Tiny update!! Msg from Tiny.

Bounce woman, bounce :lol:

Huge luck hun xxx
Ask her if she has got one of those big hands that you see at football matches..might give you a head start! Good luck Tiny, hope you get a good strong labour pattern :hug:
my blood pressure is up to 150/85. Always used to be 100/60 ish until about a month ago and thats the highest its ever been today. :wall: She said she was gonna give me a really good sweep cos I need to be going into labour now cos of my BP.

Then she tried and said that there is no change in my cervix and she couldnt do it. Im beyond gutted. Shes coming back tomorrow to check my BP. Im really scared Im gonna be admitted, she was uncertain whether I should be waiting til the 15th for induction if my BP doesnt go down :pray:

Im just crying now, Im so gutted.
Goodness me - poor you, I dont know what to say other than I will pray that you go into natural labour before tomorrow, stranger things have happened.

I can't believe that none of the huge drug companies have come up with medication for pregnant women to lower BP :hug: xx
Awww sweetie :hug: Of course you're going to be upset - try your best to keep relaxed and calm, that should help your BP come down.

I'd have thought that even if you were admitted, they'd monitor both you and the baby before actually going ahead with everything. My Mum had hugh BP with me and she was monitored throughout the night before they decided to induce her. Really hope everything's ok tomorrow - try not to worry (easier said than done) Xx
:( awww hun try and stay calm to keep that bp down :hugs: so sorry hun xxx
oo tiny.. im sorry to hear about your BP.. i still got a strong feeling that you will be fine and naturally go in to labour tho.. fingers crossed hun xx
forgot to mention that baby has now turned back to back. For the first time, I feel like if Im induced, and baby is back to back, I just wont be able to cope with labour. OH is going to the shop to get some yummy stuff for lunch and chocolate.

Thing is Im gonna find it really hard to relax tomorrow when shes doing my bp cos I know that she might send me into the hopsital afterwards. I hate that place so much, theres no phone signal, its so lonely :cry:
oh no Tiny!! I'm sorry to hear things didn't go according to plan.....did she take it more than once? The anticipation of the appointment may have pushed it up and it sometimes comes down if it's taken at 10 minute intervals. Also what sort of monitor did she use? The cuff needs to be large enough for your arm (if they use a small cuff it can give an incorrectly high reading) and a manual monitor is more accurate than the electric ones that pump themselves up. When my bp was done at the GP yesterday with an electronic monitor is was 148/93 but at the midwife drop in, 20 minutes later, and just before my first sweep, which I was crapping myself about, it was 138/80 with a manual monitor. It can make a big difference! Don't give up hope, stay nice and calm and think low bp thoughts for tomorrow :hug:
she only did it once, but it was with a manual one. To be honest I just feel like booking myself in for an elective c section.
oh tiny! dont be upset! dont worry cuz you dont know what will happend tomorrow yet (i know its easy for me to sit and say) :( if it reads high tomorrow ask her to do it again after a few min..
if it's still high tomorrow then make sure you ask her to take it again in 10 minutes or so - the worry of it being high could be enough to push it up when she takes it the first time.

I know it's horrible when your bp is high, it happens to me most times I get it checked - to be honest I'm surprised they're letting me go so far over, it's never really been below 140/80, and that's on 3 pills a day! If you bp is genuinely high though, then at least you know about it, and can act accordingly - it would be far worse to have high bp and not know about it and let it just carry on. And think of it this way, if they do decide to induce you, you get to meet your LO sooner rather than later!! Assuming you don't into labour naturally in the meantime of course! Try to keep positive :)
:hug: so sorry to hear that tiny. I really hope things start progressing for you very soon. U didn't wash your hair did u? If u did then that's what's gone wrong :lol: xx seriously tho hope bubs gets into action soon, typical bloke already :-) xx
Oh tiny, keep going, you'll get your baby soon.

Your doing well!!! Not long till baby! xx
Shame about the bp :(

Still, I was induced with a back to back baby and honestly it was probably the easiest labour of all 3. And don't worry about the cervix, if ur anything like me it will go from brick like to fully dilated in no time and give them all a shock!!

Hope that has given you some hope ((hugs))
thats girls for all your kind words. :hug: vast amounts of chocolate have cheered me up a bit, if not leaving me feeling a bit sick :sick:

LO has been kicking away reminding me that this is all about him, and I will just have to do whatever they recommend to get him here safely. Im planning on having a nice night in with OH and getting another good nights sleep in my own bed, and then if i have to go in tomorrow, so be it.
That's the spirit hun :hug:

Your bp could go down, at my first appointment mine was sky high on 3 readings, my hospital booking it was perfect :) and I'm an old bird :lol:
hope your bp drops hun i was induced due to high bp and low amniotic fluids they can depleat due to high bp but my bp now is same as yours but that not to bad for me so they not bothered lols but with my dd mine went up and down like a yoyo so fingers crossed yours is nice and low

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