theres no real suprise.
i'm so glad we didnt find out as i think it'll make the labour a little bit exciting and easier as i'll be ssooo excitied to know the sex.
i dont think theres many suprises in life and this had to be the best suprise life can offer!!
Yep, everyone asks me! I've told a few people and obviously you girls and my nan decided to blurt it out at a family occasion on Saturday so I ended up having a go at her, I didnt mind the sex either time though! I'm happy to be having another boy x
i chose to find out although it not def mainly for financial reasons but have decided against a 4d scan as i dont want to see what baby looks like befor the birth
we get the exact same when we tell people we are going to find out its always why oh you don' want to do that erm isn't it our decision!?!?
i think alot of people find out nowadays which i just think is really boring my self as all ur waiting for is baby 2 be born and theres no real suprise.
i'm so glad we didnt find out as i think it'll make the labour a little bit exciting and easier as i'll be ssooo excitied to know the sex.
i dont think theres many suprises in life and this had to be the best suprise life can offer!!

this I totally agree with!
were gona stay team yellow too!!

we said all along we wanted a surprise, i mean its either a girl or a boy anyway!!

people have looked at me as if i have 5 heads when we have said we arnt finding out the sex, even MIL thought we are crazy, (she wants to know as she has a grandaughter and wants a boy this time)

but i think because technology means you can find out people think it means you should find out automatically, and it sorta takes your choice away from it,

good luck and stick to your guns!

come on team yellow!!!

We are going to find out but we are not telling anyone else (or so we plan!!) but I can just see my hubby saying him/her everytime we talk!
It's totally a personal choice though and if I had more willpower I would stay team yellow but I know there's no point kidding myself that I won't ask when we are there!!
We decided to find out and I have had the opposite reaction-I'm sick and tired of people pulling their face when we tell them we know, telling me that I'm ruining the surprise, that the birth won't be as wonderful, that I'm spoiling everything as if ANYTHING could spoil the experience of bringing my baby into the world. Everyone is so judgemental no matter what you choose to do, I'm tired of it.

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