The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Hi all. I reckon I am 3 or 4DPO. Bd'd absolutely loads last week. was trying to SMEP but just ended up bd'ing every night>. I normally don't symptom spot as early as this, but I think I ovd on sat / sun morn going by EWCM ( I was using opks but ran out but i now have shiney new CBFM for nxt month- I also started temping last wk too)
ANyhoo, so I reckon i ovd on sat due to EWCM that was CD 17. I was dry on sunday - then on monday CM was watery-ish again, ewcm - ish on tues. creamy today. I had slight dizzyness today. I have like an internal burning sensation in my tummy/ abdomen almost to the left hand side.
Last month I got a ton of symptoms the closer i got to af due date and month before period was late by about 4 days. Both those times I didn't notice anything as early as this. Is this my mind playing tricks on me??? Is it too early to get symptoms like these?

What DPO is everyone now? (theres something like 60 pages on this thread!!!)
Hiya Leelee, i am 7DPO! And not much to report except some slight lines on an OPK and PERHAPS on a PG but not sure... might just be making it up

i have very watery CM also
Hi all,

I am popping in again, as star said, this has been a lucky thread-can't miss out on the action :wave:

I am currently CD9....10 in 30 mins, not that I'm counting lol :roll:
I had a little EWCM yesterday
CBFM showing high
Negative OPK

Can't wait for OV time, I want to be in the 2WW so I can symptom spot and obsess, lol! :lol: xx

Sorry to all who have been visited by the evil witch :witch: and babydust to all waiting to test :dust::dust::dust:xx
Not sure if AF is on the way or not. TMI alert but on my knickers there was some CM with a little bit of red blood in it and when I wiped there was brown blood, a lot more than the spotting that I had yesterday. My temps are still the same as they have been since ov and above the cover line. Had no bleeding since a few hours ago and I'm not sure when AF is due as my cycles have been irregular since coming off the pill in August. Hmm just not sure what to think x
Hope its not af for you in dreams, ive no idea when af is due either as such irregular cycles havent really got my hopes up much this month but i really cant help it now as im on cd33 really want it so badly!!

Fx to everyone.

Michelle. x
Hi lovely ladies.

Leeleekitty, About the internal burning sensation, could you get a water sample done at your gp surgery it sounds like you might have the start of a little water infection ? you want this cured before pg if you do have one. Your cm sounds good for ovulation this month, good luck hun & welcome to the thread. xx

Indreams, Hope its not af hun but remember brown blood is old blood, when its bright red its fresh so fingers crossed you dont see any more of this blood & your bfp sweetie. xx

Lisey, rooting for your bfp babe, post here it is the lucky thread sweetie :) not long till your in the 2ww xxx

Fi, any line that is in colour on a pg test is consided a positive even if its faint! is it colour or grey ? xx

Hays, have you been to your gp about your long cycles hun ? He can help you ya know babe, its so hard trying to pinpoint ovulation with long cycles & you go through tons of opk's i have been there before with long cycles but i got help insted of self medicating & my gp fixed it for me like he can do the same to you. He give me a tablet to stop my period for 1mth then when it returned it was shorter ( thats what it does to your cycles ) xx

Goodluck to you lovely ladies, all in the 2ww & testing with opks .. I have a hall full of seats all nice warm & cosey! with all your names on so (BRING ON THE XMAS/NEWYEAR BFP'S ) Wahoooo. xxxx
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InDreams - Star is right, brown blood is old blood so don't panick yet. If you have any cheap tests maybe do one tonight or in the morning to give you a better idea of what's going on. I don't know much about temps but isn't it a good thing if they don't drop after ovulation? Good luck. :dust: xxx
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Yeah that true emma, its good that her temps are still elevated, usually they drop if its the start of a menstrual cycle so ( Goodluck ) Indreams xx
Thanks guys. I do love this site. It's gone back to brown spotting now so hopefully that's a good sign. Don't know whether to test in the morning or hold out til Saturday as planned... eek... It's all exciting either way! x
I have had the burning to in oct and this time, its to far across mines almost over my hip bone to be water infection and quite low down and i had the full screen after october cycle no infections so it might just be the passage of the egg or some blood vessels growing who knows.

If you burn when you pee then definately go in for a check.

Today I feel like a football. just so bloated. Nipples are sore which is making me cringe every time I feel it.

Its bizarre on non sperm cycles I never have anything like this. I only notice horny week but nothing else. When theres sperm i get all sorts of symptoms. Whilst I am convinced that I'm pregnant I also am fully aware that it could be entirely psychosomatic. I know every symptom I should be having and voila i have them. Maybe I'm allergic to sperm !! Im very thirsty to thats not on the list though.
good luck everyone
Hope to see some positives by next week.
Love Daisy
If I don't go to the toilet uptil 8 tonight, will my urine be concentrated enough? x
If I don't go to the toilet uptil 8 tonight, will my urine be concentrated enough? x

Yes I think so, I got my BFP in the evening and I was only 10 DPO. Good luck, can't wait to see your results, really routing for you! :dust: xxx
Thanks star, no i havent been to see my gp yet will go in jan if i havent got my bfp by then, i wasnt aware they cud help with my periods so thank you for the advice.

Fx for you in dreams.

Michelle. x
Hi Starr, thanks for the advice. But maybe i didn't describe the feeling very well. Its definitely not a kidney or urine infection. Its not even sore. its like something inside me is simmering. Does that sound weird? It only ever occurs in 2ww. I've had it once or twice before. No symptoms standing out today.
Just did another pg... Nothing there... Feeling a bit silly really! Still can only wait and see in a few days x x
Oooh stalking!

Best of luck in Dreams!! :dust::dust:
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Thanks :) I'm not feeling positive though, starting to think AF is on her way xx

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