The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Is watery CM a good sign then Star?

Hope you feel better soon. x
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Appears to be in quite a few ladies, yes emma x
Still no witch yay! I am so tired today. On a funny note Al bless him has noticed hoe tired I am and took it upon himself to buy me multi vitamins. He only bought me 50+ I don't know weather to laugh or be insulted Hahahaha x
Have you tested amy ? Eeeeek. Fingers crossed hunni. xx
Haha bless him, maybe he thought it meant you got 50+ tablets in the packet! x
nawww bless him! Vits are Vits so i am sure they wont do any harm!

BFP is very exciting!!
Disaster testing today star lol
My test ended up void as I weed all over it because rose opened the cubicle Door at asda second test gave a weak line because i drank like 10 cups of tea with mil before hand. Roll on the digis!
Al said he thought there were 50 + vitamins in each tablet lmao
They say do not take if pregnant or trying to concieve. Think I will give them to his mum lol
My test ended up void as I weed all over it because rose opened the cubicle Door at asda
:rotfl: ASDA .. I thought i was bad for doing a opk in a cubicle in harrods hahaha.

Well try tomorrow, how long till test day ?

I am so ill,:sick: throat feels like i have eaten razor blades. Poor me LOL!!

I have got a faint positive yesterday that's why I was so eager today lol

Poor you get an early night Hun xxx
Oh hun that amazing eeek, all excited for you now :) will be storking this thread tomorrow waiting for your post when you test again. I should get a early night but i know i wont be able to sleep hun, i have come to bed so sitting on top of bed using the computor watching tv, heating is on blast & i have my pj's & house gown on to keep myself all toasty warm, see if i can sweat this horrible virus out of me.

Goodluck for tomorrow hunni

Thanks Hun I will let you know asap.
Hope you feel a little better tomorrow xxxx
Amy i am here ............ LOL stalking you!!

Whats todays development, have you tested ? ( Fingers crossed )

I feel so much better today, throat wise is so much better, still got flu symptoms but much better than yesterday, thanks hun. xxx
Hey sexy I got 1-2 weeks on my digi I'm over the moon eeek!!! Xxx
thanks fi i cant believe it after trying for so long. I would love all my girlies to be joining me x
Trust me! I'm working on it xx

You must be so relieved, how long were you trying for?
OMG our 1st christmas BFP in this thread


Here's to a happy & healthy 8mths hunni :bump::yay::yay::yay:

2 Christmas BFP'S

Congratulations EMMA & AMYROSE :bfp:

Hopefully this is a lucky thread & there will be many more xmas bfps to follow soon.



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