**The No Sleep Club**

Lucy said:
Thanks guys for your tip about sleeping on the side, I put Olivia in a grobag last night and she was half asleep when I put her down then she woke up and was really unsettled - arms and legs going like the clappers. Then I tried rolling her onto her side and put a towel behind her and instantly she drifted off to sleep! Honestly it was that quick. That was 11pm - she woke at 2.30 on her back so I just rolled her on her side again and put the towel back and again off to sleep! Then she woke at 5am for food.

Not bad though, especially as she's still getting used to her cot (was in carrycot) and her room (used to be in our room).


Yay that's great news!
Brody is the same when he has a towel behind him...he keeps so still compared to when he's fidgeting around on his back.
urchin said:
OH NO! Hope you get some rest today hun :)

Had a sleep with her today but she wanted to play after an hour so am still yawning my head off. :roll:
Same again - am thinking about being sponsered by Touche Eclait cos my bags are so bad now lol

Brody had 3 meals and a huge feed before bed at 9.30pm

still woke up at 12, 2, 4, 6 Ahhhhhh!
This is really interesting. We had another crap night again. From 6.00pm after her 6.00pm feed Heidi wouldnt settle - she was awake and crying up till 1.00 this morning. Between us we must of got up to settle her in her cot about 15 times from the time we went to bed, until in the end we fell asleep and she must of as well.

I think she would be sleeping through if she would only settle down, because after she eventually fell asleep at around what must of been 1.30am she slept straight through till 6.30am. :shock: :shock:

But what I was going to say, was that I think she wants to sleep on her side because when D/H went in to do his turn in settling her down he put her on her side and she almost straight away settled down. Of course he came back into our room and I asked him what he had done and he told me, so I was like "No, she's not allowed to sleep on her side" cos I thought they recommend they sleep on their backs.

My problem, like all of you I imagine, is that i am totally paranoid about cot death and so even if she prefers sleeping on her side i darent let her in case something happens - alhtough D/H wants me to give it a try tonight.

It has made me feel better that a few of you are doing it too though - I should give it a go cos she seems to really like it like that.

Just thought it was strange as I had read this topic but hadnt tried it with Heidi - and typical she wants to do what they dont recommend :roll: - causing me more worry :roll:

L x
lisa, my friend's baby was the same - he refused to sleep on his back. so she let him sleep on his side, only to be told off by the MW who said "no he MUST sleep on his back" - endless nights of crying followed. then the MW was replaced by the HV, and when she asked if they had any problems my friend told her that they struggled to get him to sleep as he preferred sleeping on his side and wouldn't settle on his back. now, the HV sounds like she had her head screwed on, because straight away she was like " for goodness sake let him sleep on his side if that's what he wants", after that they had no problems with him not settling.

apparently the reason why they recommend babies are put to sleep on their backs is to reduce the risk of them rolling onto their tummies. (which in itself probably isn't as bad as they say, as when i was little all babies slept on their tummies!) i've been told that if your baby sleeps on their side, to put the lower arm forward a little to stop them from rolling onto their tummy.

there are nights when ruben won't settle unless he's on his side, so i put him on his side - when i come to do a feed he's more often than not rolled onto his back anyway.
Don't know if I qualify being on here today as we slept over in CT with DH. Anyway, we went our for dinner and Oscar fell asleep at 9pm. (didn't bath him last night - just changed in pj's)
He woke at 2.22am and then a gain at 5am. Not bad as he also just slept in his buggy. Had an early start as we were picking folk up from airport and luckily, Oscar slept all the way home again (2.5 hour journey)
Looks like our bunnies are playing games with us all!!!
Emilia xx
Hi everyone

Lisa, you mustn't do anything you don't feel comfortable with as it'll give you less sleep that Heidi waking up/not settling etc! I didn't know until Tuesday night that my mum put 7 of her babies to sleep on their side because they settled better that way and she put one on their back because they hated sleeping on their side.

If you imagine Olivia lying flat on her back as being the same as 9 on a clock, when she's on her side she's between 10 & 11 so she's only at a slight incline. Like Petchy when I get her up on the night she's usually on her back where the towel has moved.

Olivia slept from 10.30-5.45 on Tues night and 10.30 -6.15 last night so I am very happy :clap: it might not continue but hey it's nice when it happens!

Lucy x
A round of applause for Olivia :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Oscar had reasonably good night. Went to bed at 8.30pm - woke at 2am - and again at 4.30am.... I had a good sleep!!
Emilia xx
Urchin, how are you getting on?
Hiya he woke every 3 hours last night, which might sound bad but it's better than every 2!
Sleep....hmm I remember that, isn't it where you close your eyes, have nice dreams and wake up all relaxed???? Ah the good old days huh
Well done Olivia! - Lucy you are soooooooooooooo lucky!

Heidi had her injections today (it was horrible) I took my brother with me to hold her - as there was no way I was going to be able to hold her - it really upset me. I'm such a big baby...

L x
ILMAO Beanie! I just cannot imagine sleeping right through then having a lie in!!?? ooooohhh the thought of it................

L x
A lie - what. Nope can't think what one of those are sorry.
Lisa, I'm sure it wasa one off, I'm sat here feeding Olivia now after she woke up after 1 hours sleep! :roll:

Emilia, Oscar is making good progress! :clap:

Beanie - do you think Seren is getting ready for some extra food or is she not hungry when she wakes?

Urchin, you're right, every 3 will soon become every 4 then 5 etc hopefully

Lucy x
Awwww Lucy - perhaps she was feeling a ickle bit more hungry tonight!!?? :wall: lol.

L x
after the WORST two nights ever with ruben i decided to go "cold turkey" last night and get rid of his bad sleep associations he had as he got used to using a dummy when he was suffering bad wwith reflux pain. so i thought i may as well just try to get rid of the dummy at bedtime and also teach him how to settle himself properly by himself.

i expected to have to do "crying down" and was all mentally prepped for a horrid night. he fed (boobie and top up) and was in bed by 11.15, without his dummy and still slightly awake in his cot. i turned out the lights and went into the bedroom, then decided to read for a while whilst waiting for the inevitable screams...

...they never came! he slept till 4.05am, fed and went back down again with just a few grunts and groans, then i heard him stirring at 6am but he settled again and had to be woken at 7!

good old gina ford, i have regained faith! trying to get him into the routine properly again now, and am trying to increase my milk supply by following her special plan for expressing etc as i tink ruben might not be getting quite enough from me. (think my supply dropped during the horrid cold me and ruben suffered a few weeks back)

hope this wasn't a one off!!!
Brody is getting there slowley but surely!
He was asleep in bed at 8.30, woke at 1.45 then 4, then 8.
Fingers crossed he keeps it up, there is hope for you all if Brody can do it your babies can too...remember not that long ago he was waking up every HOUR!

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