The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Hey all!

Was sure AF got me during the night but woke up this morning and.....NOTHING! :holly: (that me in the morning) LOL :)

So as my peak days where on the 18th and 19th if im right i am now in the 9th day of my L that right?

Got AF pains but will be happy if I can get to 10 days (tomorrow) at least before it shows then I will start taking the B6 vits and that will hopefully build it up to 14 days!

Not got any other symptoms apart from af pains and sore nips. x
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Hey all!

Was sure AF got me during the night but woke up this morning and.....NOTHING! :holly: (that me in the morning) LOL :)

So as my peak days where on the 18th and 19th if im right i am now in the 9th day of my L that right?

Got AF pains but will be happy if I can get to 10 days (tomorrow) at least before it shows then I will start taking the B6 vits and that will hopefully build it up to 14 days!

Not got any other symptoms apart from af pains and sore nips. x

That icon is taking my attention too much-hard to type lol!
I think that is right, so what cycle day are you now? Its a longer cycle than you originally thought isnt it? could be a good sign :dance: xx
Hey all!

Was sure AF got me during the night but woke up this morning and.....NOTHING! :holly: (that me in the morning) LOL :)

So as my peak days where on the 18th and 19th if im right i am now in the 9th day of my L that right?

Got AF pains but will be happy if I can get to 10 days (tomorrow) at least before it shows then I will start taking the B6 vits and that will hopefully build it up to 14 days!

Not got any other symptoms apart from af pains and sore nips. x

That icon is taking my attention too much-hard to type lol!
I think that is right, so what cycle day are you now? Its a longer cycle than you originally thought isnt it? could be a good sign :dance: xx

Well my cycles used to be 28 days but had along cycle in July (42 days!! put it down to going on holiday, drinking, the sun etc.) and then 22, 23 days so now im on cd29 and got AF pains....confusing! But as long as the L phase is ok it doesnt really matter about how long your cycle is does it??? x
Hey all!

Was sure AF got me during the night but woke up this morning and.....NOTHING! :holly: (that me in the morning) LOL :)

So as my peak days where on the 18th and 19th if im right i am now in the 9th day of my L that right?

Got AF pains but will be happy if I can get to 10 days (tomorrow) at least before it shows then I will start taking the B6 vits and that will hopefully build it up to 14 days!

Not got any other symptoms apart from af pains and sore nips. x

That icon is taking my attention too much-hard to type lol!
I think that is right, so what cycle day are you now? Its a longer cycle than you originally thought isnt it? could be a good sign :dance: xx

Well my cycles used to be 28 days but had along cycle in July (42 days!! put it down to going on holiday, drinking, the sun etc.) and then 22, 23 days so now im on cd29 and got AF pains....confusing! But as long as the L phase is ok it doesnt really matter about how long your cycle is does it??? x

No, I don't think it matters. If you note down your days and keep a record you may notice a pattern. I have been keeping a diary for months and months with the dates and has been really helpful.
I think even a 10 day L phase is supposed to be ok isn't it?
I actually realised that my cycle is more 27 days (rather than 28) as I didnt realise that you don't count the day you start your period, you stop counting at the day before which makes sense as day of period is cycle day 1! such a donut!!! :whistle:
OOOHHHH!! I just saw on my ticker that the symtom for this dpo is bloating and I was thinking last night how bloated I feel and look, come on test day!! :clock:

You mean YOU DO count the first day of your period (CD1)? and then the last day of your cycle is the day before you come on again :)

Yeah they say 10 days is the min for implantation but better to get it to 12-14 days for a better little bed for the egg :) x

You mean YOU DO count the first day of your period (CD1)? and then the last day of your cycle is the day before you come on again :)

Yeah they say 10 days is the min for implantation but better to get it to 12-14 days for a better little bed for the egg :) x

Yep, thats right-well from what I have read. I always counted the day I came on as the last day :roll:
Correct me if I'm wrong anyone but it does make sense I guess.
Well I hope you are either preggers or that your L phase will be a little longer and then you can relax and get ready for next month :) xx
hey girls gad af hasnt got any of you today.....yes your CD1 is the first day of your period....and the last day of that cycle will be the day before your af arrives xxx
Afternoon ladies :)

Pinkfbutterfly, bellarena is right, day 1 is day of full red flow & the last day of your cycle will be the day before you period arrives :) Period pains could be somthing else hun fx.

Lisey, 9dpo you are eeek, bloating too hey, i got a positive at 9dpo you know. Am not pushing you to :test: ( honestly) :blush: :muaha: :rotfl: & here is me last night saying dont test yet! :oops: hehehe.

Early hrs this morning i had some weird quick like period pain but on one side, am wondering what it was :think: every twing or pain though am considering pregnancy related this 2ww is horrible lol!

Any plans for the weekend girls ?
Star, don't tempt me because it honestly won't take much, lol! I have some one step internet cheapies (but hear rubbish stuff about those) and of course the First response, I cant find on any of them here it says how sensitive they are.

My symptoms today;

queasy this morning; feels better after eating but don't fancy eating IYKWIM
pulling sensation all across belly button section
Annoying backache where I can't get comfy
Finding it hard to fall to sleep
horrible skin

Star; those twinges could be a good sign :dance: I really hope so :)

This weekend I plan on trying to resist the tests, going swimming with my son and OH tomorrow and then out for a romantic meal in the eve, just me and OH. Its dinner with champagne (good job I dont like champage :shock:) xx
Lisey, first responce are about 12ml VERY sensitive, loving your symptoms sounds very promising, cant pursued you then NO hahahahaha. Good on you sticking to it! dont blame you hun. Enjoiy swimming & a nice champagne dinner a glass of champers wont do no harm you can have a little drink 2 glasses of wine i think it is :) I'm staying in tonight, soaps, bb final & a dvd with a chinese takaway & hubbies company in my lovely toasty warm living room hehehe. xx
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Lisey, first responce are about 12ml VERY sensitive, loving your symptoms sounds very promising, cant pursued you then NO hahahahaha. Good on you sticking to it! dont blame you hun. Enjoiy swimming & a nice champagne dinner a glass of champers wont do no harm you can have a little drink 2 glasses of wine i think it is :) I'm staying in tonight, soaps, bb final & a dvd with a chinese takaway & hubbies company in my lovely toasty warm living room hehehe. xx

BB final?? I didnt think it was this week?? :shock: we will be in tonight too, I love a friday night in with all the good tv. I am seriously so sad. Most people my age have a social life, lol! (although, I am a mummy...thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it, lol).
I really hope these are signs and symptoms as I am going crazy otherwise :dohh: xx
well girls im taking DH out tonight for a meal and to cinema to see paranormal activity 3 (i must be mad!!) as its his birthday then doing my wifely duty for the first time this season and going to watch him play rugby. then in the night we are having a takeaway with my bro and his gf....sunday is then preparing for my mums birthday monday and also my DH's gramps funeral on monday so a bitter sweet weekend. Il try and come on here as often as i can but incase i dont get chance till sunday hope all ur witches stay away (even though its haloween) xxxx
Is hunger a always hungry so prob not! Dam it! LOL

So who is testing first? Im going to wait until 14/15 DPO so that 2/3rd Nov. x
Wow-Bellarina, you have got a busy weekend ahead xx

Pinkbutterfly-I think either increased or decreased appetite can be a symptom. I am gonna say its a symptom for you lol. Do you feel any different within yourself? I want you to have loads of symptoms so I am not the only mad one, :wall2:
I (think) may test Sunday morning. I should be testing on the same days as you though. :whistle::whistle: xx
Im going to my mates this weekend and going to see Noel Gallagher on Saturday night.

I think I might not be able to resist the urge to test tomorrow morning (will be 13dpo).
My mate wants me to test while at hers too.

Hope everyone has lovely weekends, will be checking in to see if anyone has any news :)

Dont think so, im a bit grumpy - im shouting at the screen when watching BB.....but then who doesnt!

No im more interested in you guys this month - I think you should all get your BFP and then I will get Jell (lol so Essex) and get my BFP next month :) x
Im going to my mates this weekend and going to see Noel Gallagher on Saturday night.

I think I might not be able to resist the urge to test tomorrow morning (will be 13dpo).
My mate wants me to test while at hers too.

Hope everyone has lovely weekends, will be checking in to see if anyone has any news :)


Have a lovely girl one hun, I love girl nights :) Chat about OH, Eat lots and gossip! Sounds great!!! xx
Im going to my mates this weekend and going to see Noel Gallagher on Saturday night.

I think I might not be able to resist the urge to test tomorrow morning (will be 13dpo).
My mate wants me to test while at hers too.

Hope everyone has lovely weekends, will be checking in to see if anyone has any news :)


Have a lovely night i like noels songs, i use to love oasis its sad the two brothers noel & liam dont speak anymore isnt it. Oasis was fab! 13dpo you should get a definate accurate result, are you gonna test at your friends house, ? Heres loads of baby dust for tomorrow testing if you do test :dust::dust: Goodluck hun. xx
Dont think so, im a bit grumpy - im shouting at the screen when watching BB.....but then who doesnt!

No im more interested in you guys this month - I think you should all get your BFP and then I will get Jell (lol so Essex) and get my BFP next month :) x

I dont shout at the tv screen when bb is on, but i do when corrie & eastenders is on if that makes you feel better :rotfl: sayin that i will be tonight if that arron dont get kicked out :evil: lol! hate that guy.

LOL! Jel you dont say reem to do you :rotfl: I love it!! love the only way is essex proper towie fan i am lol.


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