The Gestational Diabetes support thread

How are you feeling about it?

I had it too, was hard work resisting all the carbs and sweets but totally worth it as my girl was born at a normal weight and had no problems afterwards.

Have they said what their plan is for you?

On the plus side you'll get extra growth scans so will get to see bubs more! And it's not permanent. AND it definitely helped me not put on more weight while pregnant, which was a bonus lol.

Hope you're feeling ok, I was really upset when I found out but once I got used to it it wasn't so bad. Made my OH eat the same as me too so wasn't tackling it alone :)


Tbh it's been the kick up the bum that I've needed! I have piled on the pounds recently and now it's serious and I have no choice but to sort it out! The diet alone seems to be controlling things so hopefully I can carry on with dieting instead of needing insulin x
All of a sudden my reading are getting really high!! Anyone else had this after managing it well? X
Had it for 2 weeks and have to start metformin (2 readings above 8) trying really hard all the sweets and choccies are gone, but the carbs is the harder bit especially when at times I am so hungry I could bite someones arm off.
Yeah my Down fall is the carbs, I normally have toast for breakfast but that has to go now.

Really hoping I'm not put on insulin :-( have to goto the hospital Friday to the diabetes centre x
Got consultant on Wed been on metformin for 2 days seems to be helping the sugars.
Took my first shot of insulin tonight, took me about ten minutes to pluck up the courage to do it but I got there in the end! X
Well done on plucking up the courage to jab yourself. The metformin is working so far. I have a scan at 36 weeks as baby breech on last scan. Growth all ok.
Hi ladies I am just wondering if any if you had GD in previous pregnancies and if so how early did you get tested this time round? I had insulin controlled GD with my last baby x
Hi ladies I am just wondering if any if you had GD in previous pregnancies and if so how early did you get tested this time round? I had insulin controlled GD with my last baby x

I had GD in my last pregnancy and have been referred to the Diabetes clinic straight away in this pregnancy (I'm only 6 weeks but have an appointment with them this week!) I've basically been told I have to act like I have GD this time and adjust my diet. I'm going to be given a blood sugar monitor at my appointment and have to see how things go.

Hi everyone, Im currently 38+2 so time is nearly up! And I've been diagnosed with gestational diabetes since around 27 weeks I've found it fine only the occasional high blood after I've had a treat which is obviously normal. The baby was big but has recently (on my 36 weeks scan) edged back to the average size, tummy is also measuring at the right amount of weeks. I'm just a little scared, I know I shouldn't but I've been watching the midwives programme on bbc2 and all they talk about in relation to GD is stillborns just makes me so scared and teary. We've waited 5 years for this so just feeling a bit down :( like it's all my fault :( xxx

They've also decided to let me go to my due date which is the 2nd & induce me on the 4th if I've not naturally gone x
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It's not your fault love! I'm sure everything will be fine with you and baby and before you know it you'll be celebrating with a massive piece of cake :) As you said yourself, you've only had a few high readings, and baby is measuring bang on. Try not to worry, I know it's hard but positive vibes are what you need xxx
Diagnosed with GD yesterday. Fasting glucose of 9.4 and something over 10 (stopped listening at that point) after the lucozade. Dad has type 2 diabetes, but having looked at some journal articles on GD I see it's also linked to pre-eclampsia, which I had last pregnancy. I'm off to the hospital today. Have no idea whether it can be controlled by diet alone as I've eaten really healthily this pregnancy (actually had cravings for salads!). Not fussed about tablets or injections if I have to. As long as it's no worse than injecting fragmin, I think I'll be ok. Just a little bit of a shock.

Loving the NHS risk factors for GD, especially: high BMI (mine's 21) and previous baby weighed 10lb or more (mine weighed 3lb 11oz). Oh, the irony... :roll:
I had fragmin in my last pregnancy and I was also insulin dependant! The needle for the insulin pens is only about 4mm big, I used to inject in my leg and couldn't feel a thing!! The fragmin was worse but think that's because the put it in my arm lol x
Hi all, I was diagnosed with GD yesterday after a positive GTT test - am completely devastated I was aiming for a home birth but not allowed now, straight into delivery suite - due to bad experiences I have a complete phobia of being in the hospital and can't get bad scenarios out of my head now I've read the risks for GD - pls tell me it's ok??!
Hi hun, i was diagnosed with GD at the beggining of nov and altho the diet has been challenging it really hasnt been as bad as i imagined. They keep a close eye on you which is nice and im being induced next tues(14th)which i didnt want but im now kind of glad. I am not looking foreward to being hosp tho ive never stayed in hosp overnight so im dreading that but i know it will b all worth it in the end.

I try not to worry about what cud happen to bubs bacuase i know they will b mointoring us both closely and hopefully positive thinking all will b well.

Michelle. x
Please don't worry! They will keep a very close eye on you and baby. I had it during pregnancy and managed mostly on diet until towards the end when I was given metformin.
I was going to be induced around due date but my waters went on their own.
My little girl was a dinky 7lb 3oz and as healthy as can be :) the overnight stay was not a big deal as I was so tired anyway and they were just checking her blood sugars. It was even quite nice to have some quiet time after all the excitement iykwim? We were home by tea time the following day :)
Follow your mw's advice and you'll be just fine xxx
Hi all, I was diagnosed with GD yesterday after a positive GTT test - am completely devastated I was aiming for a home birth but not allowed now, straight into delivery suite - due to bad experiences I have a complete phobia of being in the hospital and can't get bad scenarios out of my head now I've read the risks for GD - pls tell me it's ok??!

I didn't read anything about the risks of GD when I was diagnosed. I had to go straight onto metformin as I have a low-normal BMI, my diet was already really good and I found that even tiny amounts of sugar were dramatically increasing my blood sugars. Testing my blood sugars 4 times a day was kind of annoying, but not really an issue. The metformin gave me stomach ache for 2 days, then it was absolutely fine.

I also got diagnosed with polyhydramnios (excess fluid). They were talking about inducing me at 38 weeks, this was moved to 37 once the fluid levels were too high. I opted for a c-section due to my experience of induction with my first baby. My son was born at exactly 37 weeks, weighing 7lb 9oz and very healthy! No issues whatsoever.

Anyhow, the upshot is: please don't worry, it'll all be fine - the main thing is that they've found you've got it and they can keep a close eye on you. You and your baby will be just fine xx
How was your elective section Ella? I am booked in for one on the 11th feb x
My sister had GD three times and the last one was very tough for her. It was crucial for her to consult a doctor and follow an ideal healthy gestational diabetes recipes plan.

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