James' school got me in trouble with OH and made me cry today by scaring the cr@p outta me
I've been in all day today apart from the school run so I left my mobile phone upstairs charging. I just totally forgot about taking it downstairs with me. Our house phone has been playing up and isn't charged but I forgot that
I heard my mobile ringing this afternoon and found several missed calls from OH and the school. I phoned OH who went totally mental at me. Turns out the school had been phoning him asking why James wasn't in school. They couldn't get hold of me (I hadn't heard my phone ringing cos I was in the kitchen for most of the morning with the washing machine on).
OH had panicked because it was unusual for James to be off school and me not notify them and for him not to be able to get hold of me. He had feared I'd gone into labour and had been carted off in an ambulance and was about to leave work to come back home!
I panicked about james not being in school cos I knew I'd taken him and had watched him go in as usual (my pregnancy brain isn't that bad!)
So I phoned the school in floods of tears fearing James had been abducted, they said they'd go to his class to check he was there whilst I sat there in hysterics on the phone!! Turns out he's been in class all day and they had just forgot to mark him on the school register.
Pissed off now cos OH is mad at me for worrying him, and I had a heart attack thinking someone had stolen my little boy