Tiny update!! Msg from Tiny.

thanks hun. Ive never had high bp before, in fact I suffer from faintingand head rushes cos my BP is usually too low!! I never thought this would be a problem for me but pregnancy does strange things to our bodies!Hope it is down tomorrow too,nice to hear yours went up and down, gives me some hope that mine will be low.

To be honest Im starting with a headache, which may well be due to too much crying or too much chocolate or both, but I think I ought to ring the ward about it, and just know Ill be swept away to be monitored. I dont wanna mess around if Iam getting preeclampsia, as much as I dont wanna go anywhere near that ward! Im gonna lie down for 10 mins and drink a pint of water just incase that'll shift it.
thanks hun. Ive never had high bp before, in fact I suffer from faintingand head rushes cos my BP is usually too low!! I never thought this would be a problem for me but pregnancy does strange things to our bodies!Hope it is down tomorrow too,nice to hear yours went up and down, gives me some hope that mine will be low.

To be honest Im starting with a headache, which may well be due to too much crying or too much chocolate or both, but I think I ought to ring the ward about it, and just know Ill be swept away to be monitored. I dont wanna mess around if Iam getting preeclampsia, as much as I dont wanna go anywhere near that ward! Im gonna lie down for 10 mins and drink a pint of water just incase that'll shift it.

i have a rule that i take 2 paracetomol with a headache and if it not gone within an hour i get checked i had a few with dd and nothing gets rid of them x i also find when you get to hosp sit in car or on bench for a good ten mins befor going in [unless urgent ] as it can help calm you down and stop bp going up with stress good luck xx
thanks, its still there but def eased up when I went for a lie down. But I couldnt stop thinking about my dinner, and Im wondering whether my blood sugars have just crashed after all the chocolate I scoffed earlier this afternoon! Got some dinner in the over now so will take some paracetamol, have dinner then go in if its still not gone. I really dont want to go in, and my instinct is, this inst preeclampsia, cos it would be a really bad headache, but theres a little voice in my head saying "what if this is, and youre ignoring it and hurting your baby!"
You do what you feel is right hun. There's nothing wrong with being cautious with blood pressure that high :hug: xx
very tempting to leave it cos midwife is coming round tomorrow, and Ill sleep better here than on that ward for sure. Shes written in my notes that shes gonna refer me to the ward tomorrow unless my bp has dropped below 140. I had a feeling that might happen but she didnt actually say that! I just read it now. So Im gonna just enjoy what could possibly be my last evening at home with OH before we have a baby!!
im tempted to leave it cos midwife is coming here tomorrow anyway, and Im gonna get a decent nights sleep at home. She actually written in my notes that shes gonna refer me to the ward if my bp isnt below 140 tomorrow. I had a feeling that would happen but she didnt actually say that.

Ive pretty much decided that unless this headache gets bad Im just gonna leave it as I can never sleep on the ward and this might be my last night at home with OH before the baby arrives!! exciting!
ha, it crashed on me and I thought Id lost that post, so rewrote it! Now you get to read it twice in different words! lucky youse!
Tiny good luck for tomorrow, Ive just got home - will be checking in on you xx
Good luck Tiny :hug: hope bp is better tomorrow,what time is your appt? x
no idea. They are seriously short staffed at the mo so someone is going to ring me in the morning to arrange to come round. It all depends if anyone goes into labour tomorrow I guess! Id never met the midwife who did my sweep today, she was really lovely though, proper mumsy type so I hope I see her again. Ive seen about 4 different midwifes at antenatal checks in the last month.

She did ask if I could get a lift to the hosptial to get the ward to check it for me if they had too many emergency visits to do. I said I would, but I know my BP will be higher in hospital than at home so fingers crossed one of the midwives will have some free time!
nothin yet, Im tempted to ring htem. My headache went away last night but Im brewing one again now... probably the stress, Im trying to be calm about it, but its hard when I think I might be sent into the ward today.

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