The two week wait...5dpo i think!

Ooooh fingers crossed for you, how exciting, I long for some proper signs, though some women just don't get them (or so I keep telling myself) :) best of luck xx
Veins are nuts tonight!!!!! Actually popped out.
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Urgh, really bad sleep last night, up and down to the bathroom, woke at 5:30 and had to run to the bathroom to pee! Also insanely hungry!!!!!

My temp has dropped from 36.7 to 36 today ( different testing times due to sleepy weekend and up for work and bathroom visit) any ideas? Xx
Urgh, really bad sleep last night, up and down to the bathroom, woke at 5:30 and had to run to the bathroom to pee! Also insanely hungry!!!!!

My temp has dropped from 36.7 to 36 today ( different testing times due to sleepy weekend and up for work and bathroom visit) any ideas? Xx

my tempretures stayed roughly the same even when i had to get up for bathroom it would normally rise or drop by .2 . i did take my temp same time every day, i think you wait and see what tomorrow brings :)
Lucy...Fx or you.

I've had some period pains on my left side this morning...mega stressed with work today! Hoping all is ok IF i am pregnant!

Hi Sozzy sorry for late reply, I was feeling a little tired after not sleeping much last so at one went to lay down and other half has just come to wake me up ooooops xx
That's ok Lucy...

Ohhh Nice!! lol

I am feeling tummy sicky now and have dull aches in lower back.. watery discharge today too.. (sorry tmi)!

If i don't get a BFP i am never symptom spotting again! lol

Very sore achy back now!!...and on off period pains :(
10dpo tomorrow...4 days away from Af sooooo a early detection test should pick up something right??
I've just sent the Dh out to get one! ;) going to test tonight??

Yes probably I just can't help myself!

Il wait a while though try to hold it in as long as possible xx
I will if you will...seeing as you get two! lol xx
Ha ha will aim for ten pm but will let you know if I decide I'm gonna wet myself ha ha
Suddenly nervous or nauseous ?!?!?! I'm doing my own head in with this symptom swapping xx
That was meant to say spotting I don't know what's wrong with me xx
...Nervous!? :p

I am too!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!

baby dust!!!
I was busting for a wee so i did it...............

BFN ! :(

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