**Second Tri Chat**

3 sleeps? Is that all?

I'm dreading it! :shock: It's the first time I've had to cook xmas dinner for the in laws and they aren't the easiest of people to please.

OH suggested today that I phone MIL and ask what she wants to do ie, what to eat, what time etc cos 'if we don't do it her way she'll come round and be trying to reorganise everything and won't be happy'....TOUGH! If she's a guest in my house she'll eat what and when I say! :x

We went food shopping this afternoon and as I predicted it was a nightmare,packed, people blocking aisles with their trolleys, the escalators broke down so everyone was queing for the lifts with their trolleys full of shopping...

OH is a nightmare in the supermarket at the best of times, he has no patience for it at all. He ended up moaning all the way around about the price of this and that and we ended up shouting at each other at the checkout! I am so fed up with xmas already, it doesn't agree with my hormones at the moment.

Sorry for the rant, feel really annoyed today. Knowing I've got to work all day in a supermarket for the next two days doesn't help either! :wall: :wall:

Next year we're going to have xmas with my parents in Devon where it's nice and chilled.
im lookin 4ward 2 nxt xmas more than this 1 as i cant w8 4 it 2 b us 3, it will b great opening pressies wiv the lil 1
I agree MM Devon is much more chilled the pace of life seems slower in this neck of the woods. :D

I went to the panto last night which was fun and now im feeling really festive. Got some wrapping to do then im all done for xmas just going to relax now and enjoy the time off.
Evening all!

Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope that Santa is good to you all :wink:

Done all my prep for dinner tomorrow, got my sister and her husband and daughter coming for dinner, just got a few more prezzies to wrap and then I am going to bed. Jamie will probably have us up about 4am, he has been so hyper all day.

Hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow :hug:
Hope you all had a fab day yesterday! We had a great time, the in laws behaved themselves, we played games, built lego and ate loads :D

Having a lazy day at home today, just me, OH and James today :dance:
The outlaws took James to their house this afternoon and are having him overnight so we went into Aberdeen this afternoon to do some shopping. I went into Bravissimo and finally got fitted for new bras, been meaning to do it for months! My BB's feel so much better!

Had McDonalds for tea too which was really weird without james. I miss him when he's not here, even though it's only one night, I don't think I could ever go on holiday without him like some parents do.

We went to the pub this evening but only stayed for an hour, it isn't much fun when you have to stick to coke and lemonade.
Sitting on a comfy sofa with a box of milk chocolate All Gold is nicer :D
Can have a nice lie in tomorrow without James dragging me out of bed :cheer: :cheer:
Happy new year!

It was so nice being woken up by James this morning and not having a hangover :D
Happy New Year hun and to all you girls!! I havent posted in chat for ages :wall: :wall: always forget its here!

hope everyone had a good night, I know what you mean MM, was so good to wake up not hungover! Its a first time in a LONG time :lol:

It's been snowing here today! :dance: Not as much as I'd like though, I like my feet to dissapear when I walk through it, this is just a sprinkling.
Still looks pretty though :D

OH has gone back to work today so I can clean up the mess he's made over xmas. He's more untidy than James! :shakehead:
we have no snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we was ment to get 5cm i havant even seen a flake :(
my mother is coming round later to see me
thats my whole plan for the day lol
manda xx
i want snow...i'm as bad as the kids at school...i want a snow day!!!!!
PS... 99 days to go...omg :shock: :shock:
i want snow, itd be a great excuse to stay in bed 2moro, i hav the day off work but still hav the monthly shop and loads of ironing 2 do :x as well as trying 2 fight off this nasty cold
I went to work today (half an hour away) and there was snow EVERYWHERE but we haven't had any - not fair :x
Good Morning ladies

I hope everyone has a good weekend planned im doing as little as possible today! I got the food shop to do but thats it im staying in the warm ive got another cold so want to shift it asap.
No posts in here for ages, eh?

Well, how is everyone doing this week and do we have anything exciting planned for the weekend? Unfortunately I have to work on Saturday but I am planning to sleep most of Sunday :sleep:
school all week
swimming lessons all weekend :(

I am shattered but don't get time off to sleep :(
I have work on sat too so and im not really sure about sunday yet.
I woke up to snow again yesterday morning. Poor James, the opportunity to build a snowman and it was his first day back at school!
No snow today but it's really cold, wet and windy :(

No plans for the weekend as yet, apart from work on Sunday at 8am :wall:
Muppetmummy, can you share some of your snow with the rest of us? :pray:

Hope James gets to build his first snowman soon. Random fact alert (because I am a The Snowman obsessive, hence the avatar) - the little boy in the film is actually called James! :cheer:

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