What are the rules for daytime naps?
it depends on the age of the baby. i try to go out during ruben's lunchtime nap (12-2.30) but i do adapt the routine slightly to fit in if i need to be somewhere. at the moment i am still keeping him on the routine for a 6-8 week old as he didn't seem ready to go onto the 8-12 week routine just yet (i tried and it just didn't work as he is such a hungry baby!!) i think the main thing is not to exceed the max daytime sleeptime, which at the moment for ruben is a max of 4 hours between 7am-7pm.
i do recommend the book, but i don't follow it to the letter as i feel i need to adapt it to suit ruben (and me!)
the book goes into more detail, but the 6-8 week routine involves
- waking at 7am (if i'm lucky! lol)
- naps at: 9-9.45am, 12noon-2.15/2.30pm, 4.30-5pm
- bedtime at 7pm
- feeding at 7am, 10.45am, 2.30pm, 6.15pm, 10.30pm (i adapt these slightly as ruben sometimes can't go the length of time inbetween, so i split the meal into 1/2 when he's starving and 1/2 according to the routine)
-bathtime is at 5.45 just before the evening feed (but ruben has dry skin so i don't bathe him every day. on those days i substitute the bath for a longer relaxing massage session)
hopefully he will be able to move onto the 8-12 week routine soon, but as long as it works for him i'm happy!
he's been in his own room now since 6 weeks and he sleeps better as i don't fuss over him at the slightest noise! when he was in our room i think i went to him to quickly, now it's a little more effort as i have to walk to the next room! i don't see a problem in him being in his own room this early - i have a baby monitor and hear his every grunt!
anyways i'm rambling on! but as i said, the book is brilliant if read with an open approach! (bet you can get one cheap off ebay! i was desperate enough at the time to want it IMMEDIATELY so bought it at full price which is about a tenner)