The Gestational Diabetes support thread

How was your elective section Ella? I am booked in for one on the 11th feb x

Absolutely fine, thanks! 100 times better than my emergency section. Very calm, relaxed and I got to hold my baby straight afterwards. Hope yours goes well x
Pretty good, thanks. Scar's all fine - numb like last time, but no weird pains in it. I've had a bit of backache after this one but think that's because I got so big! I'm only 5'2" and had the most huge bump! Mostly fluid as it turned out. Daniel was a healthy 7lb 9oz, no diabetes issues and I've just had my repeat GTT to check all is good and it is!
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Excellent news. I am only 5ft 2 too....I also have a pretty decent bump on me!!! X
Hi ladies, I had my glucose test on Monday and have received a letter in the post this morning from the hospital confirming that I have GD. I'm a little worried and concerned for the baby, I have to go to the hospital on the 5th and again on the 11th. Hoping I can control it with diet alone, my sister has had diabetes since she was 4, so I have grown up seeing her test her blood sugars regular and inject herself twice a day with insulin.

I'm a little scared :sad:
I had this in my last pregnancy so being kept an eye on this time around.. Had my GTT done at 17weeks.. Reading before 4.1..reading after lucozade 5.9! So I'm classed as ok at the moment but come the next test I'm not sure I'm going to do so well! Cutting out most sugars but not carbs just yet.. Just trying to change to brown everything! My dad and sister have type 2 so I feel doomed! My level in my last pregnancy after the lucozade hit 9.4 that was at 30 weeks.. I was out on diet control and never had a reading over 10.. My midwife feels I can avoid it but a nurse said not a chance it will come back in the later stages again.. Has this happened to anyone?x
Hi ladies, I had my glucose test on Monday and have received a letter in the post this morning from the hospital confirming that I have GD. I'm a little worried and concerned for the baby, I have to go to the hospital on the 5th and again on the 11th. Hoping I can control it with diet alone, my sister has had diabetes since she was 4, so I have grown up seeing her test her blood sugars regular and inject herself twice a day with insulin.

I'm a little scared :sad:

Try not to worry - I know it's difficult. But the hospital will keep an eye on everything and make sure baby's ok. I had a blood sugar machine to test myself 4 times a day and extra scans to check that my baby wasn't growing too big. I had to take metformin. Popping 3 tablets a day wasn't much of a problem either and I only had side effects from them for a couple of days while my body got used to them. Tablets were stopped as soon as my baby was born. He was (and is) perfectly healthy, no blood sugar problems at all.

I hope that's of help xx
has anyone been asked to hand express milk in the last few weeks of pregnancy? ive been asked to hand express due to gd from 36 weeks. I am on asprin due to being overweight also but i have read that you shouldn't breastfeed if you are on asprin. does anyone know if you can hand express in pregnancy if on asprin? x
Hi all, is this thread still active. Been diagnosed with GD today, haven't heard from diabetic unit yet. Not sure what I'm doing other than cutting out the sweet stuff!! Can I still eat fruit and drink fruit juice? Thanks in advance xx
Hey Hun. Fruit and fruit juice will most prob be a no go. Main things are swap white for brown ie pasta etc cut out the sweet stuff unfortunately :( hopefully your diabetes team will give you a meter so you can test your sugars. Did they give you any idea what you levels were? Xx
They were 4.0 before and 8.1 after. Haven't heard from diabetic team yet. Thanks xx
Often it depends on how your diet was before your diagnosis. Mine was pretty good in that I barely ate anything sweet. I found it impossible to reduce my blood sugars on diet alone (my readings were hideous though - 9.4 fasting and 10.2 after 2 hours!!!) and ended up on metformin. All ok though, perfectly healthy baby. It can be a bit of a pain testing your blood sugars (I had to do it 4 times a day from 29-37 weeks), but other than that it wasn't all that bad.

8.1 doesn't seem too high so you might find that little tweaks to your diet will sort things out xx
Hi ladies looking for reassurance and advice. I mite be panicking over nothing but so far nothing has gone right with this pregnancy. I have mild HG and have been so ill since week 6. I also been having extreme dizziness blurred vision headaches and been very thirsty. The doc decided to do some bloods to check for anything else going on. The receptionist phoned this morning to say doc not happy with my blood glucose level and need bloods re done in 4 weeks. What do u think this means?? Could I possibly develop gestational diabetes?? I'm not in the high risk category I'm not overweight and hav no family history of diabetes xxx
Ihey Hun, I'm wondering if the dizziness is Hypoglycaemia not diabetes which is where it's really low. In which case they can be corrected with diet. It could be GD in which case you will be well looked after xxxx
hello there.

just a bit of reassurance needed. My daughter is 25 weeks (well was Sunday) and was measuring 30 cm fundal height. Had growth scan - baby in normal range but fluid increased so it could be that she has GD. GTT test Monday and another scan the following Monday. it's all a bit scary (no idea why as I've got type II but never had GD). I'm ok with the diet thing - well she can follow what I take (GI diet - works for me..) but is there anything special she has to include as she's pregnant. I know they'll give advice at the hospital (if she is that is - she met a diabetic midwife whe went to make an appointment for the GTT test and she looked at the results and said she might not be) - just waiting I guess.. they guestimate the baby's weight so far at 2lb but I know that's just a guestimate. thanks
Try not to worry. I followed a low carb diet when I was pregnant as advised by my dietician. For now until she gets the official results I would suggest swapping white for bread and cutting out the glaribgly obvious crappy foods like cakes, crisps etc. Once diagnosed she will have access to a dietician who will advise more specifically!!

I have type 2 as a result of GD :( x
hi there.

daughter's bloods have come back high (7.8) so she's on insulin.. any advice on the finger pricking - her fingers don't want to give up blood!!! thanks
grannyw- tell her to try putting her fingers in warm water for a few mins to get the blood to the surface, I am finger pricking about 8 times a day and mine have got to that stage.
Hope it works for her x
Thanks toffeegirl - we looked on line and that was suggested - also pricking finger whilst finger is pointing downwards. She did it this morning and it didn't work - I don't think she's pressing enough as when did it for her once it started it bled!..

Her pre-breakfast reading was high (9.2) - she's on ordinary insulin 3 times a day then nightime insulin - does it take a little while to sort dosage out - she's got another appointment with the diabetic midwife next Tuesday (we've got a 4d scan on Sunday, then she's got a growth scan Monday and now this one - lots more appointments I guess but as long as she and the sprog are ok then that's all that counts).
I have been diabetic for 11 years, now having my first baby. I have to say it will take a while to get the balance of insulin right.
Another way to get the blood is to turn up the needle on the machine or press finger for a few seconds before pricking it.
Hope she sorts it out soon x

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