I'm dreading it!

It's the first time I've had to cook xmas dinner for the in laws and they aren't the easiest of people to please.
OH suggested today that I phone MIL and ask what she wants to do ie, what to eat, what time etc cos 'if we don't do it her way she'll come round and be trying to reorganise everything and won't be happy'....TOUGH! If she's a guest in my house she'll eat what and when I say!
We went food shopping this afternoon and as I predicted it was a nightmare,packed, people blocking aisles with their trolleys, the escalators broke down so everyone was queing for the lifts with their trolleys full of shopping...
OH is a nightmare in the supermarket at the best of times, he has no patience for it at all. He ended up moaning all the way around about the price of this and that and we ended up shouting at each other at the checkout! I am so fed up with xmas already, it doesn't agree with my hormones at the moment.
Sorry for the rant, feel really annoyed today. Knowing I've got to work all day in a supermarket for the next two days doesn't help either!
Next year we're going to have xmas with my parents in Devon where it's nice and chilled.