The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

8 dpo and no symptoms here

Unless you count the worst gas ever!

I feel like my stomach is full of air. It's quite painful and I feel like I've not stopped farting since yesterday afternoon. Poor hubby!
hey i think gas is a symtom isnt it?
xxxx oooo fx!!!
Haha. It would be totally me and hilarious to DH if my pregnancy symptoms was farting!

Gas is also a symptom of eating too much over the weekend - which I am guilty of!
Can I join you ladies...hate this part but with you lot to moan at I'm sure ull get me through it...

Pink Clara did u test???
Hi ladies rooting for you all, remember ladies ( Good things come to those who wait ) ;) xxxxxxxxx

Congratulations to Mrsw84 ;) just read the news in your journal. xxx

Welcome to the thread Mrs V :) xx
thanks satr im not celebratin just yet as lines are v faint going to wait for af on thurs and then do a digi on fri
ive just booked a docs appt for next fri in the hope that i will need it!!!!!!!
hope im not tempting fate!!
Looks very good to me them tests hun. No your not tempting fate, i understand what you mean though, i felt the same rushing into a ticker but all is good, ( hopefully ). I suppose you just have to say positive hun, i do think there really good lines so you are offically pg xx
Is it possible to 'ovulate' but not ovulate?? What I mean is, I had positive OPKs on CD 9, 10 and 11 and then it went negative on CD 12. Also on CD 12 my temp went high and has remained high ever since (see chart I'm now on 16dpo and no sign of AF and I'm definitely not pregnant so is it possible that I've not ovulated. Can you still get the positive OPKs and high temps even if an egg hasn't been released? x
Can I join you ladies...hate this part but with you lot to moan at I'm sure ull get me through it...

Pink Clara did u test???

hi girls/mrs v

well i caved in at lunchtime today........................................................................

have posted in am i pregnant?
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Can I join you ladies...hate this part but with you lot to moan at I'm sure ull get me through it...

Pink Clara did u test???

hi girls/mrs v

well i caved in at lunchtime today........................................................................

did two pound shop tests and they both have two faint pink lines; would ask for line spotters but clueless to upload pics (will try and figure it out):yay:
tbh i'm in a state of shock, but as the nausea turned to vomiting, i poured the coffee they made me at work down the sink today, so new there must be something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Woohoo!!! Congrats, iv been looking for you...made up for you:pompom: x x
Hey all. Due on at end of the week dreading AF showing up! :(

My 'symptoms' this month are very minimal :/

Had sore BBs since very start of 2ww and my nips starting getting sore a few days ago. Other than that had creamy cm (which is normal for me) and cramping started a few days ago on and off. FX its not AF on her way but seems it!

Good luck to all due to test and congrats all who got their BFPs this month :)

Is it possible to 'ovulate' but not ovulate?? What I mean is, I had positive OPKs on CD 9, 10 and 11 and then it went negative on CD 12. Also on CD 12 my temp went high and has remained high ever since (see chart I'm now on 16dpo and no sign of AF and I'm definitely not pregnant so is it possible that I've not ovulated. Can you still get the positive OPKs and high temps even if an egg hasn't been released? x

Yes you can still have a positive opk but not actually ovulate. The only way you can tell if you did ovulate is a follicle ultrasound scan to see if there is a follicle that has actually burst. You can still produce high lh hormone from your ovary & if you dont ovulate then usually your ovary will try to ovulate again hence some people wonder why they have a 2nd positive opk like 5 days after there 1st positive opk & this is why.

Some follicles dont contain a egg so ( Yes ) it is possible to still have a positive ovulation test & not actually ovulate. A progesterone rise indicates ovulation & a blood test cd21 can confirm if ovulation did happen due to the progesterone rise which is produced from the follicle that you ovulated from. But no one will know if that follicle contained a egg as some follicles contain no eggs.

We will never know if we ovulate but we can only go by the sticks we use & as for me i had a scan because i used fertility meds so i suppose no woman will ever know if they did actually ovulated unless they get tests or scan to confirm if they did. We can ovulate bed the right times & still not get pg, it happens its nature, it dont mean there is anything wrong its just hit & miss & all down to luck really.

Ever seen the journey of the sperm video ? There is a link to it on here some where, watching that makes you aware of what sperm have to do to get to that egg, it makes sence to why we dont get pg so quickly. How long have you been ttc for ? If you was ttc for about 12mths then i would seek further advice from your gp as your entitled to be refared to a fertility dr if you have been ttc for up to 12mths or more. I wouldnt worry to much at the moment hun, ( Good things come to those who wait ) stay positive, it will happen for you sweetie. xx

Congratulations Pinkclara. This thread i started sure is a ( Lucky thread ) all the xmas bfps & many more bfps to come :dance: rooting for you girls in the 2ww xxxx
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Thanks Star for your reply. Was a very interesting read. Haven't been trying for long but we're stopping for the time being as OH had a VR and his post-op results weren't brilliant. I'm just trying to get in tune with my cycle in the mean time until he gets sorted (hopefully!). I wonder what the high temps are due to then if it's not ovulation. I always thought the high temps were due to an increase in progesterone level but I guess they could be down to a whole number of reasons. Why does the human body have to be so complicated! xx
Yeh sustained high temperatures are the only way to pretty much confirm ovulation other than ultrasound. Apparently 18 or more high temps its likely your pregnant. Thats what it says in the fertility book ive read. So In Dreams I reckon you have ovulated if you've got sustained high temps since your pos opk. But there may be rare cases where people haven't so I'm not 100% sure, 99% though!x
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Just looked at your chart, it clearly shows ovulation to me and FF says so too. Sorry to read that you're having a tough time with your OH op results. Hope things work themselves out. :hugs:
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im now on cd50 and have had 24 days of sustained temps but not preg! soooooo frustrated just waiting
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Thanks Timtam x Hmm wonder what is going on with me then. Still got high temps at 16dpo and no sign of AF. Definitely can't be pregnant. Starting to think that it's going to be another long cycle, although if I did ovulate as the temps suggest I did then AF should be here by 17dpo as the luteal phase cannot be longer than 16 days, right?? Starting to think something dodgy is going on with my body!
Hey all! Sorry In Dreams I havent got a answer for you but hope you get it soon....I have a 16 day L phase and heard that that is pretty much the max so will also be interested in finding out your answer! :)

Just wanted to post in here as im 1DPO Yippee! and I have missed posting in here as didnt even know I OV last month so didnt get a chance then! :(

Looking forward to symptom spotting with you all! :0) FX for all our xmas BPF! :) x
That's ok Pink Butterfly! I'll be interested to find out myself, it certainly is a mystery at the moment! Good luck to you for this month, hope you get some good news x

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