The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

This is going to be such a lucky thread I can feel it come on my girlies I'm praying so hard for you all xxxx
Ah so glad you're joining me Amy!

:dust: for the rest of you ladies waiting for your Xmas BFPs! xxx
Congratulations :pompom: and like Star said Let this thread be a lucky one, looking good so far! Hope theres loads of xmas BFP's to come :) xx
I'm sticking close with this thread now seeing as it's a lucky one :) :lol:
Congrats again girlies.... how lovely to be able to let your families know for Xmas! :)

Come on everyone else, lets get our Xmas BFPs too!

well im gonna test again on saturday morning girls so im keeping everything crossed. hope this thread is lucky as iv been on it for weeks now xxxx
Goodluck bellarina fingers crossed, Hope we get lots more bfps this month :) xx
thanks hun. im loving seeing all these bfp's lately x
Good luck Bellarina! I'm sure it has got to be a BFP for you too by now!!
god i hope 5 minutes away from cd 49 lol iv never been one to be patient (3 weeks after getting engaged id booked and organised entire wedding, we wer married within 10 months) but i think 49 days is long enuff now xx
Well its 3:30am ... and I'm awake with abdo/back pain after having another series of mad pregancy dreams! Gah silly stupid brain.

I have peed 6 times since 8pm yesterday! Having had nothing to drink since then. I'm now ready to go again.

I'm only 4-5dpo and can't remember where star's symptom tracker is for this time.

I'm exhausted ... and sore. Stupid back!

I'll add here that I do have a quite a bad back injury from January (tore all the muscles in my lower back and have 2 prolapsed discs) so its not much to read into other than it hasn't been painful in aaaages

Tweetyfoo, hope you managed to get back to sleep and that your backs stopped hurting!
No change here this morning, ic's should arrive today so will test on Sunday if still no sign of AF .
How's everyone ??
Friday :dust: to all xxx
Tweety, I have really strong pinching in my abdomen. I think in general we're fairly early for symptoms still, but I've read it's not impossible!!

As I'm on my first month im taking note of all feelings so I don't get oberexciteable next month!!! Fx for us all though, we've still got a while to wait for the witch!!!

Jolly xxxx
Got back to sleep about 5ish .. generally feeling crappy today. Maybe its the excessive rain.

Oh crap .. the dog

Ahhhh if it's rainy where you are can you just have a nice cosy duvet day and relax?? I love rainy days!!! Xxxx
Soooo anyway ... yeah its raining a lot.

I have another day of studying ahead of me ... my hand is still sore from yesterday

Plus I feel all fluish ... bleargh, I am not a people person today ... good thing its just me and the dog!
hi girls i hope evry1s well :wave: i think i may have ov'd on monday just gone giving my temp raises the past few mornings so im back in here! i hav sensitive nipps today and last night, and iv had wierd cramps and pains since the weekend so i really am not sure wot dpo i am but im just gonna sit in here and wait it out! xxxx
sensitive nipples have been the first sign that i have been preggers each time i have had them :)
*pokes nips* yup they are sensitive ... woo hoo

Plus I havea 13yr old break out all across my jaw.

I defo have af type pains (which I never get till day of the witch normally)

I can't stop imagining the joy of telling my family that I'm preggers ... they have no idea we are trying. We have a pretty good alibi .. lol!

I really am starting to feel pregnant ... oh god I hope I am ... come on lucky thread!

I've already imagined telling my family by giving them grandma/pa cards from our little bean (they would be able to tell if I wasn't on the fizz over Xmas)!!! If dreaming helps us stay positive then why the hell not!!! My camps have moved round to the back this afternoon - I usually feel ov painsand have tender boobies for at but this is slightly new - 5dpo (I think) and already going slightly nuts...

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