Things ARE happening!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Hmm - well today at around 4am I woke up with very mild period pains and couldn't get back to sleep so got up for a while. Went to the toilet and was a bit distressed to see the water had turned pink :shock: so I phoned the delivery suite as I was worried it was my waters breaking and the sign of blood wasn't good.

Anyway they said it sounded like I was shedding the mucus plug. Well I was expecting this to be like - erm - a big glob of mucus (sorry!) and that it would be a one off event, but I've been losing very small amounts of blood (but not amniotic fluid) all day so phoned again this evening and described what was happening. The midwife said it sounded exactly like a 'show', took all my details and said don't hesitate to call if anything changes, otherwise just hang in there for now, and that things would most likely happen over the next few days.

So I think is finally time to pack my hospital bag!! Funny thing is I've barely finished work - officially finished on Friday, but all week I've been dialled in from home for a few hours a day dealing with things! So I don't feel quite ready yet! I dialled in for the last time today and I'm definitely going to stay off now until baby arrives!

I'll keep you posted but if I'm not around for a few days you will know why......(either that or hubbie will have physically removed the computer to stop me working)!

Good Luck Littlebump!!!
Hope this is it for you.... exciting, isn't it?
Deep breaths..... :lol:
Emilia xx
Good Luck Little bump

Hope that this is it for you !!! Ohhhhhh another baby !!!!! Dont forget to get someone to let us all know as soon as possible!!!

Shall keep checking out the announcements

Hope everything goes well for you !!!

Ragna xxxxxxxxxx
YIIPPPEEE!!! I love all these babies being born!!! Good luck I hope this is it for you!!! I'll be checking for the updates!

xoxo Ree
Thanks ladies!

I was right - have been in labour since around 9.30am last night. Progress is a little slow though - contractions are still around 8-9 mins apart :( . But so far am coping OK.

Have let hubbie sleep so he'll have some good news when he wakes up shortly!!

Will let you know once I have some 'proper' news to report.

Oh wow! Good luck! Hope all goes smoothly :)

Wow! great news littlebump!

I love it when people are in labor and chatting on the forum, I hope I get to do that!

Let us know asap
good luck!
Thats great littlebump!

Can't wait to hear all your news!

:D :D :D :D :D

I'm so excited now! I can't concentrate on work again
yey Littlebump

i am so excited for you and hubby.

good luck. i am with you all the way. lol

wow this brings in all back

good luck hun

hurry up and post again or i`ll explode :lol: lol
yeahhhhhhh! good luck LB!!!! very excited for you, cant wait to hear the anouncement
hey littlebump

noticed your online, how are you doing??
Good luck little bump. Hope to hears some fab news soon.
YaY! I'm glad this is it! Good Luck and I hope things go smoothely for ya!!

xoxo Ree
Good Luck Little bump. Come back with photos of the little one!

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