There are now 18 of us due in Tri 1 - Anyone new or moving on?

Should know my DD on thursday once i've had the early scan to check dates x

Ahh Lynz, I am sooo pleased to see you back here in Tri 1 - huge congrats

I have added you as a EDD TBA for now - as it's just nice to be on the list!

Wishing you a very happy and healthy pregnancy X
Meant to add here, after my dating scan I have been moved back 5 days to due date of 27th Jan - bummer!! Just glad my little bean is happy and healthy : )

Oh what a shame Laura, but like you say baby is happy and well in there, and will arrive when he/she fancys anyway, and won't be going by your EDD anyway!

All updated
Keep forgetting to post here - can you please add me to the list DD 9th March - thanks
Think I'm gonna move over to tri 2 jj xxxx :yay: xxxx
see you in a couple of days Emma, I am waiting until my scan on Wednesday :whistle:
Keep forgetting to post here - can you please add me to the list DD 9th March - thanks

Fantastic to see you backm Sarl - congrats again and I have added you to the list for , I'm sure there are lots ofk other marchs lying low at the moment!:lol:
see you in a couple of days Emma, I am waiting until my scan on Wednesday :whistle:

Ooooh good luck for your scan rheych, can't wait to see the piccys X

Hi!! Can I move to tri-2 now please?! Scan went well, no idesa how to put piccies up though so will have to bare with me :lol:

Of course you can Hun, well done for reaching the Tri 2 milestone and enjoy !

If you get stuck with piccys , give me a shout, I save to desktop and then when posting click on the paperclip sign to browse and attach your piccy. If you don't see the paperclip when posting, then click go advanced and you should see it then.:lol:
Taken me a few days to not be to scared to post here but im joining the valentines day DD soo

DD 14th Feb
Taken me a few days to not be to scared to post here but im joining the valentines day DD soo

DD 14th Feb

Yeah I know what you mean Monkei!

Congrats to you, and I have added you to the list, you have an exact due date buddie already on the list! :lol:

Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy X

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