The (Lucky) 2ww cycle buddies chat & symptom spot.

Is sore throat at around 7DPO a symptom? I also have creamy sticky CM...? Trying not to get my hopes too high! :)
hey you fi, dont be sending members elsa where rotfl! still post here clairabella, this is the ( LUCKY) thread ;)

Vid-81 sounds good hun fingers crossed sweetie :) x x

Lisey, 6dpo today for you wahoo & implantation will happen today or tomorrow woop woop Fingers crossed sweetie x x

Goodluck ladies, dropping off lots of ( Baby dust ) x x x x ( Merry christmas & Happy new year ) x x x
Hi - posted this in the Dec Testing thread by mistake - should have posted it here! Durr, I must have a Christmas brain - all confused!!

Sorry the witch got you Sarah and Kaw, FX for the New Year!

I was wondering - is it better to calculate due date of af by luteal phase or by typical cycle length?

I am using CBFM so I know exactly when I OV and length of LP.....but when I was using the test predictor thingy on countdowntopregnancy, it didn't take into account my LP, just average cycle length.

I hope that makes sense?!!!

It's just that if I go by LP, af is due today (has hasn't shown up yet - hurrah!) - but if I go by average cycle length then I'm not due til 24th.

This is so confusing!! Hope that this makes some sense....!!
Hi - posted this in the Dec Testing thread by mistake - should have posted it here! Durr, I must have a Christmas brain - all confused!!

Sorry the witch got you Sarah and Kaw, FX for the New Year!

I was wondering - is it better to calculate due date of af by luteal phase or by typical cycle length?

I am using CBFM so I know exactly when I OV and length of LP.....but when I was using the test predictor thingy on countdowntopregnancy, it didn't take into account my LP, just average cycle length.

I hope that makes sense?!!!

It's just that if I go by LP, af is due today (has hasn't shown up yet - hurrah!) - but if I go by average cycle length then I'm not due til 24th.

This is so confusing!! Hope that this makes some sense....!!

Hi hun you count the first day of period to the time you come on. So count your last month cycle from day 1 of bleed to the date you started bleeding again. Thats your length & the day you are next due on af. Cycles can vary each month but go with your last cycle :) Lutal phase is just the 2ww window, you count that from the day after ovulation to the day you come on your next period, thats how you count your lutal phase which is the length of time a embryo has to fertilise & implant. Goodluck sweetie. ;) x
Thanks Star33,

So if I go by my average cycle of 30 days, that means that I am due on 24th, which will give me a 17 day LP in instead of 11...I though that the LP couldn't vary that much?

Sorry if I am being dense - natually blonde and sometimes it shows!! lol
My L phase has changed more than 4 days in fact its currently 8 days longer than octobers. Cycle length is a good guide and if you chart your symptoms it does make it so much easier to see where you are.
I put ovulation day at the middle of the chart.
Good luck
x Daisy
My L phase has changed more than 4 days in fact its currently 8 days longer than octobers. Cycle length is a good guide and if you chart your symptoms it does make it so much easier to see where you are.
I put ovulation day at the middle of the chart.
Good luck
x Daisy

Thanks Daisy.

My reading suggests that the LP can vary 1-3 days per month, but everyone is different, some peoples don't ever change and some peoples vary quite a lot.

From what I have read, cycle length doesn't really come into it if you know when you OV and how long your LP is. The follicula phase (freom Day 1 of your cycle to Ovulation) is the bit that can change the most and seems to dictate whether each cycle is longer, shorter or the same as previous cycles.

This month I OV'd early according to my CBFM (day 13/14 rather than day 19/20) so therefore I think my cycle will be shorter - if the LP stays the same as previous months at 11 days. So instead of a 30/31 day cycle this month 'should' be more like 25/26.

The annoying thing is that all the online calculators that I have managed to find go off cycle length and a mid cycle OV....rather than taking into account each individual month and the variations from month to month.

It's a bit of a nightmare to know, I guess the only real way to know is to just wait and see if af arrives or not.....

I am such a control freak - I literally spent all afternoon researching this!!!! Before I was TTC I didn't even know what length my cycles were, and I def didn't care! lol

Hey girls just a quick one to say hi and hope ur all OK and also there has been a serious lack of AF eeeek! Usually get brown spotting by now and there's nothing!
Good luck daisypurple :dust:

Mouse, I am the same, total control freak! I think the luteal phase generally differs only by a day or two like you said although there obv are exceptions to the rule. I have also read that its the follicular (spelling) phase that is more likely to change. We obv love google lol. So how many dpo are you? sorry if you already said xx
Good luck all ladies in 2ww :dust: I'll be joining you very soon! :D x x
Hi all, I've never tried grouping and chatting during the 2ww before but my testing day is 25th dec, I'm going to give it 16 days just to be sure :) I'm currently 10 dpo and am driving myself insane with symptoms as I had absolutely
None last month. For the last few days I have been having horrendous mood swings, this is so unusual for me so could this be a symptom? Had a bit of mild cramping and yesterday there was 1 very light pink spot in my pants (tmi sorry!). Tried to talk to Oh but he seemed Nervous (symptoms sound a hell of a lot like af) and no one else knows we are ttc. I am literally driving myself mad!
Sorry for my absence ladies, its been a crazy few days here at purple HQ what with one thing or another, and just grabbing the odd minute on tapatalk here and there, well its AF due day today and so far no signs at all! It is usual for me to get warning spotting day before, and there is nothing yet! I don't have any tests as after this many months of trying and getting negatives I thought I'd save my money! And now I'm tempted to go out and buy one! Ooerr!! Good luck to all :dust: xx
Good luck daisypurple :dust:

Mouse, I am the same, total control freak! I think the luteal phase generally differs only by a day or two like you said although there obv are exceptions to the rule. I have also read that its the follicular (spelling) phase that is more likely to change. We obv love google lol. So how many dpo are you? sorry if you already said xx

Hi lisey27,

I am peeing all the time lately - not because I have to but just to check af hasn't arrived!! Soooo pathetic isn't it?!

So my last LP was 11 days - today makes my LP 12 days long (12DPO) and no sign of af - that's got to be a little bit hopeful right??

I'm going to wait until Fri before testing tho, cuz I'm a scardey-cat!

Whereabouts on your cycle are you?

Good luck daisypurple :dust:

Mouse, I am the same, total control freak! I think the luteal phase generally differs only by a day or two like you said although there obv are exceptions to the rule. I have also read that its the follicular (spelling) phase that is more likely to change. We obv love google lol. So how many dpo are you? sorry if you already said xx

Hi lisey27,

I am peeing all the time lately - not because I have to but just to check af hasn't arrived!! Soooo pathetic isn't it?!

So my last LP was 11 days - today makes my LP 12 days long (12DPO) and no sign of af - that's got to be a little bit hopeful right??

I'm going to wait until Fri before testing tho, cuz I'm a scardey-cat!

Whereabouts on your cycle are you?


Thats definately hopeful. I am the same in regards to going to check all the time. I am only 7dpo, I am testing xmas eve :shock: nervous! You are so patient to wait to Friday but if you can then thats great as then there is less chance of having to tilt the test, hold up the light, hold up to the window (these are the things I do, lol) xx
Hi all, I've never tried grouping and chatting during the 2ww before but my testing day is 25th dec, I'm going to give it 16 days just to be sure :) I'm currently 10 dpo and am driving myself insane with symptoms as I had absolutely
None last month. For the last few days I have been having horrendous mood swings, this is so unusual for me so could this be a symptom? Had a bit of mild cramping and yesterday there was 1 very light pink spot in my pants (tmi sorry!). Tried to talk to Oh but he seemed Nervous (symptoms sound a hell of a lot like af) and no one else knows we are ttc. I am literally driving myself mad!

Mood swings are definately a symptom-the last time I got my BFP I hated my OH a few days before-for no reason, I was just all over the place, moodswings were terrible and I love my OH really lol xx
Sorry for my absence ladies, its been a crazy few days here at purple HQ what with one thing or another, and just grabbing the odd minute on tapatalk here and there, well its AF due day today and so far no signs at all! It is usual for me to get warning spotting day before, and there is nothing yet! I don't have any tests as after this many months of trying and getting negatives I thought I'd save my money! And now I'm tempted to go out and buy one! Ooerr!! Good luck to all :dust: xx

Oooooh, exciting :test: xx
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Good luck daisypurple :dust:

Mouse, I am the same, total control freak! I think the luteal phase generally differs only by a day or two like you said although there obv are exceptions to the rule. I have also read that its the follicular (spelling) phase that is more likely to change. We obv love google lol. So how many dpo are you? sorry if you already said xx

Hi lisey27,

I am peeing all the time lately - not because I have to but just to check af hasn't arrived!! Soooo pathetic isn't it?!

So my last LP was 11 days - today makes my LP 12 days long (12DPO) and no sign of af - that's got to be a little bit hopeful right??

I'm going to wait until Fri before testing tho, cuz I'm a scardey-cat!

Whereabouts on your cycle are you?


Thats definately hopeful. I am the same in regards to going to check all the time. I am only 7dpo, I am testing xmas eve :shock: nervous! You are so patient to wait to Friday but if you can then thats great as then there is less chance of having to tilt the test, hold up the light, hold up to the window (these are the things I do, lol) xx

Hey lovely (aka lisey!),
Christmas eve??! Eeek!!!! I'll keep everything crossed for you!

It's easy to be patient at first though isn't it?! Come tomorrow (if af hasn't arrived) then I'll be climbing the walls!!

I want to wait a minimum of 14 DPO, which would be Wed....and I don't get af by Wed that means I am def late as LP would be then 4 days longer than normal. ARGH, I soooooo hope it doesn't come!! No sign of it today yet....

I was woken up at 1:30am by my OH who wanted bedroom shennanigans...and afterwards I just couldn't sleep for thinking about hopefully being up the duff. :clock:

It's like half of me believes I am and I am constantly thinking about it, and the other half of me is being all realistic and trying to prepare to be disappointed....maybe this is why the first few weeks of pregnancy is so tiring - nothing to do with hormones and all to do with the stress of it!!! lol


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