The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

:hugs:sorry to hear that hana, dust your self down cause good things come to those who wait, am pretty sure your baby is being made by the angels & they will send him/her to mr storky to drop off to you very soon ;) thats the way i like to think xxx
4dpo for me. Last night i had period pain which lasted for a few seconds then got a sudden very sharp pain from my right ovary that made me screech! had no pain since, just woke up with a headache today & felt sick! :sick: its to early for implantation so i think i might be coming down with a cold cause i was sneezing a bit this morning.

I have creamy cm & my wee has been proper yellow & i drink 1litre or more of bottled water every day dont know why its that dark :shock: maybe its progesterone making it like that. My cervix is high closed & firm too, so thats good :dance: really hope i get my bfp this month :pray: i am gonna shoot myself if i dont LOL!!

How have you girls been. Anyone even tempted to do a pg test yet! ? :poas:
I aint even near implantation time & already i am looking at the hpts wanting to pee on one just to see what happens :rotfl:
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MEEEEEEEEEE!!!! :wall2: I am tempted but too early :eh:
Do you know I had a little pink when I wiped the other day, would have been either 5 or 6dpo (i think) I thought it was too early for implantation but found a website where women chart temperature etc. Alot of them were saying they experienced some cramping or a little spotting around this time and that they got a temp dip/rise (can't remember which it was) which indicated they had implantated on those days. All of the women on this thread that had this were pregnant in the end. I think implantation can maybe happen sooner than we think xx I hope you have a little one in there about to get cosy and comfy for 9 months!!

Wow! that was a long post, sorry :shock: xx

Btw, please don't shoot yourself, lol! xx
Looks like AF has got me as I've had blood when wiping this evening and I've felt so bloated all day today. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little bit disappointed but I'm more glad that everything is working okay after being on the pill for over 10 years. Roll on my next cycle so we can try again! x
Sorry to hear that Emma but understand that it is a little weight of your shoulders knowing that your body is getting back to normal since you been off the pill - now you just gota catch that egg! :) x
CBFM Buddy you said you was going to wait until 30th mmmmmm it is hard to wait isnt it! Good sign you got some pink stuff when you wiped HOPEFULLY YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET OUT THE CHAMPERS SOON.....Even though you will not be able to drink it! FX and Toes crossed! x
Hey Star33

Really good thread u started here even though its making me question every little twinge and symptom over the last few days! LOL

You saying about wee a few days ago mine was really smelly, was so bad I wanted to be sick - never been like that before, it only lasted a day though and I just thought it might be the vit tablets im taking but iv been on them for 1.5 months and not been like that before!?!
Lisey, implantation can happen as early as 5dpo, that sounds really promising for you this sounds like a implantation bleed :pompom: are you charting ? You can till if you have a embryo implanted by a temp drop then sudden rise. If your charting send me the link let me veiw it, i charted when i got pg with my 2nd that i lost but i knew i was pg by the temp drop & rise. Dont apoligise for a long post mine are always long, its good to see a long post, its better to have somthing to say than nothing to say ;) dont worry i wont shoot myself :gun: ... :rotfl: Tons of baby dust for ya hun :dust:

Emma :hugs:sorry to hear that. Are you sure its deffo af, is it continues bleeding ?
You can feel bloated when pg to you know. If it is Af then i suppose its good to know your cycles are back to normal. Like i said to hana dust yourself down, good things come to those who wait, the angels are making your little one & drop him/her off to you very soon ;) xx
CBFM Buddy you said you was going to wait until 30th mmmmmm it is hard to wait isnt it! Good sign you got some pink stuff when you wiped HOPEFULLY YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET OUT THE CHAMPERS SOON.....Even though you will not be able to drink it! FX and Toes crossed! x

Well I did think that date and then thought I should wait til AF actually due (2nd or 3rd, can't remember) but I dont know if I can even wait until the 30th now :wall2:
I was looking on that justmommies website that you told me about, where you enter your period date etc. It says testing could poss start on cycle day 23 for me...thats tomorrow (yikes :shock:)
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Lisey, implantation can happen as early as 5dpo, that sounds really promising for you this sounds like a implantation bleed :pompom: are you charting ? You can till if you have a embryo implanted by a temp drop then sudden rise. If your charting send me the link let me veiw it, i charted when i got pg with my 2nd that i lost but i knew i was pg by the temp drop & rise. Dont apoligise for a long post mine are always long, its good to see a long post, its better to have somthing to say than nothing to say ;) dont worry i wont shoot myself :gun: ... :rotfl: Tons of baby dust for ya hun :dust:


LOL. I didnt see that gun animation, otherwise I would have used it in my post, lol!
I'm not charting but when I was searching for things about early implantation, I came across a site where all the women were charting, they had some really interesting info on there...
I have been using the Clear blue fertility monitor (this being my first month). I also used some diggi opks that I had left over as I knew the monitor may not read me properly on the first month (making myself sound like a computer, lol).
It is possible that the pink could have been cos I had a urine infection at the time but I have never had any kind of bleeding when having a urine infection before. First time for everything tho, I guess!

Loads of luck to you too :dust:xx
:wave: Pinkbutterfly,

I thought it would do well, we all needed a place to chat in the 2ww didnt we.
I think it is the vitamins you know, what i think it is, is your kidneys flushing out the toxins which is not needed. Your body will absorb what it needs & will flush the rest of it out leaving your urine bright yellow.

Have you had any more twinges ? Heres some baby dust am splashing it around tonight, hehehe. :dust:xx

Today i did a hpt cause the bag of them was staring at me while i was on the toilet :blush: Hahahaha. Too early but i just had that :poas: ( URGE ) No more testing not gonna test till test day .... :nopoas:
CBFM Buddy you said you was going to wait until 30th mmmmmm it is hard to wait isnt it! Good sign you got some pink stuff when you wiped HOPEFULLY YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET OUT THE CHAMPERS SOON.....Even though you will not be able to drink it! FX and Toes crossed! x

Well I did think that date and then thought I should wait til AF actually due (2nd or 3rd, can't remember) but I dont know if I can even wait until the 30th now :wall2:
I was looking on that justmommies website that you told me about, where you enter your period date etc. It says testing could poss start on cycle day 23 for me...thats tomorrow (yikes :shock:)

Really - Wow how scary and exciting at the same time :test: or maybe you should wait a little longer!!! OWWWW this is driving me mad :looped: if you do I would use a good one but even those might not detect that early! mmmmmm

Does tomorrow count as after 12....I can stay on line?!!?!? LOL

Have you got any other symptoms today???

What do you think Star33???? What should she do?????????????x
:wave: Pinkbutterfly,

I thought it would do well, we all needed a place to chat in the 2ww didnt we.
I think it is the vitamins you know, what i think it is, is your kidneys flushing out the toxins which is not needed. Your body will absorb what it needs & will flush the rest of it out leaving your urine bright yellow.

Have you had any more twinges ? Heres some baby dust am splashing it around tonight, hehehe. :dust:xx

Today i did a hpt cause the bag of them was staring at me while i was on the toilet :blush: Hahahaha. Too early but i just had that :poas: ( URGE ) No more testing not gonna test till test day .... :nopoas:

Yeah think you are right but didnt get dark yellow wee.

No no symptoms today apart from my nipples are still really really sore! My OH has got no way of going near them while they are like this otherwise I will be using that gun! LOL x
LOL, i love it "lisas dilemma"
I think I am best to wait, tomorrow feels like it will be too early, I would be scared! :roll: but what do you think star? :)

I do have more signs...i have a real tugging/pulling sensation around belly button area. its quite uncomfortable, had it for the last half hour or so.
Today was the first day that I woke up feeling queasy and dizzy at times, that could be for standing up too quick. Boobs are also more tender (im not pinching them, i promise :shock:) All of these could just be AF signs but it is a little early for that.

How about you? any twinges, pains etc xx
Lol lisey as soon as i seen that gun animation i had to use it haha.

You can bleed when you have a water infection if its a really bad one, like hurts when you need to wee BUT you would prob only see bits of blood if you urinated into somthing clear so you could see it. Or if your gp did a dip stick which detects traces of blood when testing for a urine infections. If your urine infaction has gone now then it prob wont of been that. I think you should wait till your closer to your offical test day, you can buy the test 5 days before tests like first responce ;) I aint gonna be a poas pusher hahahaha, i have already tested today myself just for fun thats bad isnt it ROTFL!!

Pinkbutterfly, i think if she really wants to test then using a test early as 5days could give her a faint line IF she is bfp, it wont be dark though but a faint line 5 days before is just as good isnt it hehehe.

Have you had any more twinges, am sat with a hotwater bottle on my tummy, luke warm, watching the woman with no face on channel 5, who's watching it ?

I shouldnt of done that test cause when i saw bfn i just got this feeling am gonna get the same on test day! thats all am use to having now bfn bfn :( proper depressing,
Lol pinkbutterfly, do you get sore boobs when your due on or is this a new thing ? eek. xx
LOL, i love it "lisas dilemma"
I think I am best to wait, tomorrow feels like it will be too early, I would be scared! :roll: but what do you think star? :)

I do have more signs...i have a real tugging/pulling sensation around belly button area. its quite uncomfortable, had it for the last half hour or so.
Today was the first day that I woke up feeling queasy and dizzy at times, that could be for standing up too quick. Boobs are also more tender (im not pinching them, i promise :shock:) All of these could just be AF signs but it is a little early for that.

How about you? any twinges, pains etc xx

oooh these symptoms sounds promising! :) good luck Lisey!

I'm still having period like pains since this morning but no sign of the :witch: yet
Do the tea experiment again! LOL

No havent got any signs now really so all i am doing is hoping that my AF does not show yet for another week so that my L phase is 14 days (had pains yesterday so will prob show soon!) if i can get near 14 days I will be happy this month then it will be lots and lots of bonking next month!

Ohhhh my OH is soooo lucky!

p.s I just get him drunk! LOL x
Lol pinkbutterfly, do you get sore boobs when your due on or is this a new thing ? eek. xx
Yeah I do i am afraid otherwise this would be a very very good symptom! :(

Yeah im watching the say think....freaky isnt it....poor girl! Missed the first 10 mins though so didnt see how it happened.

I will have to start that journal you told me about soon! I will have a nose at your later if I get a change :) x

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