**Second Tri Chat**

I'm supposed to be doing housework today but not started yet! :oops:
Haven't got the energy anymore :wall: :wall:
Got to get the upstairs clean today and downstairs tomorrow. The outlaws are coming around for James' party on friday
[quote="muppetmummy. The outlaws are coming around for James' party on friday[/quote]

The Outlaws!
Don't be fooled Bloom, I am not clever, the gingerbread is already made, we just need to cut it and decorate it with icing and sweeties. I am afraid I am not a domestic goddess but a cheat :oops:
:wave: everyone.
Been missing you as internet has been done - we tried to get mobile broadband but even that didn't work :x

Had my 28 week appointment today. All looks good for my home birth - hubby finally agreed today :cheer: :cheer: Midwife was so positive and said that if it were her decision she would say to me to definitely have one. Because she was so positive and explained everything so brilliantly to my hubby, he felt happier about it and said I could have a home birth!

A total weight off my shoulders! I know I have a fair way to go yet and lots of things can change, but the fact that he is happy with it has me grinning like a baffoon!!!
So pleased for you MM :D

You are a lot braver than I am but so glad to hear that you are able to have the birth experience that you want :hug:

I have burnt my thumb on the oven :( it is really sore , I have run it under the cold tap but any other suggestions on what I can put on it to take the burn out?
try some savlon it should sooth it
or e45 cream if you have that instead
manda xx
Thanks manda for your quick reply. Didn't have either of those but found some after sun with aloe vera in and that seems to have soothed it a bit.
Hope your thumbs better soon fiona :hug: :hug: :hug:

:wave: :wave: Hiya munch! Glad you're on track for your home birth. Still thinking about whether I should have one. With James I felt I was coping with the labour pains so much better when I was at home. Once I got to hospital I started to panic and couldn't focus on my breathing and ended up asking for drugs. Being relaxed helps so much
yep anything like that really does the trick i tend to burn myself alot on things!!!
manda xx
Fifi i cant wait till i have a lo that can help me with things like making gingerbread houses that lovely. :cheer:

I have my work xmas lunch today which should be fun :cheer: my day can only get better as so far this morning we have had a power cut which meant i overslept and had to get dressed in the dark i missed my breakfast and the boiler man didnt come yesterday so im hoping he will come today as im fed up of no hot water and no heating its freeeeeeeezing. :pray:

Hope everyone has a good day. :D
muppetmummy said:
Hope your thumbs better soon fiona :hug: :hug: :hug:

:wave: :wave: Hiya munch! Glad you're on track for your home birth. Still thinking about whether I should have one. With James I felt I was coping with the labour pains so much better when I was at home. Once I got to hospital I started to panic and couldn't focus on my breathing and ended up asking for drugs. Being relaxed helps so much

I would definitely have a chat with your MW.
I found that beingat home - watching TV, doing the washing up etc took my mind off it so much more rather than sat in a small room just waiting for the next contraction.

I'm not against a hospital birth so if it doesn't work out c'est la vie. I think that's probably the best attitude to have and hopefully it will make for a quick and easy birth :pray: :lol:
Totally agree with you monster munch - I had my second at home and although my silly midwife let me go 7 hours at 4 cm (without waters breaking) before she decided to break my waters!! through out this time the pain wasn't bad and i could walk around my house and watch my telly made things easier.

She then broke my waters at 415am and i went from 4cm-10cm and had the baby at 430am!!!

I have said to my midwife about this baby and asked that if my waters don't break soon this time could I request she to do it, and she said I can get her to do it at anytime - if they haven't already!! :dance:
Morning ladies.

Hubby is coming home today!!!!!!!! I am really excited as it means I can finally relax and start feeling christmassy :D Traffic is gonna be horrid though so goodness knows what time he will be back :roll:

Jamie breaks up from school today and is sooo excited for christmas. They had their christmas party yesterday and santa came and gave them all a prezzie, he was so hyper last night.

Just gonna chill today and wrap hubby's prezzies so he can't go rooting when he gets home.

Hope you all have a lovely day.x
Today is James' birthday! I can't believe he's 5 already! It's gone so fast :shock:

He's at school today (his last day) and the poor thing has to sit through the xmas church service this morning, not the best b-day pressie!

He isn't opening any presents till after school, I knew if he started on them this morning I'd never get him out of the house.
He had his party with his school friends last week though and had lots of presents then.

We're having a birthday tea for him tonight with his grandparents...the outlaws! Unforunately my parents are in Devon so can't come : (

He had his xmas party at school yesterday too and loved it, he wore his spiderman outfit. He's got an exciting week!

I'd better finish my cleaning and get the food ready for his birthday tea. Have a good day everyone :D
Thanks girls :D

Just taking a break while I eat my lunch, cleaned the bathrooms this morning (having 2 bathrooms is fantastic until you have to clean them!) and did a basket of ironing. Been to the shops as well. I'm not normally this productive! Got a backache and hipache already! My pregnant body doesn't like housework :lol:
Happy birthday to James :cheer:

I've also done loads of housework today and now I'm ready to collapse. Oh well.

What is everyone else up to?
Good morning! :D

James' enjoyed his birthday tea yesterday, afterwards we watched Transformers AGAIN! He's got loads of Transformers figures now and will be getting even more in 3 sleeps time!

Got to do the xmas food shopping this afternoon. I'm dreading it, I'm sure Asda will be packed

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