The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

I'm not sure Lisey as this is my first month off the pill, I think I may have ovulated around CD24/25 as I used OPKs on CD22,23,26,27 and only got faint lines on these dates but on CD24,25 the lines were considerably darker and not too far off the colour of the control line. These were One Step tests which I hear are not very reliable and I didn't have these earlier in my cycle so I'm really not sure to be honest. I did a HPT on Monday morning and got a BFN but still no signs of AF even though I've had a lot of cramping pains and sharp twinges on left side over the last 2-3 weeks.

I'm 10dpo today and tested yesterday and got bfn. Trying to resist the urge to test again until I'm officially late which will be on 1st Nov. Good luck to everyone if you're testing soon!x
I'm not sure Lisey as this is my first month off the pill, I think I may have ovulated around CD24/25 as I used OPKs on CD22,23,26,27 and only got faint lines on these dates but on CD24,25 the lines were considerably darker and not too far off the colour of the control line. These were One Step tests which I hear are not very reliable and I didn't have these earlier in my cycle so I'm really not sure to be honest. I did a HPT on Monday morning and got a BFN but still no signs of AF even though I've had a lot of cramping pains and sharp twinges on left side over the last 2-3 weeks.


oooh, sounding good for you :) xx
Hi girls!

Well I feel a little sick today but think its because I havent eaten and AF symptoms :( x
Sick is good (in regards to poss early preg symtoms) you get queasy around AF time usually?

One thing I noticed today was that I didnt drink much of my tea in the morning (I usually love my first cup of tea) but just wasn't bothered and with both pregnancies I have completely gone off tea!! :shock: xx
Owww Owwww make yourself another cup now and see if it makes you feel sick!

Sick is good....that made me giggle! LOL x
I'm not sure Lisey as this is my first month off the pill, I think I may have ovulated around CD24/25 as I used OPKs on CD22,23,26,27 and only got faint lines on these dates but on CD24,25 the lines were considerably darker and not too far off the colour of the control line. These were One Step tests which I hear are not very reliable and I didn't have these earlier in my cycle so I'm really not sure to be honest. I did a HPT on Monday morning and got a BFN but still no signs of AF even though I've had a lot of cramping pains and sharp twinges on left side over the last 2-3 weeks.


oooh, sounding good for you :) xx

Thanks, would really love to be one of the lucky ones and get a BFP the first month of ttc but know realistically chances are slim. x
I'm not sure Lisey as this is my first month off the pill, I think I may have ovulated around CD24/25 as I used OPKs on CD22,23,26,27 and only got faint lines on these dates but on CD24,25 the lines were considerably darker and not too far off the colour of the control line. These were One Step tests which I hear are not very reliable and I didn't have these earlier in my cycle so I'm really not sure to be honest. I did a HPT on Monday morning and got a BFN but still no signs of AF even though I've had a lot of cramping pains and sharp twinges on left side over the last 2-3 weeks.


oooh, sounding good for you :) xx

Thanks, would really love to be one of the lucky ones and get a BFP the first month of ttc but know realistically chances are slim. x

Well I am keeping everything crossed for you and really hope you are one of the lucky ones xx :)
these symptoms are all sounding really good girls i really hope we get loads of BFP's in november!! xxx
Haha the tea experiment made me laugh! :lol:

When's everyone testing? Excited to hear everyones results!

Who's charting too? I haven't been doing opks just charting.
Haha the tea experiment made me laugh! :lol:

When's everyone testing? Excited to hear everyones results!

Who's charting too? I haven't been doing opks just charting.

Yeah I wonder if she done it, hopefully she is being sick down the loo! :) Sick is good! x

When you testing Timtam x
im gong to test on sunday 6th i think...though i may not be able to resist testing on sat 5th...that would be cool on bonfire night :) xx
Haha the tea experiment made me laugh! :lol:

When's everyone testing? Excited to hear everyones results!

Who's charting too? I haven't been doing opks just charting.

Yeah I wonder if she done it, hopefully she is being sick down the loo! :) Sick is good! x

When you testing Timtam x

lol yeh sick is definitely good when you want to get preggers... any other time its nasty! lol

I tested at 9dpo but got bfn, planning to test on 1st Nov but im sure i won't be able to resist the urge to test this weekend!
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yeh would be cool to find out on bonfire night, good way to celebrate! :)
Timtam - What pregnancy test do you use? Iv got 2 First Response, iv hid them in a draw so I dont get tempted! LOL

Bellarina - If you test on bon night how many DPO will you be?

Im not actually thinking of being pregnant this month as I will just be happy to find out if my L Phase is at a good number i.e 12 days or more!

I finished OV 7 days ago but got AF pains so worried that its going to start great if dont get anything until next week then it will be 14 days but dont think thats going to happen as feel like its going to happen soon! :( x
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I've just been using one step ones I got free when i bought the Charting your way to fertility book. They allow you to test early apparently, but i might get some more mainstream ones too if I'm late for AF.

Pregnancy pains can be quite similar to AF pains can't they, so maybe its not AF coming? Think positive until she actually shows her face :)
I have a question for you guys, has anybody had implantation beeding? x
Think that can show approx 1 week after you have OV - do you think you had that???? x

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